View Full Version : I asked for it, and got it!

28th February 2012, 02:51 PM
This is intended to be a boost in confidence for those who practice energy work/meditate/try to astral project. It happened to me yesterday while meditating.

I had been doing the 5 minute practices before going on to practicing trance work. The breathing, the energy work and energy raising was done and I decided to do the trance pracitice to some binaural sound, just to try it out. I chose the Hemisync tapes "Introduction to focus 10" as I like Robert Monroes calm voice.
When putting on the the headphones I almost imediatelly felt a minor surge through my body, a calming wave which is very rare for me to have. And as I was guided down to focus 10 the feeling stayed but increased to get me even more calmer. During the guidance my body had numbed and i felt that my conciousness was very separated from my body.
When the counting to Focus 10 was over I did the elevator technique and after that I just stayed in that state trying to just be. I have been here alot of times now and it is time to go further I tought.
What I did was to affirm that now it is okay, now it is time, for my higher self or a guide to bring me further down the road of developement.
I only asked this 2 or 3 times when I suddently plunged deeper and deeper into a completely different state of awareness. Someone or something had answered my call. For real. And the best part is that I believe it.
The feeling of beeing in this deeper trance state was something I'v only experinced once or twice before. Even though I knew my body was uppright in a sitting position it felt as if I'd tilted 70 degrees to the left. A remarkable feeling but a nice confirmation that something is happening/developing.

Just wanted to share this as an inspiration to others.

PS. I dont know if this has anything to do with my success, but the days before this happened I had'nt been doing any meditation or trance work at all. Guess I was really grounded before pratice this time.


28th February 2012, 06:18 PM
Well done, Sirius.

And the good news? Once you hit these "states" once, it becomes more natural to hit them again and again. It used to take me two hours to get into a trance. I'm down to 20 minutes on average.

Looking forward to hearing more!

28th February 2012, 10:41 PM
Very cool, Linus.
Coincidentally, Casey over at the EIC spoke of having been projecting every time she asks for help in doing this.
Or maybe, there are no coincidences. :-)

28th February 2012, 10:58 PM
Even though I knew my body was uppright in a sitting position it felt as if I'd tilted 70 degrees to the left. A remarkable feeling but a nice confirmation that something is happening/developing.

I should have commented on this in my original, but I can't resist because I think this is one of more interesting aspects of what happens when the brain lets go: it looses organizational sense of the body. When I meditate, I fold right hand on top of left and place them in my lap. About ten or 15 minutes in, I feel like I've got my hands wedged together between finger joints in some weird pose, then it's as if I have no hands at all. Then I'll feel my my feet as if they're stacked when, in fact, they're flat on the floor. And the best of all? Hearing yourself snore when you really get body asleep, mind awake! Of course, you're younger and may not be a snorer, but you'll get there ; )


29th February 2012, 06:50 AM
Very cool, Linus.
Coincidentally, Casey over at the EIC spoke of having been projecting every time she asks for help in doing this.
Or maybe, there are no coincidences. :-)
I have tought about this and at first I could'nt believe that I could have a guide. I have never felt the precence of one and so I'v never tought about it. But it have gotten to me more and more and my mind have begun thinking that everyone have a guide of some sort. Perhaps not everyone gets an answer when calling out for help but it seems that this time I got some. At least thats what I think. If not from a guide, then from something else. Perhaps my higher self.

29th February 2012, 06:54 AM
And the best of all? Hearing yourself snore when you really get body asleep, mind awake! Of course, you're younger and may not be a snorer, but you'll get there ; )
:D I have not gotten to the point of real mind awake, body asleep yet. But the time will come. And as for the snoring.. I hope I wont because my fiance would kick my ass ;)

I recognize all the other feelings you describe and I get them in light trance states, the place where I have most experience. I'v just come to love that place but offcource I want to go deeper.

6th March 2012, 07:20 AM
Once you hit these "states" once, it becomes more natural to hit them again and again. It used to take me two hours to get into a trance. I'm down to 20 minutes on average.

I'm starting to notice this now to. I'm down to maybe 35 minutes now even though the trance is'nt equally deep every time. Next week is energy body loosening, will be interesting.

10th March 2012, 07:14 AM
What you guys/ gals consider to be your higher self or guide I call God. Also Sirius btw if you associate your mind as your brain then why are you self aware and why isn't an elephant or whale which has a much bigger brain than you or a super computer for that matter? I believe rationally that your mind and your brain are two separate things and that this could very well be the reason for your dissassociation from your body during trance meditative energy work as I would say it is the equivalent of the spirit moving about you causing these feelings and trying to tell you something but take this as you will of course

10th March 2012, 02:45 PM
...if you associate your mind as your brain then why are you self aware and why isn't an elephant or whale which has a much bigger brain than you or a super computer for that matter?

Sorry to jump in here on a question for Sirius, but as I understand your point, thedevil, you've stated that elephants and whales have no self-awareness, or at least not the same as a human, correct? I may have misunderstood.

But if that is your point...

I'm curious how you arrived at this conclusion with certainty.

More, I'm curious about the thinking that lumps whales, elephants, or other living creatures with silicon chips and relegates all to the same level of self-awareness, or not, as you suppose.

Just curious.


10th March 2012, 04:34 PM
What you guys/ gals consider to be your higher self or guide I call God. Also Sirius btw if you associate your mind as your brain then why are you self aware and why isn't an elephant or whale which has a much bigger brain than you or a super computer for that matter? I believe rationally that your mind and your brain are two separate things and that this could very well be the reason for your dissassociation from your body during trance meditative energy work as I would say it is the equivalent of the spirit moving about you causing these feelings and trying to tell you something but take this as you will of course

I associate my mind with the brain in the way that I think the brain is just a bridge to let the mind work in my body, so the brain is a communication device. If you think that I think that the brain is the mind, your misstaken. I dont.

13th March 2012, 10:04 AM
Very cool, Linus.
Coincidentally, Casey over at the EIC spoke of having been projecting every time she asks for help in doing this.
Or maybe, there are no coincidences. :-)

I actually did this again, although I wrote about it in a different thread. It could have been a coincident or perhaps it could'nt!
This time I asked: "If there are any guides here, or if my higher self is listening... I'm ready for new levels of awareness. Take me deeper please".

Link to the thread. (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?13575-My-Orgonite-Pendant-Experience)