View Full Version : My personal method - works 9 out 10

25th February 2012, 11:52 PM
Hello dear members of this great community,

I wanted to share with you my personal discovery - perhaps it's been described before, I don't know :) But what I noticed was:

1. It's much easier to achieve sleep paralysis after around 4 hours of sleep, interrupted by about 1 hour of consciousness (activity that wakes you up - i.e. reading)

2. Once you achieve sleep paralysis and vibrations start, you should wait MUCH longer before attempting the exit. When they get stronger, it doesn't take much effort at all to begin the projection, because ANY visualization of physical movement causes the exit.

Hope it helps!

25th February 2012, 11:56 PM
Very nice advice. I personally project better when I do it very early in the morning, though not in the middle of the night, because I forget what happened if I do it in the middle.

26th February 2012, 01:24 AM
Hello dear members of this great community,

I wanted to share with you my personal discovery - perhaps it's been described before, I don't know :) But what I noticed was...

Thanks for the post. In fact, this is called Wake Back to Sleep and is used in projections and in Lucid Dreaming as a strong potentiator. I've been experimenting with this some, but when I wake up (3 or 4 a.m.) my brain thinks it's time to go, so I'm having a hard time getting relaxed again. But in principle this approach makes sense. Our muscles are most relaxed in this state, we're closest to the astral from sleeping, and our energy bodies are rested and ready to go.

Also, there's a similar approach that when you first wake, you should go for the exit without even blinking, just do it within seconds of waking. It's similar in idea, but in this case you wake, go back to sleep and then you'll notice you wake more often between early morning hours and morning. Each time you wake, go for an exit routine immediately and before moving your body at all. It's a bit challenging to remember that key point--you don't want to move your body at all, just wake and go for the rope or other exit.

Anyhow, thanks!


26th February 2012, 05:06 AM
Thanks for the post. In fact, this is called Wake Back to Sleep and is used in projections...

Good to know, thank you! Didn't really know what it's called. I discovered it accidentally, when my first OOBE happened exactly this way (without me realizing what was going on). Years after I noticed that this is what works best for me and I've been using this method ever since, combining it with Robert Bruce's "rope" technique. Using this technique I've experienced nearly 200 OOBE's over last 5 years.

27th February 2012, 10:06 AM
I will apply this pracitce the next saturday (to needy of regular sleep during the weekdays). Think it will work to meditate for an hour instead or reading?