View Full Version : Self in different forms

23rd February 2012, 06:25 AM
Recently I have had dreams in which I appear as something else - for instance, I was one of a series of pale green shapes, similar to the astrological glyph for Saturn; we had to form a "stack", one fitting over the other. I floated down & settled carefully onto the one below me, & "someone else" settled onto me. . . .very strange sensation.

And last night, as I dreamed I looked down at my legs while I ran along a city street, & noticed they were like rolls of paper towells stacked one above the other. Then I noticed my entire body was made of some sort of vague, fluffy materiel in rolls. I was much taller than in 3D, & felt quite strong & powerful; I heard the words, "I am what I am!" & felt rather amused; I was aware that I was dreaming.

A dream from some years back springs to mind in this context, where I appeared as a large, yellow box, "dancing" by bouncing along from one of my corners to the next, in a red "circus ring".
Does anyone have similar type dreams, or have any idea what they mean?

25th February 2012, 01:37 PM
I was one of a series of pale green shapes, similar to the astrological glyph for Saturn; we had to form a "stack", one fitting over the other. I floated down & settled carefully onto the one below me, & "someone else" settled onto me. . . .very strange sensation.

This sounds like it could perhaps be another existance of yours in another reality, dimension or plane...

I donot have much experience of things like this myself, my thoughts come mostly from what i've read.. :-)