View Full Version : Fictional characters in dreams?

19th February 2012, 06:07 AM
Hi everyone. I just signed up for this about 20 minutes ago because I needed help with my dreams.
Well, every since last week I had weird and vivid dreams that include fictional game characters. The weird part is that I was never exposed so much with the game to be dreaming about this certain character every night. The confession is that I do have a crush on this character, but why is he appearing in my dreams every night?! It's driving me crazy <.<. Is someone trying to tell me something?

If anyone can tell me, it will be much appreciated.

Thank you.

P.S: sorry for being weird..

19th February 2012, 07:02 AM
Generally, the characters in your dreams represent something specific to you. It can be a puzzle to work out what, but if you get into a quiet state of mind and think about the characters, you can often get a sense of what they're meant to be.

For what it's worth, I dream about fictional characters regularly. Not usually from games, but from various television shows (Star Trek, Charmed, and Doctor Who just to name three), and always, the characters represent something specific to me. I've also dreamed about a number of celebrities, and in every case, they were the personification of specific qualities which, once I identified them, caused the meaning of the dream story to become clear.

In this case, if you have a crush on this character and he's appearing in your dreams, that's a good place to start. What does this character represent? That is, why do you have that attraction? And once you've worked that out, what else was happening in the dream?

24th February 2012, 10:44 AM
Oh my! I had the same experience! Although it happened just once and it happened when I was still young. I was about 7 when I had a dream about Voltes 5. It's an Asian cartoon that was a huge hit in the past.

I remember falling in love with the girl character and I woke up crying because it was just a dream.