View Full Version : Can someone help me interpret my dreams?

19th February 2012, 05:59 AM
I don't know why, but I've been having dreams about cartoon characters for I don't know how long and I can't seem to find the meaning of my dreams. Like for example, I've been dreaming about SpongeBob SqurePants and the most recent dream I've had of him is when we were in Sandy's Treedome with her and Patrick. In the dream, I was underwater. but I couldn't breathe, so I swam up to the top of the ocean and SpongeBob must've followed me because I saw him next to me. Then it skips to me trying to build a house under water. And after that, I was in Sandy's Treedome with SpongeBob and Patrick.

Also, I've had dreams about Danny Phantom and his friends, but mostly Danny. In the recent dream I had while taking a nap, I was in my old house watching "The Ultimate Enemy"(A Danny Phantom TV movie) and there were random scenes on the TV. And this one scense showed Danny's ghostly half mixed with Vlad Plasmius' half getting ready to attack Danny. I remember telling Danny to run and he did and I don't remember this too well, but somehow, I think Danny dove through the TV and into my living room. Then he hid behind me, scared to death. Then Dan Phantom(Danny's 24 year old ghostly self mixed with Plasmius) said something and I think I said something and then turned off the TV. And then I think the dream ended.

I don't know how many dreams I've had of Danny and SpongeBob, but I think either they or my dreams are trying to tell me something. I don't know what and I need help interpreting these dreams I have of them. I've also had a couple of Looney Tunes dreams and the recent one I had of them was I saw Daffy and Bugs having a race in the snow. I think Bugs Bunny won the race, but I'm not sure. Then it skips to me being on a bus and Speedy Gonzales is the bus driver(I know it's weird...). And Porky Pig said something about him missing his bus stop, so Speedy lets him off of the bus. Then I remember asking what if Speedy Gonzales and Sonic the Hedgehog had a race with each other and who would win. Nobody responded to my question and then the dream ended.

I need help interpreting these dreams and more if I can remember what happened in them. If you can help me, I'd gladly appreciate it. Thank you.

19th February 2012, 10:23 AM
Hello, Neko101.

You can look at it like this - what is the issue in the first dream? Adapting to a new environment. You're having trouble with it but you're trying. If you look at your life in physical reality, are there similar issues with adapting to something new? If so, you could think you're doubling your efforts in dream time.

If you cannot make a correlation to anything in physical reality, then simply record your dreams for now. It usually helps your interpretation skills if you first record them, then put some effort in interpreting them and so on. Over time you will get some insight into what specific parts mean when they reappear - their symbolism - and also your dreams will become clearer and more understandable to begin with.

Before this work is done, dreams often seem random or like they make no sense. Few people consider that it might be that their translation skills that need honing first. While dreams occur naturally, learning to understand them usually takes some effort.

You might dream in cartoon characters because the impressions you get of the energies acted out in dream time are sketchy. Cartoons have clear lines, a limited set of clear colors and so on. Compare this to seeing a picture taken of something or a movie, and you'll see a difference in detail. Also cartoon characters represent simple concepts - the Tazmanian Devil is agitated, Bugs is sly, Daffy is usually full of himself and so on. In terms of symbols cartoon characters are often very unambiguous. Again this might be the start of learning to interpret dream symbolism.

In this sense - congratulations! You've made a start by taking an interest in your dreams. You considered they have something to tell you. You could go on from there by reading some books about dream interpretation (like Ann Faraday's "The Dream Game"), or this (http://www.kurtleland.com/dream-interpretation), or starting a dream journal.