View Full Version : MARDUK

16th February 2012, 04:23 AM
Had a most peculiar dream last night, rather like watching film epic, as I did not interact at all.

There was a group of "primitive" people, living on a beach island. They had a "neanderthal" quality about them, & dressed in skins.

One big man, with shaggy dark hair, was an artist who made beautiful pottery etc. They were all waiting for a "transformation" that was due to occur very soon, & had to assist in some way.

It seems thay had one last chance, & called on "all the fireflies in the world" to help; there was a lovely scene where the sky lit up with the light of the fireflies (hope this is the correct word for these insects!) but the effort seemed to be failing, as a woman remarked, "Soon all their lights will be out for ever".

In a last attempt to '"save the world" the artist set out on a wooden sailing ship (a galleon?) There was a wild storm, with thunder, red & yellow lightning & strange clouds "boiling" across the sky, all of which transformed the man into a veritable giant - lying down, he was the entire length of the boat.

Then 2 words appeared above him, in mirror script - "RAM" and "KUD". At some point in the storm, these words joined & inverted to normal script, forming the word, "MARDUK".

The storm abated & he waded into a cove - he was really huge, as tall as a cliff top. As he stood on the beach, puzzling over what to do next, he bellowed, "I AM MARDUK", so loudly that the ground shook, & he suddenly shrunk back to his original size.

The final scene showed him with his wife as they lay side by side on the beach one night. She was taunting him, saying that he could never again make anything as beautiful as a turquoise ceramic basin he had made once. He accepted the fact - & I woke up.

I have heard the word/name Marduk somewhere previously, but have no conscious knowledge of it - I haven't googled it as I didn't want to influence my recounting of the dream.

Does anyone have any idea what this could mean?

16th February 2012, 03:41 PM
Yes, but you'll have to look him up. Did you ever read the Epic of Gilgamesh?

17th February 2012, 05:01 AM
Thanks, CFTRaveller! I have just looked up Marduk - seems he actually was inclined to throw storms around at one stage of his existence! I haven't read the Epic of Gilgamesh; must see if I can find it on the net. But I wonder why Marduk showed up in my dream - I haven't expressed any interest in him or ancient Mesopotamia, but maybe I should! I suppose he is an archetype which/who can express himself through the unconscious when it is receptive to his energy.