View Full Version : How does NEW work?

15th February 2012, 04:04 PM
totally basic qstn sorry :redface:

is the basic premise behind NEW that energy goes where the awareness goes? say for instance i dont exactly do the processes of brushing/stirring/sponging but sort of just "run" awareness through a given part - does that achieve the same effect ?

15th February 2012, 04:16 PM
NEW is a technique of tactile awareness or tactile visualization, which means causing yourself to feel energy in the same way you can 'remember' what colors look like.
The premise is that where you put your awareness you cause sensation. The more attention you put on the part the more feedback you get. The inference is that where your attention goes the energy is stimulated and flows, and this has been experimentally demonstrated in the lab, as quoted in her book "Molecules of Emotion", where the areas that were targeted had an increase in circulation when a person thought of them (or performed awareness targeting).

The amount of feedback is going to be different depending on what you do- 'brushing and sponging' give me (and most people, I think) a lot more feedback sensation than simple awareness of a body part- but there is reaction with either.
So it depends on what you are trying to achieve.

Harry Shirton
15th February 2012, 04:33 PM
DC...just finished going through NEW treatise myself...have been doing daily regimen 3x a day for week or so.
Get the treatise and try it just Robert has laid it out! I went step-by-step, and could feel the sensations he was saying to expect...it was pretty kewl! Try it...regardless of what you're here for...getting insight into OBE, clairvoyance, meditation, whatever...it won't hurt to have lotsa energy!!!

15th February 2012, 07:59 PM
want to grok this bad , bear with me please

NEW is a technique of tactile awareness or tactile visualization, which means causing yourself to feel energy in the same way you can 'remember' what colors look like.
does that mean having or developing the ability to discern different types of energy within their locales? i mean i can put a visual or optic marker on a color and then retrieve it by memory - how does one do that with energy?

The premise is that where you put your awareness you cause sensation
so the ultimate target is sensation? if im very acutely "aware" of a part of my body and it's giving me some sort of sensation does that mean im energetically activating it ?

The more attention you put on the part the more feedback you get. The inference is that where your attention goes the energy is stimulated and flows.
so it the stimulated energy that is making the sensation and not vice versa ?

15th February 2012, 08:18 PM
You're being very technical, DC- so I'll simplify it a bit-

does that mean having or developing the ability to discern different types of energy within their locales? I think it's more like developing the ability to feel it, not necessarily discerning different types, although that may be possible with practice.

i mean i can put a visual or optic marker on a color and then retrieve it by memory - how does one do that with energy? By recalling the sensation. Once you can do that, localize it with your attention.

so the ultimate target is sensation?
Not the ultimate target- the result is sensation- theoretically the ultimate target is energy movement, and the inference (again, just inference) is that the sensation is caused by the energy movement itself.

so it the stimulated energy that is making the sensation and not vice versa ? Depends on who you ask. An empiricist will tell you the increased circulation is caused by physical endorphins that stimulate the nerves and cause the energy movement, the energy worker or mystic may tell you that the energy is moving and causing the nerve reaction.
Either way I don't care, as long as you get some sort of feedback that tells you that the desired target has been stimulated.

15th February 2012, 08:35 PM
gracias - su sabidurĂ♥a es muy apreciada :-)

15th February 2012, 08:50 PM
De nada- Me alegro que fuera buena para algo.

24th February 2012, 07:55 AM
Harry Shirton, you practice 3 times a day? How long are your sessions? I practice once a day, for about 40~45 minutes and I find that mentally tiring. You must be really motivated to practice that much, props.

Harry Shirton
24th February 2012, 01:53 PM
I went through the whole NEW Treatise...that took me an entire week...1 or 2 hours a day. Now I go through RB's recommended daily regimen of brushing hands/feet to activate, rolling e-balls up/down arms/legs/spine, then do the split-awareness 2-step energy sponging to sub-navel storage for about 5 minutes. I don't have any problems with this...I do it now as a habit before I do any other procedures, ie, meditation (10-15 min twice a day), tweaking my trance state for (future) controlled OBE, or just sitting on the couch at night catching a movie. Like most things in life, establishing routine makes for less effort in focussing...now I can feel my hands/feet tingling in less than a minute, and my awareness of the energy balls has heightened as well since doing it several times a day.
Give my approach a try, Gen...its energy raising, after all...you shouldn't be feeling drained from it, but rather the opposite!

"When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil."

Aunt Clair
3rd May 2012, 02:01 PM
To me NEW is a brilliant methodology which though simple is not always appreciated. It is much more than playing at tactile exercises as some detractors accuse on other forums. NEW begins with exercises which improve tactile sensory input but this is coupled easily by clairsentience and psionics. By that I mean the magician learns to move the subtle energy through the body , to feel it move and to direct its flow. The full body circuit is a very decent scaffolding for projection, meditation, mysticism, healing, and other pathworking too. To me it is like LaMaze for labour pain relief because the mind goes into synchronicity with external stimuli in order to be able to intuit the control of the mind and the flow of the prana. In this manner, where the magician takes their awareness , energy follows; sort of like a magnet moving bits of filings in one of those toys.

3rd May 2012, 07:15 PM
To me NEW is a brilliant methodology which though simple is not always appreciated. It is much more than playing at tactile exercises as some detractors accuse on other forums. NEW begins with exercises which improve tactile sensory input but this is coupled easily by clairsentience and psionics. By that I mean the magician learns to move the subtle energy through the body , to feel it move and to direct its flow. The full body circuit is a very decent scaffolding for projection, meditation, mysticism, healing, and other pathworking too. To me it is like LaMaze for labour pain relief because the mind goes into synchronicity with external stimuli in order to be able to intuit the control of the mind and the flow of the prana. In this manner, where the magician takes their awareness , energy follows; sort of like a magnet moving bits of filings in one of those toys. I love your analogy. LaMaze for the energy body's exit from the womb.