View Full Version : Can an ET make someone immortal?

15th February 2012, 01:56 AM
Can an ET make someone immortal?

How would you go about meeting an ET in the physical?

Robert Bruce
18th March 2012, 09:16 AM
I do not know.

But ET's certainly play a part in the evolution of humanity.

And there are many ET factions. Some are benevolent and helpful, some are neutral, and some are negative by nature.


26th March 2012, 04:51 AM
¿Is desire of extended longevity (centuries) an evidence of lacking spiritual maturity?

Done a high purpose, ¿Higher Self can give backup to such desire?

To date, advanced age individuals can be detected in standard population nuclei (first world cities, with backup of high medical technology resources) or must to find them at deserts (hermits)?

Once individual reaches enough spiritual development, ¿simply leaves physical existence and wanders like a ghost giving teaching to suitable individuals with thirst of spiritual evolution?

My best regards,


Robert Bruce
26th March 2012, 04:31 PM
I think that if someone were hundreds of years old, they would be wise to hide away from the modern world unless they want to spend eternity being studied as a lab rat.

I don't think it is unspiritual to desire for immortality. A highly spiritual person may, for example, wish to live a long time to help the world evolve.

I think some people could, if evolved enough, have the choice to wander as a spirit helping other people. This is a version of immortality.


26th March 2012, 04:53 PM
I think that if someone were hundreds of years old, they would be wise to hide away from the modern world unless they want to spend eternity being studied as a lab rat.

I don't think it is unspiritual to desire for immortality. A highly spiritual person may, for example, wish to live a long time to help the world evolve.

I think some people could, if evolved enough, have the choice to wander as a spirit helping other people. This is a version of immortality.


Do you think physical immortality is possible? Even advanced Buddhist yogis (who have not attained Buddhahood) and Sathya Sai Baba die like everyone else.

Robert Bruce
26th March 2012, 11:34 PM
I think this is possible, yes.

Sai BaBa is of the Hindu tradition, btw, and not Buddhist.

I think one's tradition can limit one.

I have heard of ancient living mystics.

The secret to immortality is 'realization' of the illusion of the physical reality. This is, for all intents and purposes, not much different from the astral dimension. If this is fully realized, then one can transcend it.

I also think it is possible to take the physical body into the astral dimension. This would be one way to achieve immortality, as you could then shape shift into a younger form and reappear back in the physical in that form.

Another way would be to use manifestation and cause your body to grow younger.

Again, people who have done this would take great care to remain secret.


27th March 2012, 08:42 PM
It may be possible since I always hear of the same symptoms of the immortality process i.e. teeth and hair falling out, wherein they subsequently regrow.

You should go to Kumbh Mela. Maybe some immortals would reveal themselves to you.

28th March 2012, 12:14 PM
In Carlos C.'s journeys he is eventually brought to meet an individual know as the "Tenant". The Tenant is supposedly thousands of years old and is one of very few individuals that have found a way to be nearly immortal. I remember in the reading that he mentions to Carlos that he spends almost no time in the physical world. To Mr. Bruce's statement above, the Tenant has also transformed himself into a woman even though he was born a man. Another key to his survival is a kind of give and take relationship with those that are brought to see him. He teaches the mystic a special power of their desire i.e. how to turn into an animal or fly. In return the Tenant takes a specific type of energy from you. This must be agreed upon by the receiver of the wisdom, but at the same time if you are brought to him, it doesn't seem like you have an option.

Interesting stuff!