View Full Version : Dangers of oobe

6th February 2012, 11:12 AM
Movie about dangers of obe:


What do you think?

6th February 2012, 01:51 PM
Seems very christian. And I don't believe in good or evil as portraied in the bible either. I don't think there is a punishment system for "evil" humans :)
But, I may have interpreted the movie wrong. It was hard to follow sometimes.

6th February 2012, 02:50 PM
Strikes me as absolutely fear-based. The images, the language used, everything about it says, "Be afraid, because I'm afraid, and so you should be afraid, too, and here are the things you should be afraid of..."

It's easy to recognise fear-based teachings (dogma, propaganda, gossip, whatever), and I reject them immediately, because I refuse to allow fear to be my master. This is not to say that I don't take genuine warnings and informed advice seriously, but when someone is coming from a place of fear, that's not someone I'm going to listen to, simple as that.

6th February 2012, 04:09 PM
1- She sounds either like someone who is reading a script, or a robot reader- I especially like how she says 'eeeeevil'.
2- Provided they were right about the existence of demons, they make a leap of logic by stating that somehow you are more vulnerable to demons in projection than in waking life, yet in waking life is when you make conscious choices. Then they make the obviously uneducated statement that what you do in projection is controlled by another entity (that is, you are not using free will) and then say that you are using free will.
My conclusion is that they are following the 'don't control your life' dogma, which is the central message in many fear based groups.

6th February 2012, 08:01 PM
I have researched this video a little. At first I thought it was an evangelical piece of propaganda, but then I listened carefully and noticed that the voice sounded computer-like. Listening again, I noticed that lots of times the voice said "dot" where there should be full stop in the script. So then I realised: it is a translation, which has then been put through a "text to voice"program.

The maker of this video is"Obezagrozenia" . I clicked on this provider and came to their You Tube page. The links are to a Polish Catholic site, devoted to the dangers of OBE, AP, etc. Using Google Translate I found that "Obezagrozenia" means "Danger of OBE".

It is not for me to judge the views of others. All I can say is that for me, all this talk of "demons" and so forth takes us back to a very primitive dualist concept, with the idea of a Devil with a toasting fork gaining pleasure in torturing souls. There are "negative forces", but I don't see these as "evil" per se. They just feed on extreme negative emotion. If you are calm, wish them love and peace, they won't trouble you! That's not the food they are looking for!

The comments by ST, BW and CFT are IMHO spot on.

6th February 2012, 08:37 PM
I have researched this video a little. At first I thought it was an evangelical piece of propaganda, but then I listened carefully and noticed that the voice sounded computer-like. Listening again, I noticed that lots of times the voice said "dot" where there should be full stop in the script. So then I realised: it is a translation, which has then been put through a "text to voice"program.

The maker of this video is"Obezagrozenia" . I clicked on this provider and came to their You Tube page. The links are to a Polish Catholic site, devoted to the dangers of OBE, AP, etc. Using Google Translate I found that "Obezagrozenia" means "Danger of OBE".

It is not for me to judge the views of others. All I can say is that for me, all this talk of "demons" and so forth takes us back to a very primitive dualist concept, with the idea of a Devil with a toasting fork gaining pleasure in torturing souls. There are "negative forces", but I don't see these as "evil" per se. They just feed on extreme negative emotion. If you are calm, wish them love and peace, they won't trouble you! That's not the food they are looking for!

The comments by ST, BW and CFT are IMHO spot on.

Very interesting LPCF, i did have a quick look at the link, though didn't listen/watch more than a min. or so,.......it felt a little 'funky' and i was not able to engage with it....

If i get an 'opening' i might try and listen to the whole thing..... but at the moment am 'blocked' from doing so..

Thanks for researching the video clip, very helpful..:-) xx

6th February 2012, 09:15 PM
When the voice around 3.30-4.00 min said that homosexuality is wrong and that Jesus is the spiritual leader of the greatest of religions, I stopped listening.

7th February 2012, 12:00 AM
When the voice around 3.30-4.00 min said that homosexuality is wrong and that Jesus is the spiritual leader of the greatest of religions, I stopped listening.
Not surprising, really.

I didn't even listen that far. It didn't take very long for me to get the vibe of thing, which is, "Be afraid!" :roll:

I also rather suspect that the OP has an agenda. Or at least an agendum. I think the thread can stay, though, because the responses have been really good. ;)

7th February 2012, 06:41 AM
Not surprising, really.

I didn't even listen that far. It didn't take very long for me to get the vibe of thing, which is, "Be afraid!" :roll:

I also rather suspect that the OP has an agenda. Or at least an agendum. I think the thread can stay, though, because the responses have been really good. ;)

I managed to listen to it all, but yeah this reminded me of someone who I saw hanging out in the david icke forums who would always post about how they thought astral projection was black magic. They way I see it is if someone has a natural capabilitie to do something there's a very good reason for it which makes that sort of thinking just plane stupid.

But yeah I'm someone who goes around beating up astral delivery man negs and telling really bad jokes to demons, so I'm probably not this videos target demographic when it comes to being afraid.

It did have alot of really cool looking imagery though.

7th February 2012, 11:58 AM
I don't watch such things anymore. Every few weeks comes here in germany a new thing like this ind one or more of the forums. Everytime the same old boring storys since my 10 years of activity in forums. There must be somewhere a huge nest of people, which have enough time to waste to try to stop all astral travellers.

Such videos should be better ignored and we should warn of such warnings.

10th February 2012, 05:12 PM
I concur with proyect_outzone.

I was surprised to find that when somebody I had discussed by email for a long time about energy work developed some interest in OBE, then suddenly came up with all this fear-based stuff. The site cited was definitely trying to promote some very limited Christian ideologies that were to scare you away from the occult and back into the fold.

Why such sites even exist is beyond me. The stories are either made up or the ravings of people that are scared to boot about everything they cannot easily categorise, recognise or explain, so they declare things evil on first try.

26th February 2012, 03:11 PM
You guys have done some nice research on the video. Of course, I don't agree there is any danger to OOBE experiences. The video obviously didn't look like an actual documentary, but rather just a slideshow with somebody else's commentary (opinion).

The speaker, though, sounds real to me - I haven't seen any computer-based reader of this quality - sounds pretty convincing.

27th February 2012, 12:59 AM
Why such sites even exist is beyond me.
When fear is your master, you do as it demands. No doubt their fear drives them to try to frighten other people, because the more people they can make afraid, the better justified their own fear is. It's a self-perpetuating thing.

27th February 2012, 04:41 PM
The speaker, though, sounds real to me - I haven't seen any computer-based reader of this quality - sounds pretty convincing.

If you listen carefully, you will frequently hear the word "dot" where grammatically one would expect a full stop. Also, as CFT noted, the word "evil" is pronounced in a very unnatural way.

28th February 2012, 12:38 AM
If you listen carefully, you will frequently hear the word "dot" where grammatically one would expect a full stop. Also, as CFT noted, the word "evil" is pronounced in a very unnatural way.

Indeed, now I can hear it better. It's amazing how good those computers are...

7th June 2012, 10:11 PM
I can't watch that video..... bad vibes....

7th June 2012, 11:50 PM
I can't watch that video..... bad vibes.... I thought so too.... felt the bad vibes. Creepy, even.

8th June 2012, 07:43 AM
I don't watch these kind of videos for two reasons.

1. I have had OBE's and they are not dangerous whatsoever, and I hands on have experienced this.

2. Bad vibes... :/ It's just like the 2012 videos. End of the world! Oh my god! no.... :nono: I actually cant wait for December to roll around. It's not THE END. If anything it's GOOD change. Society loves to plant ideas into peoples heads of things that are not the case at all. OBE's are perfectly safe, and the most amazing experience I have ever had.

I was talking to a guy who had a near death experience. "hardcore christian he was" Nothing bad with that btw... Just not like me. He said he saw god etc. I told him I astral project and he said god doesn't want me doing that. I was blown away by the statement really.

Obe's are perfectly safe. You manifest stuff you believe in.

8th June 2012, 02:01 PM
he said god doesn't want me doing that.
That's funny, because God didn't mind St Paul doing it, or St Catherine of Sienna, or St Teresa of Avila, or any number of other Christian saints and mystics who documented it throughout the centuries, including in the official Canon of the church, itself.

9th June 2012, 06:42 AM
@ butterfly I know... It really just blows me away.

9th June 2012, 06:51 AM
Me, too. Ignorance is one of my pet peeves, particularly when the ignorant are also arrogant enough to stand up and proclaim this or that but they haven't actually done the research to back it up in any way, shape, or form. For me, it applies to all areas, but it particularly rubs my fur backward when people speak from their ignorance while simultaneously claiming that it's from God. ;)

10th June 2012, 12:38 AM
You could not have put that in any better form butterfly, haha :D