View Full Version : Hello Robert, do you have the ability to open my Third Eyes?

1st February 2012, 09:57 AM
I wonder could you open my Third Eyes? Or awaken any other supernatural abilities within
me remotely?

Robert Bruce
5th March 2012, 03:00 PM
And what if your third eye were opened and you could not close it? There is a name for this....schizophrenia. RB

8th March 2012, 04:51 AM
I hope I'm not over stpeing my bound by posting this.

I've read or heard somewhere Robert say that remotly exerciesing chakras, ie the third eye, is not a possible feat. That we haven't found one able to do it -yet-.

If your looking to open your third eye you can check out the home pages of the site, under the side bar of "energy Work" you'l see a page about auras, this will tell you how you can open your third eye.

a bonus to this is, often we desire something with an expectation. alot of folks want to be "psychic" because they think there is a feeling or a prestege that will come along with it. That they will be ''special'', ''unique'' or ''cool''.

The fact is, anything you desire, it's better if you work to achieve it yourself, insted of someone else doing it for you. in the Long run you'll gain a sense of confidence and self esteem that comes with knowing you worked for what you got.

and Like RB said, you'll be able to control your third eye, where as if someone just chucked it out there, you'd be left longing for something more, and might be unable to control you third eye

Robert Bruce
18th March 2012, 10:15 AM
Most of the work involved in opening the third eye is in changing your beliefs to 'allow' this to happen.

Everyone has full psychic abilities at birth. But these are, in most cases, dormant by default.

Spoken affirmations is the most powerful tool we have to bring about real change.
