View Full Version : Can't Project due to body pains from Spiritual Attack

29th January 2012, 07:05 PM
Hello Robert,I have a serious spiritual attack which I have been trying to fight for 7years. It started one morning, I was very ill, I got up from bed and fainted on d floor. I thought it was normal and I tried to treat it for years but it didn't go.I have met with many spiritualist who confirm it is a spiritual attack but all their attempts to stop it has failed. I went into astral projection to try and solve the problem myself by reading your books. Everytime I try to project I fail cos I feel so much pain in my body.I feel like something is sucking life out of me everyday and I loss a lot of weight. I feel things moving in my body and biting me and it hurts alot. My daily meditation reduced d pain abit but I need serious help.

Robert Bruce
18th March 2012, 09:01 AM
First, I recommend that you study my book, 'The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook' and apply its advice and countermeasures, including 'sleeping earthed'.

Learn how to do the LBRP and do this daily, especially before an OBE attempt, to cleanse your space.

Find an experienced Pranic Healer to help, as they are (at level 3) trained to remove negative energy body attachments.

See: http://asiya.org/asiya/rituals-and-practices/lesser-banishing-ritual-of-the-pentagram-lbrp/#.T2WkAvW8GSo


5th April 2012, 08:00 AM
Thanks alot Robert!