View Full Version : Strange weakness in left side of body when activating primary chakras

27th January 2012, 08:58 AM
Hello Robert,

It seems anytime I activate any of my seven chakras, I get an immediate and somewhat strong sense of weakness in my entire left side of my body. It's pretty scary actually. I'm not sure what's wrong but it happens every single time. Many of my seven chakras respond quickly when I try some sort of stimulation, but at the same time I get a sense of tightening, muscle shrinking, and weakening in my entire left side of body, from head to toe. I try to activate all seven chakras equally, but nevertheless I still get this scary sensation. And it isn't a subtle feeling, it's pretty strong and very scary.

Could you think of any reason why this might happen, and what I could do to avoid it? Have you ever heard of a case like this before? I've been doing all the techniques described in couple of your ebooks.


Robert Bruce
18th March 2012, 08:56 AM
This is unusual.

I have had similar issues myself in the past, but this is rare.

The state of the physical body affects the functionality of the energy body.

It is possible that you have some physical health issues. This could include neck injuries, circulation issues, both of which can affect only one side of the body.

Improving your physical health and diet and exercise should help with this. Spoken affirmations will also help to strengthen your weak side...."my blood flows strongly and easily through my left side" "my left side is strong and healthy" etc.

This is what I did and it helped.

If you have this weakness at other times, it would be wise to have a full physical checkup with your medical doctor. A checkup by a chiropractor, acupuncturist, or Traditional Chinese Medical doctor, etc., would also help overcome this.

If this has only happened a few times, it may be possible that your energy body is undergoing some changes and this is responsible for the weakness. If this is the case, it will rectify itself in time.
