View Full Version : Priceless

25th January 2012, 10:31 PM
~ Meditating for over an hour to prepare yourself for a WILD: $0.

~ Setting intent before falling asleep: $0.

~ Waking at 3:00 a.m. to take Galantamine and Choline: $.75.

~ Achieving lucidity just in time to find the only thing between you and the zombies coming through the door is a samurai sword: $0.

~ Forgetting you control the dream elements as the first zombie makes it through, thus waking you're panicked butt up: priceless.

Sometimes I'd like to ask the universe for a refund, but that wouldn't exactly be owning my part now, would it?

25th January 2012, 10:56 PM

But for everything else, there's Mister Curd.

26th January 2012, 12:32 AM
Honestly, since when did we stop giving human prey at least a ten second head start? I mean, gimme long enough to check if the sword's sharp at least. Jeez. Even Romero's zombies had the taste to build some anticipation.

27th January 2012, 04:49 AM
Next time, try to have the presence of mind to ask them what they want or represent. They're a good sign something you thought was dead and buried isn't.

Found your post very entertaining, btw.:D

28th January 2012, 12:37 AM
Yes, that illusive presence of mind thing. I can usually get hold of it, but it takes a moment or two for me in dream states. And that's what I found so annoying about that night. Here I'd done so much preparation, got into the dream, and bam. They came at me so fast I just lost my handle. And I'm sure there's a lesson in that as well.

But you're right, the zombies represent something specific to me. I have no idea what. I have the same theme in many, many dreams: murder and the dead and now the undead. In those dreams I've usually killed someone and am living in trepidation of being found out. It's interesting how the dreams have evolved: the bodies I used to bury are no longer silent, they come for me. I have this dream about once a month and it's always the same feel, it's always vivid.

Now, I don't even kill bugs in my waking state. Never once have I thought of killing anything other than the noise a TV makes. I haven't the stomach for wiping out anything sentient, so this dream is a puzzle for me. Apparently I need to take a more expansive view of what the killing and bodies represent. Perhaps that's my assignment for tonight's meditation.


28th January 2012, 07:10 AM
In those dreams I've usually killed someone and am living in trepidation of being found out.

There's your clue. Perhaps it's a metaphor for something you still feel guilty about. I'm cheating here now but maybe it's related to your former fundamentalism; the bodies representing old ideas and expressions of self.

I wasn't actually chastising you though: it's been so long since I've had a lucid dream (and I'm too lazy to use a wake-back-to-bed method, even though that usually works for me) that I'd be a total hypocrite if I did.

Apparently I need to take a more expansive view of what the killing and bodies represent. Perhaps that's my assignment for tonight's meditation.

Well if it's not too personal to share, I've no doubt it'd be written in your highly entertaining creative style and that gives me something to anticipate with pleasure.:D

Like you, I don't like to kill but I accept that it's part of this reality system even if we're not actively aware of it. For instance, I'm very grateful for my immune system. :thumbsup:

28th January 2012, 06:00 PM
Well if it's not too personal to share, I've no doubt it'd be written in your highly entertaining creative style and that gives me something to anticipate with pleasure.:D

I'm glad someone enjoys my writing style. One day I'll tell you all the story of how I grew up with an English Major for a mother.

Her red pens.

I suppose all that red ink on everything damaged me in a useful sort of way.

And yes, once I go mining on this killing dream I'll report back.

28th January 2012, 10:39 PM
Hello, SoulSail.

I remember having one dream of the kind you describe. I had killed under the impression I had committed the perfect crime, but now I was getting anxious of going to be caught, trying to hide what I had done.

For me personally, that dream back then was a signal that I wasn't internally aligned with what my professed values were. That was my feeling about my own dream - that I wasn't yet beyond doing certain things, but instead afraid of getting caught. The dream didn't recur after that.

In your case I would suggest something along Beek's lines - something you try to suppress, that you believe to have buried safely even, coming back to life and haunting you. Maybe a message to look for some skeletons in your closet. ;)


29th January 2012, 01:49 AM
That's exactly it, Korpo. I think you've nailed it, at least in large part.

In my dream I'm never terribly concerned or guilty about having murdered someone. In fact, I have no idea who I murdered, how, or when.

What's most troubling is the idea of being found out. The characters in my dream are always coming one step closer to uncovering some flaw in how I've tried to cover up the crime. It's a deep down sense of being in trouble, having walked through a door I can no longer go back through, only consequences on the horizon.

I'll have to do some thinking and meditating on what it is I'm of being caught on. Given how I've lived my life, I'm proud to say I don't know of any skeletons in the closet, but that may be illusion I need to pay closer attention to.
