View Full Version : Programming Experiment 9: Why Am I Here?

24th January 2012, 02:03 PM
Dream Programming 9: Why Am I Here?

I asked my Higher Self via dream programming affirmation to reveal to me in dreams the basic "eternal question" that many if not all of us might have: Who am I and why ("on Earth") am I here? This applies to any specific goal or purpose, not the probable overall goal of general consciousness evolution by gathering physical experience here. A similar attempt was already undertaken by my programming thread about my 'pre-birth planning session'.

There are several "answers" I received so far. One is a dreamt up song (see "animals" thread on this), one is a dreamt 'movie' (given below) and one is also a book I am just reading now "coincidentally" (...?), which might have given me another interesting perspective to speculate on, as it is also strongly related to the dream. Other connections to previous lucdidventures or dreams can be drawn too. But later more on that. For the time being, due to lack of time and too much to write in one piece, only the dream:

The "Movie" (15 Jan 2012): Independence Day & Lightcatcher Kids

This very clear and vivid dream is almost like a mix of the movies „Independence Day" and „War Of The Worlds“. Not that I did not have UFO (invasion) dreams before, I did quite a few times. They never frighten me despite the drama unfolding. It is like a movie I always seem to entertain myself with. But now, for the first time, also since I saw a spaceship during my "Puncture vision (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Volgerle-s-Lucidiary&p=104672#post104672)" some weeks ago, I now start to believe there is much much more behind that "ET theme" than just movie-like self-entertainment. So here's the script, the mere "movie plot":

Earth is attacked by alien spacecraft hovering over our cities and shooting light beams. I am a boy child with longer hair (a bit in 70ies style) about 8-9 years old. At one time I am hiding in a house but one of the smaller alien crafts is following me through the room (this is indeed like a famous scene in "War Of Worlds") and then I run and it hits me shooting a light ray at me.

When I am hit I am already lying on the floor (as if to await the ray) and I take a kind of cam (or foto cell phone) device and hold it up and „shoot back“ by taking a picture while the light hits me, or maybe I just 'catch' the light beam with my cam, so I have it stored in my flash cam.

I survived it, which I knew beforehand (as said: I never feel fear in dreams, not even in dreams like this one). A same-aged girl says to me that I should better stay on the ground to 'play dead' a little longer but I do not care and get up immediately. There's a marine in the house and I show him the caught light in the cam. He belongs to the military combat groups fighting back against the spaceships from the ground. We are then outside and when looking at my cam the troop seems to assume that it's indeed a kind of a secret weapon - or information to build or obtain one (again, another typical element of these films). He then says sth similar to this:

„Look at this. A kid who saves the world! Finally, it's our own kids that help us.“

Later, I am with a resistance combat group (also comprised of marines, but I am still the little kid) who are walking through the war-torn landscape. One marine (don't know if it's still the same) then spots a hill and says that it's the one. It has a sign on it and it looks a bit like a crop circle. He says that "it is our sign". Which means that another resistance fighter group that was here before us put this sign there as a mark for us to find. The sign, iirc, is composed of very basic forms: two vertical parallel lines, there is also a triangle and a circle involved somehow. Unfortunately, I do not remember it exactly, hence no drawing provided. It is conveyed to me (not said, just my own intuitive and sudden understanding in the dream) that this was put up by the first resistance fighter group 8 days ago, which is also given to me as 2 cycles (so it's 1 cycle = 4 days) ago. So we altogether are 2 cycles later to arrive there as the second group.

In the final scene, which again is very reminiscent of the Independence Day movie, we are on an airfield with loosely stationed fighter planes and helicopters, which is then also under attack from alien ships as they approach.
First, I am in a house or kind of shelter again and there is an opening at the roof and I try to photograph the arriving spaceships again, just taking pictures in fascination as if I was a tourist who wants to keep memories on file of a kind of sightseeing attraction. The spaceships, of course, then attack the stationed fighter planes on the ground. However, they seem to miss them and only one is hit before the fighter pilots all enter the vessels and start to lift off to fight the UFOs. I join them. Then we lift off for the counter-attack (very self-assured and optimistic that we're winning soon) as I also get as a kid a seat in one of the helicopters.

End of dream (as remembered).

So far so good: Before I add my interpretation (plus the third basis: the book) I'd be interested beforehand if anyone of you would have an interesting idea or interpretation regarding the alien invasion 'movie' dream and its' connection to the 'eternal question' put (programmed) before. Then I'll see how it compares to my way of interpreting it. I'm grateful for any comments.

24th January 2012, 03:07 PM
I think the alien archetype is a symbol in our belief in duality- if we're spirit taking human form, the 'alien' descending would be archetypal of spirit taking form, and the battle would be our apparently eternal battle with our selves, our 'animal' selves.
Since our experience (conscious experience, that is) seems to be centered on the physical, then the point of view would be of a terrestrial being 'being invaded', even though way deep down we know better.
Or so it seems to me.
Sorry to be general, that's what I got.

25th January 2012, 08:45 AM
Hi Volgerle.
I felt spontaniously that there is not balance between your female and male energies, you seam not to take your female energies seriously.


25th January 2012, 01:23 PM
I think the alien archetype is a symbol in our belief in duality- if we're spirit taking human form, the 'alien' descending would be archetypal of spirit taking form, and the battle would be our apparently eternal battle with our selves, our 'animal' selves. Since our experience (conscious experience, that is) seems to be centered on the physical, then the point of view would be of a terrestrial being 'being invaded', even though way deep down we know better.
Or so it seems to me. Sorry to be general, that's what I got.
Yes, that is surely one aspect of it. It is the same take that Korpo made me aware of during my "Puncture" vision - which is actually similar to this dream in some way or at least can be interpreted so. While this is certainly a right way of interpreting it, I still think now that there is "more" behind it. Moreover since there are other hints, such as e.g. the "grumpy philosopher"'s short speech in the Puncture vision, that show me there could be "more" behind it. Of course, I might be wrong, just speculating, as always.

Hi Volgerle. I felt spontaniously that there is not balance between your female and male energies, you seam not to take your female energies seriously.Love ia
Hi ia56, thanks, very interesting aspect and it's surely possible. But could you give details as to which part / aspect of the dream made you come to this conclusion exactly? Could be helpful for me. Thanks.

25th January 2012, 02:21 PM
Hi Volgerle.

A same-aged girl says to me that I should better stay on the ground to 'play dead' a little longer but I do not care and get up immediately.


13th February 2012, 09:39 PM
The UFO theme continued recently, here copied from the excel file (too lazy to write it all a 2nd time) with a few edits to facilitate understanding and some deletions or anonymisations of private details:

Sat, 11-Feb-2012: I am (with my Dad) outside in the street of our home. In the sky, I see clouds with some red bottoms on them, they form different shapes, but the red is always at the bottom. First there is a kind of pillar or beam, then it gets more disk (UFO) like, still a cloud with a red bottom. From our viewpoint, it was all more to be seen above „the fields“ (which, btw. is the same area that was given to me as significant in my projections (see there)).
Then it happens: a kind of wormhole (like in the best sci-fi movies' special effects) opens directly above our street - a bit to the left from our house when you stand before it.
A UFO flies out and lands directly next to me (before our house), Dad seems to be a bit more afraid but not too shocked either. I look at it like naturally, it is not huge, disk shaped, a kind of „one-man“ flying saucer. It has lots of holes or notches, and some letters and inscriptions on it, most likely all are in German as I remember to read „Feld“ on it. This is "field" in English. I do not remember any of the other signs or words.

Tomorrow I have some time in the afternoon, so I will finally take a walk to "the fields", not far away from our house.

Remember the litte boy child from above ... I will take my digicam with me ... You never know. :cool:

5th March 2012, 01:48 PM
Tomorrow I have some time in the afternoon, so I will finally take a walk to "the fields", not far away from our house. Remember the litte boy child from above ... I will take my digicam with me ... You never know. :cool:
Well, ok, so far didn't film anything, just one dark round object that hovered in the air and only floated very slowly, it was too far away to identify it (my cam zoom not good enough). However, as it did not move in any strange way, just floating off the cloud away from me slowly, I assume it to have been a common weather balloon.
I have a better cam now (16-times zoom!). So still I am hopeful I will be able to achieve this feat one day. I already opened a channel for this on YT. I am crazy, I know. :? But it's LoA-wise thinking, you know. I am also a bit inspired by the Urzi case (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_09AQClOIQ), (amazing story, watch it). If he can do it, why not me?. Should I ever 'catch the light' of an UFO, I will keep you posted here, preferably in the Ufology section, of course. ;)

And there's more to the UFO thing ...

Today, I had a longer talk with my sister who is also into spiritual matters, even more than me as it seems, she also goes to a channelling medium a lot, and does a lot of other practice, e.g. Reiki healing, living in the now, manifestation, etc - but nothing in the direction of OBE/AP.

Now she also told me she had memories of 'dreams or experiences' with ET/UFOs and she told me about it. One is that she has been on a starship 5 times. Each time the same starship. :whatthe:

She does not remember exactly what took place, she says from her memory (as I asked about them) they were like humanoids. She even now calls it her galactic family. I didn't know all of this before. She also sees UFOs in the nightsky a lot from her home or when walking, so she told me, but she did not film it (so far). I don't have any reason to disbelieve her.

Also, she told me that as a child she sometimes used to stand petrified and look up into the sky waiting for s.o. or sth to arrive. My mother then told her (joking) 'one day, they will come and take you with them if you keep staring this way'. (I think it might have rather been the other way round: she was brought here? ;)).

There's much more if I connect the dots (also with regard to some of my dreams + projections, especially with the "Puncture (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Volgerle-s-Lucidiary&p=104672#post104672)" vision), putting the puzzle together, but I don't have the time to write it all down, at least not now, but the picture gets clearer for me.

I think I might be 'starseed', together with my sister (who is almost exactly to the day 3 years older than me, so we are both of the same zodiac). And I believe it's not solely metaphorical. I really start to believe that I am an ET incarnated here. (And I do not claim exclusivity, especially not in a forum like this! Just look at Neal's many UFO dreams or CFT's starship memories, just to name two here).

We're alien (?), hooray! *mind-boggled in awe* :wacky1:

5th March 2012, 06:55 PM
Monroe would say that at least most of us have had our origins as nonhumans (rememember AA and BB?) and/or some stints as nonhumans in some other part of the physical universe.
I don't claim to know this, but the idea doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

9th March 2012, 10:45 AM
Monroe would say that at least most of us have had our origins as nonhumans (rememember AA and BB?) and/or some stints as nonhumans in some other part of the physical universe. I don't claim to know this, but the idea doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
Yes, I 've read about AA/BB in his second book, although I found the plot, including the final punchline, a bit too Hollywood-movie-like, if you ask me. I also remember reading these many trance regression memories of past "ET" lives reported. Actually we're all 'alien' to the materal plane when we consider our origin as 'spirit'. However, some might have had more lives on other worlds/dimensions and are more 'new' to this material plane or Earth in particular, some might even be first-timers, while (I assume that) the majority of others might be here for ages now and are thus more caught in the 'karmic cycle' created by their many Earth lives and karmic implications - what Monroe called load baggage, iirc. They also might have been somewhere else - if they didn't come directly 'from Source' - but are much more distanced from it than people (like us?) who become more easily aware of it.

9th March 2012, 01:39 PM
I take everything from Monroe's second book with a grain of salt, especially when he comes to conclusions how things work. All his observations must be carefully weighed against the development of his inner senses at the time. This goes for the Loosh story just as much as for how he got to incarnate here.

17th May 2012, 11:21 AM
Actually, I'd find a lot more hints, still unmentioned here, to my likely ET origin (or any 'alien themes') if I combed through my dream journal of the past months/years. Below is another strong candidate from tonight.

But first, let me mention only shortly a few more dream aspects where I was told to 'align with the stars' somehow. First, my recent little encounter with Mr Lon Milo DeQuette (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?13654-Fire-Letters&p=110001#post110001) could be re-interpreted in this regard, too. Instead of contacting angels to help me with spiritual development (and AP in particular), which I had done that night, I was told to 'focus' on 'the stars' instead, quote:

"So as he was holding my hand, he told me to look up into the dark starry sky (or outer space) and to search for a point there to vibrate/resonate with and the vibrations would start / be induced. I looked into the dark night sky with lots of stars and told myself to get vibrations. This, indeed then worked and I felt the vibrations,..."

And there were other recent dreams that told me exactly the same thing: It's better for me to rely on galactic / extraterrestial sources instead. E.g., every time when I was calling for a higher/arch-Angel to help me I was given in dreams the message that it is not the right thing to do or at least not necessary. I spare the contents of the dreams now (though as interesting they are), but I am pretty sure I interpreted it correctly.

So who is doing this kind of 'answering' and is it a benign and trustworthy source at all? Maybe I'm being duped? Yes, I cannot know for sure, but I still like to believe by intuition it is my HS or my 'family' telling me this.

Tonight, I wore for the first time a Moldavite around my neck (= on heart chakra) again because I had a dream about Moldavites recently: Then a woman, which might have been part of my HS because I'd seen her before, came to me and asked me which crystals I do have and I immediately answered I have moldavites, so I took this as a recommendation. Maybe I was right because tonight I also had a short projection into my usual 'portal'. Anyway, here is the ET dream:

17 May 2012 - "ET Phoning Home"

I experience this as observer from the outside but in both cases I intuitively know that everything I witness here is (about) me!

First I see E.T. (the one from the Spielberg movie) standing in a kitchen and operating a telefone attached to the wall. ET tries dialling a number to 'phone home' (as we all know the cultural meme goes) but it does not work. Then there is another wall-mounted telephone nearby, about a metre off the first one. It is ringing. I walk towards it to answer the call but suddenly I have turned into ALF. So this time s.o. has called me (from home?). A funny scene follows as ALF seems to operate this second phone somehow incorrectly. He puts two yellow cables with the 'naked wire' (insulation stripped off at the ends) into his big nose - each one into one nostril, and then puts a third cable into his mouth. This way he tries to communicate.

Then there is a scene change and I am still ALF but he is moving on rail tracks through some tunnels, maybe in a train but sometimes it looks like a boat or any kind of vessel on tracks. When a tunnel ends he reaches a lake each time (so the boat vessel also makes sense). Every time it is a lake that gets more and more familiar. One is even named for me and the lake bears the name of a nearby city. So it seems I was 'going' home' this way.

Some thoughts and daring speculations:

Depending on how I interpret the rising familiarity and the directions, either 'going home' means 1. the way I came here from my spiritual or "ET" home to Earth or 2. vice versa as the familiar city is meant in a metaphorical manner.

Are the tracks and tunnels an intergalactic / interdimensional system of wormholes or stargates? Are the lakes maybe dimensions, universes or galaxies?

I wonder if the recommended Moldavite can serve as a two-way communication device / enhancer for me because in the telephone scene I was being called, too, instead of only making a call. Moreover, as we all know: Moldavite is the very "ET stone" among all gemstones and crystals.

I've checked google pictures and there are some pics with Alf and a telephone, but he seems to use it correctly there, so I could not have picked up this strange 'modus operandi' from the screen. (After all, Alf is a comedy show and I'd expect something funny to happen. I remember though Alf willing to 'misuse' cats for his appetite, but not phones).

Last not least, now I need to seriously wonder... Did I once look like a hybrid of these two? :mrgreen:


17th May 2012, 01:43 PM
Last not least, now I need to seriously wonder... Did I once look like a hybrid of these two? :mrgreen:
:whatthe: :shock: :lol2:

18th May 2012, 09:59 AM
:whatthe: :shock: :lol2:
Today I saw a cat strolling through in our garden. As I watched it a thought popped into my mind telling me that it looked somehow 'tasty'. Now I am slowly getting scared of myself ...

... yummy! .... http://images.wikia.com/alf/images/9/92/Cat_sandwich.jpg

The Alien theme continues in my dreams: First, tonight, I had another tooth extraction. I reckon this has been my 3.-4. (or 4.-5.) blonde lady dentist appointment in a few weeks. She extracted a molar tooth from my lower left jar. It went fast, I even wondered that it only took a few seconds and she told me I can leave again.

If I consider 'alien implants' (as blockages) being removed as a viable hypothesis, it explains a following dream scene where I was experiencing myself visiting another planet for the first time:

And (no don't laugh, it really was this way) I somehow did not see but experience my"self" as Captain Kirk from the Enterprise for a short moment. I was in a kind of store house with some machinery, there were humanoids working and they somehow almost revered me when they discovered me, as if I was a 'higher being'. I do not remember more, just that it was also night time outside and they had a strange and big moon.

Of course, since it was a dream, it is not sure that it was really another planet, maybe it was an astral realm, or (also) a symbol for my increased mobility. Maybe that's what Alf, ET and Kirk imply symbolically: increased range of activity (universal, cross-dimensional, inter-plane movement?) in my energy body(bodies)? It doesn't take away sth from my general ET interpretation though, at least not for me.

21st May 2012, 12:17 PM
I tend to take tales of ET origin as symbolism for the nonphysical higher planes in general. People that have a link to their memories from in between lives tend to feel out of place in the physical. This is because their inner memories suggest that things are supposed to work differently than they apparently do here. They feel cut off from this different organisation of consciousness.

Both ET and Alf are symbols for having a feeling of displacement, wanting to return home. Alf's planet blew up, and ET was forgotten on an excursion to planet Earth. Both represent the fact that one does indeed feel alien and different here. They also both signify the importance of making friends - both find a support group in a suburban family who do their utmost to help them out.

Both characters also "phone home." There's an Alf episode where he tries to reconnect with others through the use of the Tanner's radio. Reestablishing contact to the other side is in my opinion an important task for those feeling out of place. This establishes two different aspects of existence to reconcile - the need to make a home here and the need to reestablish connection with the "home there." Monroe even symbolised this as having two selves - "I" and "I/There".

21st May 2012, 06:31 PM
People that have a link to their memories from in between lives tend to feel out of place in the physical. This is because their inner memories suggest that things are supposed to work differently than they apparently do here. They feel cut off from this different organisation of consciousness. (...) This establishes two different aspects of existence to reconcile - the need to make a home here and the need to reestablish connection with the "home there."
All you write is true and I can agree. Still, I can reconcile both concepts. Our spiritual home memory might be a reason, but does it answer why are some people more inclined to subconciously remember a 'lighter' and non-physical existence than others (or most)? We can assume that an "old" soul with lots of lessons learnt might remember better and lead a more 'spiritual life' here. However, it might also feel better here, as it is used to coming to this place over and over again. Moreover, the person might even know their mission to awaken, help or even 'enlighten' people here and do so with joy, and not have that much adaptability problems as I apparently do have (and did all of my life actually). I've now read about many 'starseeds' who have these problems, too. It's not always easy for them, at least not for all of them.

Hence, couldn't one reason for home memory and adjustment problems be that before coming here you were 'in"carn"ating (actually, wrong word here as carne = flesh) into higher forms of being - closer to Source! - too? We should not forget that ET worlds needn't be physical existences like ours necessarily (although common sciene-fiction movies rely on this stereotype over and over again)- not at all. Most seem multi-/higher-dimensional, not pertaining (solely) to a physical plane such as this one, this includes most UFOs that come here.

I've read reports about hypnotic regressions with memories of in"carn"ations as higher-dimensional light beings in existences closer or even very close to Source, but also still not really 'home' in the spiritual, since they are indeed worlds or realities into which you enter by assuming a vessel (body). You can even 'die' there, or at least leave again at will when all necessary lessons have been learnt. Therefore I think it's a continuum. Some regressed people also report on planets in this universe that are higher in frequency, but it all needn't take place in a physical dimension/universe at all.

Therefore, for me it can be both combined: A general heart-felt yearning for the real "eternal home" (Source, God, All That Is, The Big Computer, The Holographic Projector, etc...) as well as the (fond?) memories of having attended another school (or several) with 'lighter' existence and lessons, before we came here to start a karmic cycle / take up class in this very difficult and 'heavy' school called Earth life.

22nd May 2012, 03:35 PM
While I certainly think it is possible that there are Emissaries from other reality systems incarnating here, I tend to think this is much less common than the new age people tend to think. I see the human traits of romanticism and fabulation at work there very often. Other reality systems might involve very different organisations of consciousness, and adaptability problems might even be much higher for Emissaries than you would think.

Older souls might actually have more problems to adapt to the planet as the souls of the middle age range (termed "young souls" by Michael). The latter represent the majority on the planet, tend to make the rules and represent the environment to adapt to here. There's plenty of friction between the value systems of young souls (competition-oriented) and old souls (cooperation-oriented) to make the old souls feel out of place, even though they make their influence felt at times.

Furthermore, I mentioned memories from in-between lives. Older souls tend to have stronger connections to these and feel more "off" and "out of place" than young souls do. They also might spend more time discarnate and select their incarnations more carefully, a choice the younger souls don't have due to the karmic burden they usually carry. Older souls then spend more time in nonphysical reality, more used to circumstances like telepathic contact, mind merges, manipulation of energy and so on. Sci-fi dreams can come as next-best thing to translate these experiences on the higher planes.

29th May 2012, 12:14 PM
Tonight I asked my HS to give me in dreams (no AP planned) some advice on how to achieve lucid exits for every night. Alternatively I asked (again) to give me also further adjustment needed for this. The resulting dream(s) are such that I can put them here again. Also, two dreams were interrelated in a remarkable and funny way. And yes, I had yet another surgery...

First dream:
I talk to a woman and she tells me to (literally) "get employed as a gardener again". :shock: Then I walk outside and I notice that my left cheek hurts and gets swollen. I really feel it 'physically'. Then my timer alarm goes off and so I am awake.

Awake, I get up and I feel sth cold around my left lower jaw but nothing is swollen.I should say that I have generally jaw hurt problems, occasionally I wear a teeth bruxism guard. I also had a tooth problem there up to a year ago or so with a nerve pain going deep on touch or cold fluids. But it all got away after treatment then. I went back to sleep, still with the set affirmations.

Second dream:
I meet my old school buddy (let's call him) Andy somewhere outside. In physical life, he is a doctor. (He comes up in my dreams more often now. Seems I also asked for it as I am myself on my difficult long-winded way to become a healer. Maybe he's a teacher for this instead?). We talk and I tell him that I 'just dreamt' (!) that I had a swollen cheek. Knowing that he is a doctor I ask him to take a look at it. He takes a dental plier and also a kind of lamp and examines my mouth. Then takes the dental plier to remove a piece of tooth or dental root, not a complete one, which was (as it seems) 'loose' anyway. It's about 1 ccm in size, a clump of white and red stuff. I also feel then blood in my mouth. He then tells me to come with him to a first aid station (or a 'real' dentist) for further / after-treatment. I grab my things (water bottles mostly) to follow him then. Dream ends.

Isn't this funny? Telling people of a recent dream in another dream itself. So much for lucidity. :roll:

Another dental surgery, this time a friend (teacher?) of mine. There's some trust involved in this as it seems. Was this the next 'adjustment' asked for? Or is it more simple and it really relates to my physical problems in this area? Maybe both? My daily jaw/tooth/throat problems prevent me from good meditation, so this is all connected.

How about the gardener? She told me that I was a gardener before and should work as one (become employed!) again. Metaphorically, a gardener seems a good thing to me. It's about nature. Also, a gardener grows and fosters plants, weeds out the bad stuff, etc. It's creation.

Considering the 'alien theme' again, then the 2nd dream could have been another implant removal and the first could have to do with "gardening on Earth"? DNA cultivation-evolution maybe? I had another dream where I was told to be 'devoted to DNA' recently. Q (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?13665-My-DNA-talked-to-me-%21%21%21&p=109622#post109622)uote from there (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?13665-My-DNA-talked-to-me-%21%21%21&p=109622#post109622):

(...)I am not a RHCP fan and I did some research on it. It is the song "Tell me baby". Of course, as my HS communicates with me over music a lot, I checked on the lyrics again. Here is one line out of it: "Devoted to the chromosome. The day that you left home." In a newly done section (not in the original song!) they had built in a slow part and the question there was: "Who are you?" repeated all over again.

Or does it directly refer to my question for the night even more directly? The supplement Galantamine is extracted from a plant (spider lily) after all. So I was told to take it more often? But which "employment", which job was actually referred to then?

29th May 2012, 04:04 PM
1st dream: "get employed as a gardener again" - "make your growth your work" (as you remarked, gardeners grow things). This is probably not about job, but about relating to your tasks. I'd guess you would have more growth-oriented adventures in consciousness if you made working on your spiritual growth your main task.

While sometimes people do think they are very focussed on their spiritual growth, distractions might creep in. There's a difference between focussing on your spiritual growth (which is generic and leaves room for your HS to fill details in) or focussing on practice XYZ and goal ABC because one thinks they constitute spiritual growth, which they may or may not. So, it's always good to signal the general willingness to experience whatever is necessary and see it as the task at hand.

A gardener works with what is in front of him. He also trims everything that is not conducive to achieving good growth and does his work, while patiently waiting for nature, and thus the Universe, to do its part. The gardener then symbolizes both effort and patience in balance. Do what you can do, and leave the rest to the powers that be.

2nd dream: Probably a regular (assisted) healing dream, addressing a particular issue.

Regarding your reference to the RHCP song: "Who are you?" / "Who/What am I?" is probably the most important question in spiritual self-inquiry.

I had a similar moment today as one thought question in my mind was answered by the music playing on my shuffle:

This is how you remind me / Of what I really am
This is how you remind me / Of what I really am(Nickelback, "How you remind me")

Even twice for emphasis! :)

1st June 2012, 10:04 AM
On a side note: I love the humour that is sometimes displayed by the larger consciousness system or my higher self or who/whatever 'teaches' us. This is now not intended to be a running joke (at least not from "me"), this really happened a little while (2-3 days maybe) after my jokes about ALF and cats, I just remembered it now in the context of this thread again.

I remember me and Korpo in another thread here talking about so-called background downloads. This is when you are in dream or hypnagogic / hypnopomp state and get some info downloaded, but not consciously 'reading' it, it's also like a "zip-file", or maybe you can take a short look at parts of it, or the contents / an index to show what it is about.

It is somehow a mixture of written data, pics or videos, a live commentary even ('lecture'). Normally one remembers hardly anything of it or only some core impressions, sometimes nothing at all, just the impression of having 'been lectured' about sth.

Now, this is what happened, and it really got me cracking up when I realised it later: I received a 'download' about ... CATS. What they are, also spiritually, how they came (or evolved, or both) here etc. I don't remember any details, just getting an (akashic?) download on cats.

Life can be funny. Life in larger reality probably even funnier.
