View Full Version : A New Vehicle.

Neil Templar
21st January 2012, 04:55 AM
In recent weeks, i've had a few "alien" dreams/experiences, with ships visible in the sky, or landing, even coming right down to the street in front of my house, and firing beams of energy at me. I haven't recorded them here, because they happened during the festive period, and i was way too busy and/or tired because of work/social obligations to do so.
They all had the same energetic feel, to my senses - That of the ships/vehicles, being "alien/extraterrestrial", and of the same quality as the experiences i used to have a couple of years ago when i was in regular communication with a light being i came to understand i had a soul connection with, who originated from Sirius.

A couple of days ago, i had a very similar experience, but with a completely different energy signature...

I am in the streets around my childhood home (my Mum's house), where so many of these experiences take place. I have a feeling growing in me, something is coming from above. I look up into the cloudy sky, and see a shape appear in the clouds. It is a ship, unlike any of the typically extraterrestrial "spacecraft" i usually see in the sky. It makes a sound, for a start. A mechanical sound. An engine of some sort is powering this vehicle.
As it breaks thru the clouds, and hovers above the houses, i see the shape clearly.
It is perfectly flat, on the front and back sides. The sides are perfectly flat too, with a semi-circular arch making the roof and undersides.
It basically is a tube/cylinder, which, instead of being a perfect circle, has flat sides, in between the top and bottom halves of the cylinder. The front and back are simply flat ends of the cylinder.
Looking at the construction of this thing, i can clearly see that it's man-made.
I realise that it's beyond anything man has made at present, so i start to wonder if it's from the future.
It cruises around slowly, not far above the roofs of the neighbourhood, and i follow it thru the streets.
In a cul-de-sac round the corner, i see it land in a side street which leads to garages for the home owner's cars.

I go over to it, and take a closer look. I see a man inside, he looks about the same age as me. Regular looking human guy.
I see a single chair in the cockpit, surrounded by what i assume are displays for the control computer.
I also see a panel which is obviously the stereo unit. On this panel, i see a number of albums listed, one of which, is the most recent dj set i've recorded and posted online :thumbsup:
That's a bit of a shock, but i'm very pleased this guy from what i believe to be the future is travelling around listening to my mix, hehe.

A door on the side opens, and the guy gets out. I talk to him, we shake hands. He is friendly. He tells me that this is a prototype, and he is testing it out. I ask him if he knows that he has my mix on his stereo, but he says he hasn't listened to anything yet. I go to show him the stereo panel, but when i do, it seems to have disappeared. The whole panel is gone from where it was at the side of his seat.

He tells me he built it himself, and that anyone can do it. I am thinking that i like this guy. He's very genuine and down-to-Earth.

This is where my recall gets a bit hazy...i can't remember if he gave me any more information before saying he had to get going. He got in, and the engine whirred. He took off, and was gone, into the clouds...

21st January 2012, 11:48 AM
Hello, Neil.

Seems like that other guy was "tuned in to you." ;)

Beings from other planes of existence appear as aliens to you as long as they - well appear alien to you. Um... ;) In other words, even human consciousness from a higher level of existence might appear alien when seen "from below." In this context it seems to be a step forward to experience the flying object no longer as UFO but as man-made, and being able to establish communication more straightforwardly points in a similar direction.

What you place into the future is also your personal future. "Anyone can do it." Human evolution plays along the same lines, and always humans graduate into what to other humans appear as future selves. Future relative to your own development, not future as in science fiction, but it is easier to picture science fiction imagery to present this information to yourself to convey the point. On other occasions you have received the same information when you met your older self.

21st January 2012, 04:08 PM

On another angle (though I think Korpo's take is clearer) I wonder how many of the craft's attributes may be the result of your interpretation as opposed to their true forms?

And this is where I just haven't accumulated enough experience on the planes: what a thing "is" vs. how I interpret said thing, break it down into intelligible and digestible images given a limited framework.

I'm must get out this weekend. I'm ready for my next adventure, which will hopefully begin to clear these things up.

Anyhow, thanks for sharing. Always enjoy reading your details.


Neil Templar
21st January 2012, 04:27 PM
Hello, Neil.

Seems like that other guy was "tuned in to you." ;)

Beings from other planes of existence appear as aliens to you as long as they - well appear alien to you. Um... ;) In other words, even human consciousness from a higher level of existence might appear alien when seen "from below." In this context it seems to be a step forward to experience the flying object no longer as UFO but as man-made, and being able to establish communication more straightforwardly points in a similar direction.

What you place into the future is also your personal future. "Anyone can do it." Human evolution plays along the same lines, and always humans graduate into what to other humans appear as future selves. Future relative to your own development, not future as in science fiction, but it is easier to picture science fiction imagery to present this information to yourself to convey the point. On other occasions you have received the same information when you met your older self.

Yes i believe you're right on there Oliver. All of my recent experiences with the "aliens" have been gradually leading from distant sightings, to close encounters, to opportunities for direct contact (one of which i missed out on because of a fear reaction).
This one being the next step forward, seems to fit the continuum.

I had an immediate thought upon waking from this one - that the vehicle this being had made, might have been a representation of a mer-ka-ba type vehicle of consciousness. This seems to be synchronistically appearing in my reality a lot at the moment. I keep finding random articles in unusual places about it. Anyway, i had thought that perhaps this was another human projector/master, coming from a higher plane, to show me that it is possible for an "average" human to create such a vehicle.

Neil Templar
21st January 2012, 04:43 PM

On another angle (though I think Korpo's take is clearer) I wonder how many of the craft's attributes may be the result of your interpretation as opposed to their true forms?

Indeed. It's all about personal interpretation/sensing, of what is basically an energy signature.
I'm wondering about the fact that my dj mix was in the "stereo". A sign that artistic creativity is obviously a factor when building a new vehicle of consciousness?

Anyhow, thanks for sharing. Always enjoy reading your details.


My pleasure. I'm glad they're more than simply an online journal for me to reference :)