View Full Version : Energy Body Transformation

19th January 2012, 12:54 AM
Hello Robert,

I have posted this question elsewhere in the forum but did not get a satisfactory explanation of what might be happening so I have decided to ask you. Below is the post I was referring to...

Ok, so for the last 3 days I have been experiencing some very unusual energy sensations. It all started 3 days ago when I decided to meditate on my Base chakra exclusively, which I never do. I decided to do this because my Base chakra has always given me the least amount of sensations. After about 30 minutes of meditation I noticed that my brow chakra activated and then my head started to have a physical and audible buzzing sensation. I then noticed that that same buzzing feeling started to happen in the base/sacrum area. I suddenly felt a wave of relaxation and heat spread throughout my entire body. The buzzing sensation that began to slowly climb up my spine slowly filling my body with the buzzing sensation. This entire experience was completely on auto pilot. I stopped the energy work after noticing the initial sensations. The entire experience last about 2 and a half hours. The next day I had an instinct to not do energy work but I did attempt to do my daily energy raising exercises in the morning. I found it almost impossible to move my energy around so I gave up. Later that night out of nowhere I felt the buzzing sensations in my base/sacrum area. As before, it slowly rose up. This time it was not as pronounced as before and didn't last as long. This morning, upon waking up I was about to get up when suddenly I felt the buzzing sensations again in the base/sacrum/head areas. This time The relaxing sensation took hold of me and I laid back down and let the this time very strong buzzing sensation work their way through my body. I feel as though my energy body is changing. I have also noticed kind of pluses randomly going through my arms or feet. Very strange.

I have since been able to much more easily manipulate my bodily energy via NEW techniques (best book ever) and can stimulate my base, heart and brow chakras almost instantaneously. I feel as though my energy body is going through a significant transformation/evolution. Can you shed any light on situation?

Thank you very much...Stew

Robert Bruce
18th March 2012, 07:56 AM

This is an excellent example for anyone doing regular energy work and spiritual development. It demonstrates that by and large Western people need to spend a lot more time stimulating the lower centers and less time on the higher centers.

What has happened here is that you have activated your base center and your energy body is undergoing an evolutionary process. This can be related to Kundalini awakening.

The long session work you have done is key to your progress.

Most, if not all, of the energy work practices and traditions available today were developed thousands of years ago, for heavily grounded agricultural societies. In those days, the lower centers were more active and the higher centers less active. So back then it made sense to work more on the higher centers. But today that situation is reversed, and the population is highly mentally stimulated, meaning the higher chakras are more stimulated and active. So best results today are obtained by working more on the lower centers, starting with the base, and then working your way up. As you have noticed, activating your base center has in turn empowered your higher centers.

The spontaneous activations of energy body activity, the buzzing feelings, come from your energy body growing and evolving.

Keep up the good work.

Just remember the Golden Rule. If anything happens that is painful or worrying, take a break. Break for an hour, a day, a month, whatever it takes until you feel completely normal again. Then return to what you were doing. In this way, like body building, your energy body will evolve in a safe and natural way.
