View Full Version : Clairvoyance?

19th January 2012, 12:16 AM
i had a something happen to me last night that i've never had happen before. i had just layed down to sleep and only had my eyes closed for a couple minutes when it happened. it felt like something kinda heavy impacted my third eye(but it didn't hurt) and the large amount of pressure stayed there for the duration of this experience. right after the impact, instead of strobes i started seeing a bunch of random images(both still and moving) flashing on my eyelids, people going about their day like normal, different places...and one thing that lasted about 10 seconds- it was some sort of prison from what i could tell, with 4 or 5 guys interrogating(or torturing) a prisoner that was bound to a chair. i saw them hit him once, he looked back up and i swear he made eye contact with me. then the images continued at the previous pace for another minute or so.

if this is some sort of clairvoyance, i have no idea if the prisoner could see that i was watching, or if i was seeing thru someone elses eyes, nor do i have anyway to verify what i saw. i've never had this happen before so i don't know what to think of it. the only ways that i've been privy to information that my own senses didn't collect, is preminitions in the form of dreams and gut feelings, and spiritual knowledge during projections. and a side note- i was no where near falling asleep, nor was i meditating

19th January 2012, 03:32 PM
You had spontaneous clairvoyance or unscientific remote viewing- whatever you want to call it. This is because your third eye became active. This will happen off and on when you're doing energy work or meditation (I don't mean during, I mean because of) and is a natural part of development. If you are naturally clairvoyant it'll happen more. If you're not, it happens on and of with no special consistency.
I'm not clairvoyant (for example) and I'll have times when it happens too. You can also get random voices when you're falling asleep (not to be confused with problematic symptoms like schizophrenia, which happen while up and about). These also happen randomly and in clusters. All are a side effect of awareness expansion due to meditative and energy practices.

19th January 2012, 11:21 PM
i've had random voices at times while falling asleep few times before(never while up and about) when i was alot younger, but this is the first time i've had the visual end of it as far as i remember. there was no sound with this experience. i definately want to expand on this ability and learn to turn it on and off at will. i've always had a facination with the subject, and the many studies done on it that provided some positive results. is there anything i can do to work on it other than continuing my meditation and energy work, or does it only come as part of overall developement?

20th January 2012, 03:29 AM
The way I found to develop it (when I decided to) was to meditate (using whatever method works for you, I like to include pranayama and NEW, amongst other things) until I'm at the point of going to sleep, and then opening my eyes, and going back 'in', until the phenomena starts. Then I would try to write down whatever I get, and to do it. Of course, it takes some time, it's not fast.
But I do think it's part of overall development.

1st February 2012, 11:02 PM
this happened again to me last night, as before with out doing anything but trying to sleep, and also directly following a brow activation. The images were a little more organized this time, and not as rapid, which i somehow attribute to the brow activation being less intense. Another thing that was a little different, is during one of the scenes that i was viewing i had full peripheral view. all the other images this time and the previous time were focused mostly in the focal point of my vision...not only that, but everything that was in my peripheral was as clear as it would be if it were in my focal point(i suppose its because i wasn't using my physical eyes)

as a result of my recent energy work, i am having much more frequent spontaneous activations than i've really ever had(on more than off), mostly my brow, but others-major and minor centers as well. i am quite pleased to be having such results from it and i can't wait to develope this further :)