View Full Version : The Mysterious Nature of Energy.

18th January 2012, 11:13 PM
For some time now I've been trying to identify and map both internal and external variables related to my subtle body's energy levels at any given time. Here I'm specifically focusing on the requisite amount of energy needed for projection, and I'm not sure I'm making the most spectacular progress.

Some days I can be completely driven by my work, totally unfocused on energy or my spiritual efforts, and on many of those days I'll sit down and have serious energy going after just a little time in my MAP routine.

The vibrations just show up and move.

Other days I'll be mindful to breath, use body awareness, etc., and later, no matter how long I take to focus on raising energy for a projection, I'm left sitting in my astral lounger (The Dawn Treader) without a single vibration or sense of where the energy is or isn't, for that matter.

I've tried tracing as many factors as possible. On low energy sessions, I'll frequently walk back through my day, looking for clues, but often finding nothing to correlate. Flip case for high-energy days.

In simplest terms: why does "energy" seem to have such a mind of its own?

I'd appreciate the forum's thoughts and observations on this issue if you've run into it.



19th January 2012, 10:02 AM
I'd like to think it has ,to some extent, to do with surrounding energes. But I have'nt researched it. My intuition just tells me that if you live in an environment that drains alot of energy etc. that will have an impact on your energy to.

In an affirmation text in MAP (can't remember which week) it says something about that one should release the negative energies stored which have been drawn in from the surroundings throughout the day, and release it as a healing effect. Not that text but it translates into something like that. And that makes me think of the above I wrote.

Perhaps this is a factor you'v already thought about.

I also know that when I am to physically tired nothing works for me when trying to do energy work and so on. I have also read that grounding can be used to sort of reset your energy body. To take the mind of spiritual matters and just take a long walk in the forrest could be a good way to ground oneself and to get back on the right energy paths (excuse my english :))

19th January 2012, 03:25 PM
I'm no expert but I think there are more factors involved than we might think.
I have noticed that at times I'm more aware of energy, but it doesn't mean I project easier or better- I can just feel and see it more at times. I think it's a combo of environment, my own energy and more importantly, awareness. I have never been able to correlated to anything I've done- what I've eaten, how much I've slept, or how tired I am.
Sometimes in moment of extreme exhaustion the energy seems to jump and I can't seem to 'stay in' but not consistently.
There was a time where I thought the phases of the moon were involved, because it seemed I was more 'on' right before the full moon, but that didn't last long.
I've always wondered if cosmic rays have to do with it- perhaps gamma rays, or some other 'non-interactive' particle showers may have something to do with it- the reason being that I get activity in periods of days, even weeks, and then periods of nothing- sometimes the difference from one year to the other is perceptible, making me think that 'particle showers' may have something to do with it.
So, the answer is, I Don't KnowTM , but
:? there may be no answer to it.

19th January 2012, 08:07 PM
Thanks Sirius and CFT,

Sirius, I think you're on the spot about rough energy sessions when tired. I find it's very hard to raise energy at the end of the day unless I take a power nap.

Here's a few constants I've found, and these are the extent of my analysis:

1. As above, end of the day seems the worst time to raise energy (for me) when I'm feeling physically tired already.

2. Sugar is bad. Definitely a link between tougher energy sessions after I've snacked on junk.

3. Walking in sunlight is good. I think the chakras enjoy solar energy.

4. Moderate physical activity, especially yoga. Seems yoga has a way of naturally opening channels and clearing blocks.

5. Lots of raw fruits and veggies help. This makes sense given that we're borrowing their energy via digestion.

Other than that, it's still mysterious to me.

Thanks for the input.
