View Full Version : Lucid dream and OBE relation

16th January 2012, 04:17 PM
Is lucid dream the same as OBE?
Is OBE the same as AP?

I haven't had conscious OBE exits so far but I do experience many lucid dreams. So, I'm curious if LD is the same as OBE?
To completely clarify the terms, I would ask if WILD is the same as AP and phasing.

16th January 2012, 05:58 PM
Is lucid dream the same as OBE? No. OBE is the experience of leaving your body with lucidity and awareness, and a lucid dream is a dream in which you become lucid. (That is, you're dreaming and suddenly realize you're dreaming). There is no exit there, you're just having a dream and then become aware.

Is OBE the same as AP? An OBE is a type of AP. An astral projection is basically a nonphysical experience. A dream, OBE and AP are versions of a nonphhysical experience. The difference is the area of the astral you are in, and how you get there.

To completely clarify the terms, I would ask if WILD is the same as AP and phasing. Yes, they are the same thing, because in the WILD you phase into the np without falling asleep first.

Let me describe it differently:
The astral is a nonphysical area or dimension. The RTZ is a part of the nonphysical area that is representative of the physical.
When you fall asleep, your energy body is in the astral, but you are unconscious, and have no power to discern the type of experience you are having, you simply accept it. If you become lucid (that is, realize you are dreaming, it means that your conscious awareness has 'woken up' in the astral, and you are now LDing. in this state you may either wake up in body, or move to a collective area of the astral. This is technically an AP.
in an OBE you usually have an exit of your energy body into the etheric (RTZ) and from there you can move to the astral or stay in the RTZ (depending on what you're supposed to do there).
And that's it, in a nutshell.

16th January 2012, 07:19 PM
Understood. Thank you.
One follow up question. How to get to the collective area from a LD? Do I have to return to the body and perform an AP? Can I do it directly from the dream?

16th January 2012, 08:44 PM
How I do it is to fly away from the dream environment.
In the past when this has happened, there has been a definite 'borderline' from the private/subjective dream environment to the 'proper' astral. Sometimes the dream environment becomes artificial-looking (like a stage that has walls or lines of separation) or you can see a gridlike pattern- just keep going until you end up in a different scape. Most of the time it looks "earth" realistic but sometimes it doesn't- I have seen such things as 'floating islands' or mythological-looking scenes- some recognizable, some not.
You only need to 'come back to body awareness' if you want to have an RTZ projection. And those don't last long, in my experience.

16th January 2012, 09:41 PM
That is interesting. I often see a grid-like pattern when I go out of LD, a moment before I wake up. The grid sometimes stays longer before my closed eyes even in a very wake state.
I recently got to the point to have at least 2 LDs per week and I'm eager to explore the dreams more and more. Got bored of just changing the environment, walking and playing around.