View Full Version : Strange Energy After Base Chakra Meditation

14th January 2012, 10:42 PM
Ok, so for the last 3 days I have been experiencing some very unusual energy sensations. It all started 3 days ago when I decided to meditate on my Base chakra exclusively, which I never do. I decided to do this because my Base chakra has always given me the least amount of sensations. After about 30 minutes of meditation I noticed that my brow chakra activated and then my head started to have a physical and audible buzzing sensation. I then noticed that that same buzzing feeling started to happen in the base/sacrum area. I suddenly felt a wave of relaxation and heat spread throughout my entire body. The buzzing sensation that began to slowly climb up my spine slowly filling my body with the buzzing sensation. This entire experience was completely on auto pilot. I stopped the energy work after noticing the initial sensations. The entire experience last about 2 and a half hours. The next day I had an instinct to not do energy work but I did attempt to do my daily energy raising exercises in the morning. I found it almost impossible to move my energy around so I gave up. Later that night out of nowhere I felt the buzzing sensations in my base/sacrum area. As before, it slowly rose up. This time it was not as pronounced as before and didn't last as long. This morning, upon waking up I was about to get up when suddenly I felt the buzzing sensations again in the base/sacrum/head areas. This time The relaxing sensation took hold of me and I laid back down and let the this time very strong buzzing sensation work their way through my body. I feel as though my energy body is changing. I have also noticed kind of pluses randomly going through my arms or feet. Very strange. Has anyone else experienced anything like what I have described? I'm not really sure of what's happening???

15th January 2012, 04:14 AM
I get the random buzzing and pulses every once in a while- just do sponging all over your body and see if it eases up. If it doesn't hurt I wouldn't worry too much about it.

15th January 2012, 03:27 PM
I will try the sponging. It definitely doesn't hurt or bother me so I was also thinking of inducing and cultivating the sensations for an extended period of time to see what happens.


10th February 2012, 11:24 PM
So I have been able to create these sensations every time I stimulate my base chakra for an extended period of time. The other night I stimulated the base and then I went to bed. 2 hrs later I woke up with a screaming headache and strong body vibrations. I had to ground myself for about 30min to ease the pain! It was crazy. These seem to be pre-kundalini/prana energies, but I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that something powerful is happening to my energy body. I am have energy pulses/surges in various parts of my body all day long for the past few weeks!!!