Aunt Clair
27th June 2005, 10:36 AM
The unaware human is born with a full chakral column
Usually 2 to 5 of the spinal chakras are open at birth
We can ennumerate this stage as 0 to 7
The seeker begins to develop clairient abilities ,
we can sit in meditation and feel at peace
after the first layer of white light infuses the 7 chakras on the spine
the seat of the soul ignites
The First flame of the kundalini ascends
We can enumerate this growth stage as the chakral layer 8 to 14
it is yellow , the first of the primary tri fold flame
and represents male aspects of the godhead
it is the sun and Yahweh
the golden layer of subtle body infuses the chakras
it is what exists now –it is Creation-it is Life
it is the Golden Breath of God
it is the Left Brain and the shift we are leaving from
after the second layer of golden light infuses the chakral column
the aspirant confirms a path ,tries to project and tries to clairvoyantly see
Second flame of kundalini descends
we can enumerate this next stage as chakra 15 to 21
it is platinum blue the second of the primary tri fold flame
and represents the female Aspect- of the Godhead
it is What Could Be-it is Conception-it is Magic
it is the blue moon the mother and Shekinah
it is the Right Brain and the shift to where we are going to
after the platinum blue layer of the subtle bodes infuse the chakras
another chakral layers infuses the chakral column 22-28
subsequent subtle bodies continue to be imbibed with light
Third flame of kundalini ascends completing the braid of the tri fold flame
I cannot enumerate this next stage
it is a long progression before the next flame
on the Universal Path the third flame ignites at initiation 8 and the fourth flame ignites at initiation 100
it is pink ,the third of the primary tri fold flame
and represents the son Aspect- of Godhead
it is earth and fire and the avatar it is love
the aspirant develops stronger clairient abilities and learns to control projections and to remote view
we manifest the dragon heads in the human energy body
these become green then red then golden lions
we manifest a white then black then golden sphinx
and we complete the great work
and then the majestic work
The kundalini finally ignites the fourth flame after many more lessons
all paths lead to God
on the universal path this occurs at initiation 100
suddenly the kunalini starts to change rapidly
we learn pranic breathing and cobra breaths
and raise the nagas thru the nadis
the nadis are purged of snakes
and the garden is weeded so that new cobra energy may arise
we manifest the Uraeus , the cobra arms around the Urn of Garuda
and the mulitple Cobra hood of Vishnu
as the cobra pelvis emerges too
hidden discreetly by the turtle skirt of Vishnu
the kundalini continues to rise and fall
and we complete La Victoire Triomphe
but the kundalini is not completed in its work
it continues to rise and fall thru many layers more of suble bodies
until 14 subtle bodies are imbibed with light then the 5th chitra occurs
this is the sought after five coloured line of the lotus
and so it goes
the goal is not the destination
but the journey
just keep swimming
links that attest to more than one rising ... etinID=218 (
Robert Bruce ... l1065.html ( ... i1039.html (
Alice Bailey ... ening.html (
nature of kundalini fires gentle to lightning
Tentatively, some take these as the right and the left sympathetic cords, but they are subtle tubes that carry Prana. The Moon moves in the Ida and the Sun in the Pingala. Ida is cooling. Pingala is heating. Ida flows through the left nostril and the Pingala through the right nostril. ... _(fussilat (
great animated image of rising within mystic islam site
hindu site same animated image ... ch-38.html (
a spirtual force -In addition to the seven chakras of the subtle body, the Tantras have described a network of subtle channels known as Nadis. According to the tantric treatise Shiva Samhita, there are fourteen principal nadis. Of these, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are considered the most important.
Pingala is the right channel. Pingala is red, masculine, hot, represents the sun and is associated with the river Yamuna. Originating in Muladhara, Pingala ends up in the right nostril.
Ida is the left channel. Ida is white, feminine, cold, represents the moon and is associated with the river Ganga (Ganges). Originating in Muladhara, Ida ends up in the left nostril.
Sushumna is the central channel and is associated with the river Saraswati. Running up the body from just below Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head.
14 main nadis
once awakened cannot stop it
cosmic breath
more common to raise it this age ... nding.html (
Carl Jung
and even more links on kundalini
Usually 2 to 5 of the spinal chakras are open at birth
We can ennumerate this stage as 0 to 7
The seeker begins to develop clairient abilities ,
we can sit in meditation and feel at peace
after the first layer of white light infuses the 7 chakras on the spine
the seat of the soul ignites
The First flame of the kundalini ascends
We can enumerate this growth stage as the chakral layer 8 to 14
it is yellow , the first of the primary tri fold flame
and represents male aspects of the godhead
it is the sun and Yahweh
the golden layer of subtle body infuses the chakras
it is what exists now –it is Creation-it is Life
it is the Golden Breath of God
it is the Left Brain and the shift we are leaving from
after the second layer of golden light infuses the chakral column
the aspirant confirms a path ,tries to project and tries to clairvoyantly see
Second flame of kundalini descends
we can enumerate this next stage as chakra 15 to 21
it is platinum blue the second of the primary tri fold flame
and represents the female Aspect- of the Godhead
it is What Could Be-it is Conception-it is Magic
it is the blue moon the mother and Shekinah
it is the Right Brain and the shift to where we are going to
after the platinum blue layer of the subtle bodes infuse the chakras
another chakral layers infuses the chakral column 22-28
subsequent subtle bodies continue to be imbibed with light
Third flame of kundalini ascends completing the braid of the tri fold flame
I cannot enumerate this next stage
it is a long progression before the next flame
on the Universal Path the third flame ignites at initiation 8 and the fourth flame ignites at initiation 100
it is pink ,the third of the primary tri fold flame
and represents the son Aspect- of Godhead
it is earth and fire and the avatar it is love
the aspirant develops stronger clairient abilities and learns to control projections and to remote view
we manifest the dragon heads in the human energy body
these become green then red then golden lions
we manifest a white then black then golden sphinx
and we complete the great work
and then the majestic work
The kundalini finally ignites the fourth flame after many more lessons
all paths lead to God
on the universal path this occurs at initiation 100
suddenly the kunalini starts to change rapidly
we learn pranic breathing and cobra breaths
and raise the nagas thru the nadis
the nadis are purged of snakes
and the garden is weeded so that new cobra energy may arise
we manifest the Uraeus , the cobra arms around the Urn of Garuda
and the mulitple Cobra hood of Vishnu
as the cobra pelvis emerges too
hidden discreetly by the turtle skirt of Vishnu
the kundalini continues to rise and fall
and we complete La Victoire Triomphe
but the kundalini is not completed in its work
it continues to rise and fall thru many layers more of suble bodies
until 14 subtle bodies are imbibed with light then the 5th chitra occurs
this is the sought after five coloured line of the lotus
and so it goes
the goal is not the destination
but the journey
just keep swimming
links that attest to more than one rising ... etinID=218 (
Robert Bruce ... l1065.html ( ... i1039.html (
Alice Bailey ... ening.html (
nature of kundalini fires gentle to lightning
Tentatively, some take these as the right and the left sympathetic cords, but they are subtle tubes that carry Prana. The Moon moves in the Ida and the Sun in the Pingala. Ida is cooling. Pingala is heating. Ida flows through the left nostril and the Pingala through the right nostril. ... _(fussilat (
great animated image of rising within mystic islam site
hindu site same animated image ... ch-38.html (
a spirtual force -In addition to the seven chakras of the subtle body, the Tantras have described a network of subtle channels known as Nadis. According to the tantric treatise Shiva Samhita, there are fourteen principal nadis. Of these, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are considered the most important.
Pingala is the right channel. Pingala is red, masculine, hot, represents the sun and is associated with the river Yamuna. Originating in Muladhara, Pingala ends up in the right nostril.
Ida is the left channel. Ida is white, feminine, cold, represents the moon and is associated with the river Ganga (Ganges). Originating in Muladhara, Ida ends up in the left nostril.
Sushumna is the central channel and is associated with the river Saraswati. Running up the body from just below Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head.
14 main nadis
once awakened cannot stop it
cosmic breath
more common to raise it this age ... nding.html (
Carl Jung
and even more links on kundalini