View Full Version : Don Miguel Ruiz on The Fifth Agreement

Neil Templar
10th January 2012, 05:29 AM
I just watched this wonderful interview. His words sum up exactly where i find myself lately...:)

10th January 2012, 06:29 PM
I haven't read the whole book (but browsed it when I worked at the bookstore). Did you read the Four Agreements?

Neil Templar
11th January 2012, 01:10 AM
Nope, not yet. I keep seeing them in bookstores, and picking them up, wanting to buy them (the 4th and 5th agreements)...but for some reason, there's alway been something higher on the list of books to buy. I guess i'm pretty well versed in Toltec teachings, and needed a rest from that for a while...but i think i'll go get them soon...;)

Anyway, the way he describes the fifth agreement, pretty much sums up the understanding i've reached on my own...