View Full Version : Recent run-ins with the Elementals

Neil Templar
9th January 2012, 11:23 PM
As i seem to be experiencing repeated awareness of the 3 elementals, i'm going to make a note of every time i come across them in my nightly adventures. I'll keep this thread as a sub-thread within my dream journal. I'm hoping that this will be helpful, to reference their activity/state, with my outer (waking) life.

Mon 9th Jan 2012. The past few weeks have been super busy, both in waking reality, and in my nightly adventures in consciousness. Here are a couple of examples i can recall...

Crocodiles - 3 crocodiles, by the side of a river. 2 are lying on the riverbank, some distance apart from each other, at rest. They are aware of me, but don't seem interested. 1 is more active, watching me, and making menacing noises, but not moving towards me, or looking like he will attack. There is something strange about him tho. I look closer, to see that he is actually upside down! :whatthe: He is belly-up, and his legs are bent backwards, so that he is walking on the ground, looking at me with an upside-down face.
Very strange!

Wolves - At the door of a (my?) house, 2 large white wolves come out of the door. They are massive, their shoulders almost at the same height as my shoulders. They walk right past me, taking no notice of me. Another smaller wolf comes out. This one has a snarling face, and bright yellow, very menacing, and intelligent looking eyes. It (she, i get the impression it is female) is about half the size of the other 2, but obviously more dangerous. She comes towards me, baring her teeth. I stand my ground waiting for her to reach me. She stands right in front of me, and then i hear her communicating with me telepathically.
I have ne recollection of what she actually said. I remember thinking that this was unusual, for one of the 3 to actually talk to me, it's never happened before. Unfortunately, upon thinking about it, the voice seems to become unintelligible, and i loose the "signal". She moves closer, and seems about to try to attack.
I grab her snout with my hand, shoving my fingers into her mouth, with my thumb on top of her snout, right between her eyes. Iam able to hold her still, and let her know i'm taking no nonsense from her. She tries once or twice to shake free, but i hold her firmly. All the while, looking directly into those piercing yellow eyes. We stare at each other for a few moments, then she submits, and relaxes. I let go of her, and she walks slowly past me into the garden where the other 2 wait.

This one was particularly exciting for me, to have actual direct communication with 1 of them. I'm taking this to symbolise an increasing level of awareness of what it is they (i) need to remain in a more permanent state of balance...

Neil Templar
21st February 2012, 03:25 PM
Another adventure with the troublesome three last night.
I'm in a jungle, there is another being with me, tho i never see her. It feels like a Sister vibration coming from her.
I am aware of the elementals, not far away, hidden in the deep undergrowth. I climb up a tree, to get a better view, and i see them all together, down at the foot of the tree. 3 tigers, as usual.
Then the biggest one begins to climb a long branch up to where i am sitting. As it climbs, it becomes a leopard. Instantly my mind recognises everything i know about leopards. They are more comfortable in trees than tigers, so it makes sense that this form would suit, to come up to me.
As it gets near, it is eyeing me menacingly, but i have no fear. I've played this game too many times now.
We are almost eye-to-eye, when it begins to form a snarl, baring it's teeth.
i manifest a pint glass (i work in a bar, so i guess this familiar form came easily to my subconscious mind), which i hold by the bottom, and put the open end around the snout of the big cat. It can't open it's mouth, and i have control of it's head movements.
We face each other for a few moments, then it submits and relaxes, lying along the branch next to me.

Later, it is dark, i am still in the jungle. I can literally see nothing.
I am still up in branch, above the ground. I can hear movement on the ground, creatures sniffing around.
I manifest my walking staff, which i got in France last year, while meeting the Elders.
I reach out with my senses, cos my eyes are no use at this time.
3 dogs are below me. Or maybe hyenas. Definitely canines this time.
I am able to sense and hear their locations below me, and i give each one a swift prod with my staff.
They quickly settle down and go to sleep.