View Full Version : Heart Chakra "spiral galaxy" in mind's eye / trance ?

29th December 2011, 12:35 PM
Hi Bob,

Did you ever come across a visualisation of your own chakras? I think I did, but am not sure.

I was lying in a kind of sleep paralysis with exit problems (not usually my prob though). I was then starting to sing sth in "la, la, la". From that moment on in my mind's eye something 'opened' in my visual field, which looked like a galaxy of green pixels with its core in the middle very bright, then thinning out and darkening to the edges. It also had a clockwise spin. Everything was green and at the core almost glowing in a shiny intense white, but still green-ish.

It lasted as long as I was singing. Maybe I got bored and was a bit fed up with being paralised, so I aborted it and woke up.

I took one of the many pics on the internet of spiral galaxies and edited it a bit on a graphics program. This one I came up with as the closest thing as to what it looked like all the time. Just imagine it rotating clockwise, too:

Could it be a 'green' active and rotating Heart Chakra? Did perhaps the singing or a "la"-Mantra cause it? If it is sth else, what could it be? Have you ever seen such a thing moving in the Astral, clairvoyantly (mind's eye, on your body) or in meditation?


23rd March 2012, 04:35 PM
Hi Robert,

Maybe it got overlooked as it was scrolling out of sight slowly over the weeks, but this is very important for me and I would highly appreciate your view and input as to this strange phenomenon.

Many thanks,

Robert Bruce
27th March 2012, 12:08 AM
If you have paralysis, then an OBE is already in progress. This makes it difficult to achieve an OBE exit...

What you are seeing is one of a variety of phenomena relating to activity in the brow center, or Third Eye. This could as you suspect involve energy from the heart center. The song you were singing could also have contributed to this, particularly if it caused you to feel emotion which would have stimulated the heart chakra.

The heart chakra produces green energy, but is not green in itself. The following pic gives a basic view of the heart chakra. It is a dense smoke color, when viewed with clairvoyance.

This structure, apart from containing a Sanskrit letter, also contains a small deity figure which varies according to how a person is 'wired' spiritually.

The traditional 'spinning wheel of light' is only one possible level of viewing. Another will give you an intense point of green light.
