View Full Version : Questions on: Secondary Centres, N.E.W. Training, Trance tips & Higher Self

29th December 2011, 09:50 AM
Hi Mr. Bruce
It's Ross from Facebook. I'll just copy/paste my message here :) (I've also added in another question if that's ok.
My name's Ross and I'm currently training to Astral Project from your book Astral Dynamics and I'm pretty close to it hopefully not much longer to go as I have other areas in energy to train in.
I was just wondering if I could ask a few questions about NEW/AP (Astral Projection) if that's ok with you.

1. I'm confused about training my secondary centres in the sense that I'm not sure where to start (as most other areas have a list/guide to follow for training) so I was wondering u you could please tell me where/send me a 'training schedule/plan' to follow for secondary energy development (is the 'quick reference guide' on pg. 136 a plan for training secondary centres or just stimulation?)
2. How much do you suggest I train for in regards to N.E.W. for Ap? I'm on school holidays and I'm devoting around 4/5 hours+ a day to my training (I'm determined and willing to do the hard yards) but I was wondering if there's a limit to where it'd be getting too dangerous/unproductive to continue or do I have to pay attention to my own body/energy body to know that?
3. Could you please provide me with some important/key tips you might know for entering the Trance state?
4. How would I go about meeting/communicating with my Higher self through Astral projection? Recently I've felt this 'feeling' to get in touch with him (me lol) urgently and I'd like to be taught/guided through my energetic (and other) training in my life.

I hope these are easy enough to understand and I didn't ramble too much lol. Thanks heaps in advance for taking the time to read this and for any help you provide
Take care and Happy Holidays!
Love & Clarity to you and your loved ones

Robert Bruce
17th March 2012, 05:24 PM

Hi Mr. Bruce
It's Ross from Facebook. I'll just copy/paste my message here :) (I've also added in another question if that's ok.
My name's Ross and I'm currently training to Astral Project from your book Astral Dynamics and I'm pretty close to it hopefully not much longer to go as I have other areas in energy to train in.
I was just wondering if I could ask a few questions about NEW/AP (Astral Projection) if that's ok with you.

1. I'm confused about training my secondary centres in the sense that I'm not sure where to start (as most other areas have a list/guide to follow for training) so I was wondering u you could please tell me where/send me a 'training schedule/plan' to follow for secondary energy development (is the 'quick reference guide' on pg. 136 a plan for training secondary centres or just stimulation?)

I suggest you get a copy of my book, 'Energy Work' which is much clearer than my online tutorial. Start with your feet and work your way up, exploring and stimulating your energy body and its secondary energy centers as you go.

I also suggest you get copies of my other 2nd editions, Astral Dynamics, and The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook, for further insight.

2. How much do you suggest I train for in regards to N.E.W. for Ap? I'm on school holidays and I'm devoting around 4/5 hours+ a day to my training (I'm determined and willing to do the hard yards) but I was wondering if there's a limit to where it'd be getting too dangerous/unproductive to continue or do I have to pay attention to my own body/energy body to know that?

One hour per day minimum for serious progress. Two hours or more is better. You cannot overdo energy work so long as you follow the Golden Rule: which is 'if anything happens that is painful or worrying, stop and take a break until you feel normal again. Stop for an hour, a day, a week, whatever. Then go back to what you were doing. In this way, like body building, your energy body and mind will adapt and evolve naturally and nothing bad will happen.

3. Could you please provide me with some important/key tips you might know for entering the Trance state?

Relax your body and your mind. Clear your mind of thought words. If you do this you will enter the trance state. This takes practice for most people. The 'elevator' technique will help, as given in my tutorials and books.

4. How would I go about meeting/communicating with my Higher self through Astral projection? Recently I've felt this 'feeling' to get in touch with him (me lol) urgently and I'd like to be taught/guided through my energetic (and other) training in my life.

During meditation and trance work, learn to listen. During your awake life, learn to listen. Listen to everything...to your dreams, to the dreams of others, and to everything around you and to everything that happens. Your higher self (your inner master) is your divine self, your Buddha mind. It is a part of you, sharing your every thought, and active in every cell of your body, and active in everything around you. Every cloud, every leaf, every ant, every event, everything is a part of you in the sense that you are connected to everything. Learn to listen. Your higher self is constantly trying to talk to you and guide you. This is why being observant and listening is so important.

The Deli Lama and how he was found as a child makes for a good example. The monks followed signs and omens and dreams to find him, and they did. http://www.dalailama.com/biography/from-birth-to-exile

This is what I have done in my life...I learned to listen, to see, and then to let go and take action.

Affirmations are the most powerful tools you have to bring about change.


I hope these are easy enough to understand and I didn't ramble too much lol. Thanks heaps in advance for taking the time to read this and for any help you provide
Take care and Happy Holidays!
Love & Clarity to you and your loved ones