View Full Version : Rid Water of Pollutants

26th December 2011, 09:19 PM
Dear Sir...

As happens with OBE validation through reality check a way in order to validate effectiveness of affirmations might to be to sample water from a polluted river, test pollutant levels (by using suitable reactives) and after affirmations are done, test again pollutant levels.

Affirmations could be: "This water is free of heavy metals".

Ultimate test would be drink amounts of water purified through affirmations and verify if one survives or develops diseases heavy metal assimilation related.

¿What are your thoughts about this?


Robert Bruce
13th March 2012, 04:02 PM
This could be related to turning water into wine. That seems like a much safer and more fun way to test this.

I think this can be done, but one's level of 'belief' would need to be significant.
