View Full Version : About being ready for an OBE

20th December 2011, 06:22 AM
Hi mate and thank you so much for sharing your knowledge through books and this forum!

Ive been thinking about the issue of being ready for an OBE. Can it in your opinion be so that to be ready to experience OBEwe need to have come to a certain level in our own development? E.g. A person who has come to a certain purity, sensitiveness, understanding, personal power etc. throughworking with him- or herself over possibly many lifetimes(assuming there is something like this concept of reincarnation) in contrast to a person who has never done anything to improve upon oneself, just being in the everyday trance of modern society?

Im asking because i can see a tendency that people who are mastering OBE seem to be very clear and somewhat pure. I havent met a lot of people, so i might be wrong. There is almost also certain that someone is misusing the OBEs like there is always someone who is using tools for personal benefits only. Maybe thats their way and journey to realize something. Im not here to judge. Anyway, when i was in the amazon, doing a shamanic diet, i was purifying myself and in that time my dreams and real life seemed to melt together. I had a lot of LDs in this period and i was learning a lot. This made me see that to be having conscious OBEs and LDs we need to be somewhat pure, have a clear mind and have a lot of power. And i believe this is part of the evolutionary process for people who are into these things. Are you catching my drift or do i need to elaborate some more? Waiting eagerly for your reply!

All the best:thumbsup:

Robert Bruce
8th March 2012, 02:05 AM
I think it helps to be reasonably pure, and the purification exercises you mention will definitely help. However, keep in mind that black occultists can also be good at OBE. The main ingredients for successfully inducing OBE are the same for all...eg, the ability to deeply relax the body and mind and remain conscious, and then to use an OBE exit method. RB