View Full Version : Affirmation Reminder

19th December 2011, 02:29 PM
Hello folks!
I had absolutelly nothing to do at work today so I made a little application just for fun (and for you offcource <3). It's for those of you that have a computer at work or watch a computerscreen all day and have a hard time remebering to do your affirmations or checking if you are dreaming etc. during the day. Well I'm one of those people and I really want to remember to do my affirmations and lucid dream training.

Description of the application
It's basically a timer that tells you when to do your affirmations/checking reality. Offcource you can use it to remind you of other stuff but perhaps you already have other methods of doing that.

Here's a previewpicture of the program.


Basically you chose in what time-interval you want to be reminded and then you can minimize it, leaving it to mind its own. When the time is up it pops up on top of your screen and plays a short little tone and shows a text reminding you that its time to do your affirmations. The message will show for 15 seconds and then it will reset to the interval you chose and repeat itself untill you press stop or close it.

You can download the application here and OFFCOURCE it's free of charge (Its on MediaFire.com):

PS. The program will install on: C:\Program Files (x86)\Default Company Name\AffirmationReminderSetup\ ...if you don't specify elsewhere.


21st December 2011, 12:36 AM
Seriously Linus, from one software developer to another...way cool. What's it written in? What technologies do you usually work with?

21st December 2011, 06:23 AM
Seriously Linus, from one software developer to another...way cool. What's it written in? What technologies do you usually work with?

Haha, thank you,but it's really nothing. 1 page of code!
Its written in C#, in a Windows Forms project.

I'm usually a front end guy, so HTML, javaScript, CSS, C#, jQuery etc. is my main techniques. I have been working for 10 months with MVC3 and the Razor engine. But I'll delve more into backend programming during 2012.
I began working with programming a year ago, after 2 years of study. So I'm kind of new in the business.

Had a break at work so I figured that I might as well do something that others can benefit from and there it was.


26th December 2011, 02:09 AM

I've been working with C# since it came out. I do a ton of SharePoint right now, very big product in the states. At least, it's enough to keep me busy.


28th December 2011, 05:08 PM
Working alot with b♥♥♥♥♥ng to then? Or is that common practice when setting up new sites with sharepoint?