View Full Version : Does being a skeptic hurt my chances & continuing MAP after a long lay-off.

18th December 2011, 04:08 AM
Hi Robert, I originally posted this in the new-member intro section. Somebody suggested that I post it here to get your opinion. I've highlighted the parts with the specific questions:

Hi everyone,

I’ve been a Robert Bruce fan for a few years and a lurker on this site for some time, this is my first post. I’d like to give you a bit of background and then appeal to some of the experienced projectors for advice.

I came across Astral Dynamics a few years ago and read it cover to cover fascinated. I have a science background and always skeptical of anything that is unproven but approached the subject with an open mind. I tried the techniques and found that I could do the energy work no problem and enter a light trance. Determined to improve my skills, I re-read Roberts book and painstakingly took notes on the practical sections. I practiced daily: concentration, full body relaxation, energy work, chakra stimulation, trance, energy body loosening then exit technique. After a period with no noticeable results, I took time of attempting OBE’s.

I later heard about Robert Bruce’s Mastering Astral Projection in 90 days. I ordered this from Amazon right away and began the program fresh from the beginning. My concentration and energy work improved as I practiced the exercises and affirmations and I came to about day 60. By this time I was feeling heavy energy movement sensations and experimenting with the energy body loosening techniques. The BWG was helpful and I was occasionally able to enter deep trance and feel intense energy movement sensations.

I felt I was making good progress but at around day 60 or so, a small tragedy took place, my apartment building burned to the ground! I am very grateful that everybody escaped without serious harm, but many lost everything they owned. I didn’t care too much about my clothes and other material things, but and I lost my books, notes and much of my progress on OBE’s.

This was about nine months ago, and here I am again starting from the beginning. I’ve improved my concentration, reworked my entire energy body, practiced trance and chakra stim. I’m having a harder time feeling the energy body loosening techniques and forget some of the exit techniques. I might need a refresher on the basics.

So that’s my background on the subject. I’m also a semi-successful lucid dreamer although I never achieved nightly lucidity and lately have been in a major rut in this area.

Anybody care to offer advice on where to pick up, what direction to go in, where I should focus my time and energy? Does being a skeptic and not a blind believer hurt my chances?

I would appreciate any advice on daily routines, exercises etc. I don’t want to buy the 90 day program again or re-read AD for the third time. I’ve been reading the forums daily but haven’t found the answers I’ve been seeking.

Sorry about the long spiel, it feels great to get it out!

Thank you!


Robert Bruce
8th March 2012, 02:00 AM
Healthy skepticism is a good thing.

There is also the 'Mastering Astral Projection Audio 6 CD set' which is totally different product from the 90 day guide book. This voice guides you through the techniques and methods, with altered state inducing sounds.

The 'Journeys out of the body 6 CD set' is also excellent. This is the best hemi sync available.
