View Full Version : An updated IIH

17th December 2011, 11:57 AM
Dear Mr. Bruce,

Thank you for the wonderful books you have written and the plethora of materials which you have made freely available to all of us. I basically have one question, in four parts:

1.) Do you have any plans in the future to write a commentary on Bardon's IIH? I have read the superb commentaries by Rawn
Clark and William Mistele, but I would be very interested to hear your unique perspective and advice on Bardon's exercises
and overall system.

2.) Do you have any plans in the future to write an updated, less archaic version of Bardon's IIH, The Path of the True Adept,
A Course of Instruction of Magic Theory and Practice, Volume I of the Holy Mysteries?

3.) If not, do you have any general or specific recommendations for the early steps, say I-III; especially how your
groundbreaking new techniques can be used in the study and practice of Bardon's IIH?

4) Finally, I keep going through periods of intense excitement and motivation, and then seem to quickly lose steam. Do you
have any recommendations as to how to keep my motivation high and not lose sight of the long term reward?

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer these questions. I truly appreciate it. Chris

26th December 2011, 09:55 AM
Dear Mr. Bruce,

I'm so sorry to "bump" this thread, but I am EXTREMELY interested in your answers. I know how busy you must be, but if you could take just a few minutes to to answer my questions, I would be beyond grateful. I know your time is precious and I promise not to squander it by ignoring your answers, "or be casting your pearls before swine.'

Robert Bruce
18th March 2012, 08:42 AM
See my replies in the text below...

Dear Mr. Bruce,

Thank you for the wonderful books you have written and the plethora of materials which you have made freely available to all of us. I basically have one question, in four parts:

1.) Do you have any plans in the future to write a commentary on Bardon's IIH? I have read the superb commentaries by Rawn
Clark and William Mistele, but I would be very interested to hear your unique perspective and advice on Bardon's exercises
and overall system.

I have considered this. See 2. below.

2.) Do you have any plans in the future to write an updated, less archaic version of Bardon's IIH, The Path of the True Adept,
A Course of Instruction of Magic Theory and Practice, Volume I of the Holy Mysteries?

I have long planned to write an updated IIH. And I have recently had some astral contact with Bardon. A new IIH will work better than a commentary, as then my new methods, energy work, understanding, etc, can be applied.

3.) If not, do you have any general or specific recommendations for the early steps, say I-III; especially how your
groundbreaking new techniques can be used in the study and practice of Bardon's IIH?

Yes. Do the work as recommended in the book. Apply my energy work methods logically to this. One hour per day is minimal for progress. Two hours per day or more are recommended. (there was no TV and computers in this days, and this is why people made better and faster progress).

Apply my 'Body Image Work' methods to Bardon's work. This will help by giving you some direct visual contact with your energy body, and empower your affirmations.

Do spoken affirmations and commands to help with the IIH lessons.

Do longer sessions, 2 hours or more.

4) Finally, I keep going through periods of intense excitement and motivation, and then seem to quickly lose steam. Do you
have any recommendations as to how to keep my motivation high and not lose sight of the long term reward?

This is the way of it. There is a wave form at work here, with highs and lows. This affects everyone. Through doing the work, and through forming good habits, self hypnosis, and applying good tactics, this wave flattens out.

We humans have the ability to become distracted. This is a big problem in the modern world, as there are more distractions.

Simplifying your life can help.


Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer these questions. I truly appreciate it. Chris