View Full Version : Some things I know how to do

11th December 2011, 11:20 PM
Well a little while ago I was told by my spirit guides that I should make more of an effort to try to teach people some of the things I have learned how to do, so here's a topic about that. I'll be posting things that I have learned how to do that have proven useful to me in astral development and other areas.

First of all I'll go into what I do the day prior to an attempt to project. One thing is I have found some natural supplements that are helpful in inducing lucid dreams which can be used as a platoform to project off of. These are choline, galantamine and alcea tincture. The choline and glanatimne pills I'll usually take a couple hours before bed and the tincture either right before I go to sleep or when I randomly wake up in the early morning before going back to sleep. In addition to this I also do the energy working excercises from map before I go to be too witht he intentiont o project. If I do all that I usually have high success rate in projecting.

For meditation I recently found some very promising meditation techniques in the book ipissimus written by the occultist e a koetting.

These are fairly easy to do and he says they are very effective, these are called bija mantra meditations. It is recommended that each of these is done 24 minutes each day, one minute for each hour of the day. The three main types he mentions in the book are the haum, uhl and ahm mantras.

How it works is in the beginning you focus on your third eye chakra, try to get it to open as much as you can with all of your will. Then when its at its limit divert some of your attention to the base chakra behind the genitals which houses desire. Focus on pushing energy out of it , up and out of your third eye chakra. While doing this chant one of the three above mantras.

For example if you do haum it will sound like haaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuummmmmmm, and then take a breath and do it again,

Each of these mantras has a purpose, he said that each of these is a specific universal sound which will channel the energy coming out of your third eye for a specific purpose. Haums purpose is towards aligning events in your daily life towards the goals of ascension.

Uhl is meant to give you greater power over the occult, in my shaman journey it was recommended I focus on this one the most

Ahm is meant to open up any blockages in your crown chakra, if you have alot blocking it the first couple times you do this is supposed to hurt alot. I felt an odd sort of sensation there but no pain. But then I have some some stuff in the past to try to get my crown chakra open so it may not need as much work as some peoples.

But yeah if you do this right you'll feel two things, one is the area by your third eye chakra will feel tingly with some pressure and maybe some pain too depending on how much is built up, your base chakra area will feel a slight burning. Be sure to keep attention on both of these chakras throughout it all so that the flow doesnt stop.

So yeah that was the new thing I learned how to do hopefully these will work well.

In my next post I will go into some useful astral techniques for after you have gotten out.

12th December 2011, 12:49 AM
Thanks defectron. Very interesting.

12th December 2011, 10:33 AM
Very interesting info. I'm reading The Source Field Investigations, which devotes a large amount of space to the Third Eye and Pineal Gland's importance. I'll have to give this method a try.

12th December 2011, 12:40 PM
Very interesting, will give the Aum-Meditation a try. I also now already tried Choline/Galantamine-mix after getting up in the night (4-5 times) with good results regarding gaining lucidity (later). However, exits and control seem somehow an issue now when using it, but I am working on it.

13th December 2011, 01:49 AM
I also now already tried Choline/Galantamine-mix after getting up in the night (4-5 times) with good results regarding gaining lucidity (later). However, exits and control seem somehow an issue now when using it, but I am working on it.

Hey Volgerie, looks like we're on the same diet! I've also added B6, Mucuna, and some other stuff to good results. I've spent more of my life unable to remember dreams, so I don't have any issues with pumping up the natural helpers for a time. I only wish I could take the full Galantamine dose but it lowers my heart rate to dangerous levels. Watch that stuff!

Take care,


13th December 2011, 05:50 AM
Maybe I should also add in B6 and Mucuna if that works well. Though lately I've had a really good track record with what I have been taking. I think in recent times I can only think of one day I didn't project while doing this routine, the other non projecting days were days that I chose not to take them or do the escercises either do to having to get up early or because I felt I needed to do something before attempting to project again.

13th December 2011, 12:33 PM
Hey Volgerie, looks like we're on the same diet! I've also added B6, Mucuna, and some other stuff to good results. I've spent more of my life unable to remember dreams, so I don't have any issues with pumping up the natural helpers for a time. I only wish I could take the full Galantamine dose but it lowers my heart rate to dangerous levels. Watch that stuff!
Take care,
Hi Soul,
thanks for the advice. I also took B6 vitamins before that but did not note any effect. I do not know anything about Mucuna though.
I think I am not over-doing it with Choline/Galantmine, as I only take it every 3-4 days or so. I think that Choline itself is harmless as it is only more or less the basic part of Lecithin, which is a very common supplement (at least here in Europe). Galantamine is surely a special thing. I noted that I "hear" some rushes in my head after a while when lying in bed after taking it. It's as if some new circuits are combined or sth is 'opening up'. When getting lucid by it, it might also lead me to some 'inner' experiences as I start to 'see' my own chakras spinning then. I also noted that I sleep longer recently. I am pretty tired in the morning and have a hard time getting up. When taking it at night I also experience sometimes problems to fall asleep again (so this might be connected to the fatigue). All in all it is, however, not yet in any way problematic for me. I wouldn't use it anymore if I started to notice any health probs.

13th February 2012, 06:09 PM
I received some questions about scrying so I will post this here.

First of all, make sure you have a proper scrying device, what you can do is find a used picture frame with glass, spray paint the side you won't be scrying in black and you can use this. Now ideally you'll want to concecrate this, but I forget some of the details in this procedeur since I only did this once. So I'll need to get back to you on how to do that.

But anyway when it comes to scrying here's what to do. Find an indirect light source. Usually candles are recommended, but other light sources can be used, just make sure it gives off the amount of light a candle would, France Bardon has said electrical lights interefere with astral beings, but so far based on my personal experience as well as the opinions of two experts and King Kandazi this is not correct, but anyway depending on the sort of room your in, make sure the candle isn't too big. Otherwise it will give off too much light.

Now comes the important part, enter into a meditative state, just focus on your breaths , close your eyes and get as relaxed as you can. Don't count your breaths or overthink things here, its important just to relax. Anyway after this imagine a ball of light over your head, this is the light of god itself, now pull it into you and focus on having the light spread peace and more relaxation through your body. You should feel a tingling in the areas that it goes through. Once it has spread through your body and your convinced you have as much peace and relaxation as you need try opening your third eye chakra, try to see what it is you want to see with it. After doign this open your eyes and try to transfer that image in your mind to the mirror. Just gaze at the mirror for awhile without focusing. It's recommended to do this for about 30 minutes, but you can do it longer. You will probably see strange afterimages of various things as you do this, even amateurs will see these. I half dissmissed these as creations of my own mind, however I had an experience the other night that verified that these afterimages should not be dismissed.

However what you'll eventually be aiming for are clear images, so far the best I've gotten is a breif image of a room that was sharper then a dream image, but most of the non after images I've gotten have been breif and of dream level quality. But slowly they seem to be getting clearer, and at least one , two if you count the other nights after image have been representitive of things in the physical world.

EDIT: I forgot to add in a couple minor points, if you don't know these, it could screw up your efforts. One is I would recommend the first few times you do this, do so without any sort of intention to find anything. Just ask to see what you need to see, chances are you might catch some glimpses of symbolic imagery. When the time comes for you to actually look for something with intent, don't get attached to the result, like in all paranormal abilities , if you get attached to using it to do something it may not work right, attachment is the enemy. For example lets say you really need money and plan to use this to get a winning lotto ticket number. If you get attached to the result, your probably not going to see what you are looking for. But if you go in not caring one way or another if you get what you are looking for, then your chances will be much better.

13th February 2012, 07:58 PM
I received some questions about scrying so I will post this here.

First of all, make sure you have a proper scrying device, what you can do is find a used picture frame with glass, spray paint the side you won't be scrying in black and you can use this. Now ideally you'll want to concecrate this, but I forget some of the details in this procedeur since I only did this once. So I'll need to get back to you on how to do that.

But anyway when it comes to scrying here's what to do. Find an indirect light source. Usually candles are recommended, but other light sources can be used, just make sure it gives off the amount of light a candle would, France Bardon has said electrical lights interefere with astral beings, but so far based on my personal experience as well as the opinions of two experts this is not correct, but anyway depending on the sort of room your in, make sure the candle isn't too big. Otherwise it will give off too much light.

Now comes the important part, enter into a meditative state, just focus on your breaths , close your eyes and get as relaxed as you can. Don't count your breaths or overthink things here, its important just to relax. Anyway after this imagine a ball of light over your head, this is the light of god itself, now pull it into you and focus on having the light spread peace and more relaxation through your body. You should feel a tingling in the areas that it goes through. Once it has spread through your body and your convinced you haveas much peace and relaxation as you need try opening your third eye chakra, try to see what it is you want to see with it. After doign this open your eyes and try to transfer that image in your mind to the mirror. Just gaze at the mirror for awhile without focusing. It's recommended to do this for about 30 minutes, but you can do it longer. You will probably see strange afterimages of various things as you do this, even amateurs will see these. I half dissmissed these as creations of my own mind, however I had an experience the other night that verified that these afterimages should not be dismissed.

However what you'll eventually be aiming for are clear images, so far the best I've gotten is a breif image of a room that was sharper then a dream image, but most of the non after images I've gotten have been breif and of dream level quality. But slowly they seem to be getting clearer, and at least one , two if you count the other nights after image have been representitive of things in the physical world.
Thank you defectron. This is awesome. I'm going to link it to the mysticism forum.

26th February 2012, 03:07 PM
That's a lot to take in, thanks for sharing!