View Full Version : About the loosening exercises

11th December 2011, 11:58 AM

I'm focusing on the projection once again (I was more centred in other affairs), and I have some questions, maybe because I've moved a bit out of the MAP path:

1.I have strong web cob sensations in my face when doing the loosening thing, more specifically around the eyes. I thought they should be felt in the heart zone.

2.I also have a strong feeling of NOW in the projected double, but at the same time my physical body is not in trance. I think that's the reason I don't have any vibrations. Anyway, and not all the time, that NOW feeling makes me "taste" the other body (to feel it real). Will that lead to a complete projection, or am I having a mental one?

3.I've checked that piercing walls with my projected double (if that's the "double") activates 500% my energy sensations in the physical body. Man, it's amazing the process. I pass from a relaxed-neutral state to a fully energy-activated one.

My problem is that the rope technique doesn't really function. I don't have any vertigo, or energy feelings or whatever. Contrary, if I think of me in a swing, or inside a ball bouncing and rotating, I have all the symptoms all of a sudden.

What really preoccupies me if to know whether I'm wasting time and energy or I'm in the correct path.


11th December 2011, 06:10 PM

I'm focusing on the projection once again (I was more centred in other affairs), and I have some questions, maybe because I've moved a bit out of the MAP path:

1.I have strong web cob sensations in my face when doing the loosening thing, more specifically around the eyes. I thought they should be felt in the heart zone. No, not at all. The most common cobweb sensations felt by people when they do energy work is in the forehead area. It's just a function of brow center sensitivity, and it comes and goes. It's actually a good thing.

2.I also have a strong feeling of NOW in the projected double, but at the same time my physical body is not in trance. Do you mean paralyzed? Because trance can be light and it can be deep, usually paralysis happens in deep trance, or coming from sleep. I'm going to guess you mean in light trance.

I think that's the reason I don't have any vibrations. Vibrations are a side effect of being in transition, and if transition happens fast enough, you don't feel them. But they also happen in different parts of your trance, so it's possible that you haven't gone deep enough in it.

Anyway, and not all the time, that NOW feeling makes me "taste" the other body (to feel it real). Will that lead to a complete projection, or am I having a mental one? Most of the time, having a tactile experience of your energy body gets you very close to exit time, but not always. If you have it try to move your focus on your passive observation. Look (obviously eyes closed), listen. Notice. And wait. Then determine if you have to go back to loosening, or back to observation.

3.I've checked that piercing walls with my projected double (if that's the "double") activates 500% my energy sensations in the physical body. Man, it's amazing the process. I pass from a relaxed-neutral state to a fully energy-activated one.

My problem is that the rope technique doesn't really function. I don't have any vertigo, or energy feelings or whatever. Contrary, if I think of me in a swing, or inside a ball bouncing and rotating, I have all the symptoms all of a sudden. Then don't use ROPE; do a different exit technique, there are many- waterskiing or rolling are two that come to mind. Or you can mix it up, try some and see what happens. If nothing, go back to noticing. Even sitting up is an exit technique if done at the right time.

What really preoccupies me if to know whether I'm wasting time and energy or I'm in the correct path.

Thanks! There's no time wasted, just used for learning.

11th December 2011, 06:46 PM
Do you mean paralyzed? Because trance can be light and it can be deep, usually paralysis happens in deep trance, or coming from sleep. I'm going to guess you mean in light trance.

To do the trance thing I use the focus10 phasing method (you enlightened me in another thread), tape free, I mean using the anchor set by Monroe in his subliminal messages. It varies from a deep relaxation where I can feel my body relaxed, or a deeper one where I lose sense of my limbs (the head is always there).

What catches my eye is being able to "project" my consciousness and to "feel" both bodies so clearly when I'm not even in the first stage of F10. It is obvious I don't get to a critical point to trigger the projection reflex.

Vibrations are a side effect of being in transition, and if transition happens fast enough, you don't feel them. But they also happen in different parts of your trance, so it's possible that you haven't gone deep enough in it.

I'll tell you the only time I felt them. I was sleeping listening to a brain wave generator home made preset (made by other folk). The preset was bad designed due to a high tone in between a long time low toned period. That high tone made me wake up inside the dream (sort of a LD, but not that). I was in darkness, but I felt I was inside a cilinder-shaped place. Inside it there were strong vibrations. It was like being inside a giant machine, and I even felt the physical sensation of the vibrations.

Most of the time, having a tactile experience of your energy body gets you very close to exit time, but not always. If you have it try to move your focus on your passive observation. Look (obviously eyes closed), listen. Notice. And wait. Then determine if you have to go back to loosening, or back to observation.

It's curious you mentioned the passive observation thing. If I project into another point in the space, I have no success and I end up going back to my physical body without noticing it. If I am, by the contrary, interacting with all the things surrounding me, I can maintain myself a lot out of the physical. That's why I need something more than the tactile thing... thanks God I have a good memory to remember all the stuff around.

So, boiled down, this is a question of checking what triggers best the reflex...

Sometimes, when I'm out (so to say...), I stay for a while doing things and thinking: how much time?...

I'm so looking forward... For me it's something we call in Spanish "espinita clavada" (nailed little thorn), an objective I set when I was 15 ( 1998 ), and when there was a lack of documentation around AP in Spain... (maybe I was too young)

:-) As always, thanks, friend!

11th December 2011, 09:09 PM
De espinita clavada.... hace muchos años que you no he oÃ♥do esa frase. Ya se me está olvidando el español.
Hay una traducción parcial del "Tratado" ('Treatise') pero no me gusta, es muy incompleto, en mi opinión.

Well then.... I think you're doing well- the questions you have are quite universal, it's not that easy to nail down that 'moment' when you're 'ready'.