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10th December 2011, 06:58 PM
I believe I've had my first official AP experience last night.

I'd spent almost an hour raising energy and meditating. My family and I were sleeping in our basement beside the fireplace. It's a cozy spot. Everyone had drifted off to sleep about the time I finished my routine. I slipped into bed and could feel the vibration building below the surface almost immediately. I let go. I didn't plan anything, in fact, I was so tired I almost wished the vibrations would hold off.

I awoke an hour or so later to the rushing vibrations filling my whole body and shifting me quickly into a sleep paralysis state, uncomfortable, but once I let go and started doing rope it was simple and easy. After some time of failing at rope, I decided I was tired of the paralysis and since I can easily break them by adjusting my breath, I did just that. All went quiet for a time I can't recall. Then I heard the most amazing drums, something tribal, electric, like nothing I've ever heard. I became acutely aware that my breath wasn't moving my chest, if I was even breathing.

I knew this was it.

I sat up, realizing I was leaving my body behind. Things were murky so I called for clarity and things tightened up a bit. I moved to the end of the bed and jumped off, up the ceiling with as much force as I could. I didn't go through, but slowly and gracefully found myself standing on the ground. My basement looked nothing like it normally does. It was empty, monochrome. Just then I tried turning my head to the right but couldn't, something was blocking me: my pillow. I realized I was experiencing an incomplete mind split so I made a break for the door, but was clearly too close to my body and the next thing I knew my eyes popped open. I was electric, awake, in awe.

I had the most profound sense, once awake, that I had lost most of the experience in the download. I have no idea how much was lost, I only know that when I was back in my body, it seemed like I left behind far too much to make any firm conclusions about what happened.

I wish the experience had been crisper, but I'll take what I can. This is a slowly evolving thing for me, and I'm content with what happens, as it happens.

So that's it kids. That's my first outing. I want to thank everyone here that's been so supportive and helpful, especially CFTraveler.

I can't wait to report back with more.


10th December 2011, 09:12 PM
Congratulations, Soul.
The first one is always special. :-)

11th December 2011, 12:54 AM
Hallo Soulsail
Yes indeed, that Was an OBE so Congrats Are in order.
Thinking about the physical body while out of body often results in the OBE abruptly ending. So you had the right idea but unfortunately could not get far enough away from the room in time. On the bright side control in an OBE usually gets easier with experience. Also the length and quality of OBEs normally improves with experience as well.


11th December 2011, 06:33 AM
Ciao Soulsail,

Congrats! there's nothing like the first experience to truly feel that there is so much more than meets an eye or two or
three for that matter.

I used to think people surely made these things up till it happened, now I find myself to be more silent if you will in who to tell as many people would look at me how I would of looked to others if they told me such things.
It seems once the door is open your thirst for knowledge and understanding has no equal for simply the truth.



11th December 2011, 06:48 AM
Now you're off and away, Soul!:D

11th December 2011, 08:55 PM
Thanks all for the replies. You are an awesome community and I'm grateful for finding you all.

12th December 2011, 06:34 AM
Congratulations... Im actually quite... jelaous haha. But I'll get there some day! Im happy for you.


12th December 2011, 01:47 PM
Soulsail, I'd like to request something from you if possible and if you have the time. It would be very interesting as to how you develop after this. Im thinking about what Robert writes in his books about that other abilities might manifest after a first OBE. If you like to share how you develop after this and what abilities might be stronger or if you experience something new, it would be very interesting to read about!


12th December 2011, 02:00 PM
Congrats and happy travels. :-)

12th December 2011, 03:38 PM
Yay! Congrats!

I want it too! (And I'm on my way.)

I know that this whole thing is not a one-size-fits all, but I also had a hunch that a lot of energy-work, much energy raising, like you did, could be the precipitating factor.

Thank you so much for your mail.

13th December 2011, 01:47 AM
Hey my friend,

I'm may be at odds with Robert here, but 99% of the most interesting things transpired well before I got out. Little things here and there. I'd say that as long as you're on the journey toward yourself AND your on a journey to finding the divine in other people...you're going to start noticing things. Here's a small rundown of what I've encountered in the last four months:

1. My Chakras. Yeah. Some people take this for granted, but you don't forget that first heart chakra strobe. I've had so many during attempts they don't even show up any more. I can't remember having one on the night I got out.

2. Saw my aura. This just happened last weekend. It was emerald green and luminescent. Lovely thing, really. I was in bed and opened my eyes and there it was, running the perimeter around my nose and cheeks.

3. Three of four undeniable clairvoyant experiences (seeing lightening behind closed eyes and then hearing thunder, "knowing" from a distance when my wife is upset and needed a friend, knowing when family members were feeling alone or otherwise needing love).

4. A BUNCH of neg experiences, which actually just ramped up after my exit. This is a long story, but a real one that I contend with often, as I have for much of my life.

5. Hearing music in meditation. Finding myself immersed in white light for a blip during meditation (scared the wiz out of me).

6. Having some spectacular Astral Vision. I once watched some alien beings play a game with what looked like a big egg/dice thing. I can't begin to tell you how colorful it was, how real, how utterly crisp and 3D. I've seen other stuff that nearly made me wince, like being up against the hull of some massive orb-like ship, as if I were a fish against a whale. It emitted a series of brilliantly colored lights that trailed down like fireworks.

I should stop now, coming to the end anyway.

6. A quieter mind. A softer heart. Things I've always longed for.

Otherwise, life moves on as usual...though nothing is usual anymore by virtue that everything has shifted. No, I shifted and am shifting. God, reality, love, the supportive Universe: these things have always been and will always be. Thank God.

You're going to get there Linus. Don't rush. Work through each sticking point, knowing that there is no such thing as failure. We're all evolving, and heck, what do I know? I'm a baby at this stuff.

Take care,


13th December 2011, 06:03 AM
Now thats an answer! :) Thank you, couldnt have asked for more really.

Oh.. now that I think of it. What kind of meditation do you do?

I'v experienced a bit of those things you write about bot not so strong. Im truly fascinated every time.


13th December 2011, 04:57 PM
I'm may be at odds with Robert here, That's a curious thing to say, why do you think you're at odds with Robert?
I didn't read anything in his works or in what he's taught (in class) that would suggest that.

13th December 2011, 05:04 PM
...What kind of meditation do you do?

I practice Vipassana. Nothing fancy or elaborate, but I consider the practice my number one priority. Energy building, astral practice, trances...these all come after I've done my routine meditation. And if I had to give up all but one thing, I would keep Vipassana.

I'm also branching out into Kundalini meditation where one focuses on chakra breathing, silver cord meditations, and Nad meditation. I recommend you get a couple books for Christmas if you're interested:

1. Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana.
2. The Five Tibetans by Christopher Kilham.

What's interesting is that both books touch on transcendental states and how they're virtually unavoidable (but not the goal) to the dedicated practitioner of meditation. I've found this to be the case.

Take care,


28th December 2011, 09:32 PM
That's a curious thing to say, why do you think you're at odds with Robert?
I didn't read anything in his works or in what he's taught (in class) that would suggest that.

Hi CFTraveler et al,

I'm a little slow on following posts and just read this. Actually, it's interesting that CFT brought this up, because I made a fairly big mistake. I was referencing another author, his name escapes me, and through a series of brain hiccups, I added "Robert" by pure mistake, and an unfair one at that.

I amaze myself sometimes.

28th December 2011, 09:33 PM
That's OK- It was just confusing.

26th February 2012, 04:38 PM
Congratulations! Now it will get a lot easier to achieve it again!