View Full Version : A newbie here with his first projection experience!

8th December 2011, 06:00 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm a long time visitor of these forums, but this is my first post as i just recently experienced an astral projection! I'm a scientist by day and must admit, i've been skeptical, but always hopeful, as to the nature of astral projection. Anyway here is a report on my experience.

I've always had lucid dreams throughout my life, but about 4 years ago i experienced one that seemed far to real to be a regular dream. After doing lots of reading i discovered astral projection and have tried since then (on and off) to learn to project. Only just a day or so ago i actually projected! I went to bed and simply did about 10 minutes of energy raising and chakra stimulation, then rolled over to go to sleep and thought nothing more of it, except for the fact that i really felt like i'd stimulated my chakras properly, something i hadn't properly felt before. The next thing i noticed was that i was still in my room, lying on my bed, except i was really struggling to move. You know that feeling when you fall asleep on your arm and wake to find that you can't move it? It was like that, but my entire body was experiencing it. I called for my girlfriend, who was lying next to me, to help, but i couldn't see her. I started to wonder as to whether i'd projected. I then noticed that i could only see out of one eye, so i yelled 'eyes start working!' but it'd didn't help. I then realised that i must be struggling to move because i'm too close to my body. I crawled out of my room and down the hall, and as i did, movement became easier. When i got to the lounge room of my apartment, i had full movement, so i ran and jumped out of my lounge room window and landed on the street below. Upon doing so i leaped into the air to try and fly up into space. I remembered reading in Astral Dynamics that keeping your arms at your sides and flapping your hands helps you fly faster.... boy did it work! I shot to the end of the universe, beyond which was nothing but white! i thought then that i had gone too far, so i turned around and flew back into the universe, then wished myself back into my body. I ended up being back in my bedroom, but not in my body. it took a number to tries to reintegrate into my body.

When i woke, i asked my girlfriend if she heard me sleep talk and she said she hadn't. I instantly got up and recorded the experience!

Just wanted to share my experience with you all! i hope that i can have conscious projections one day and not actually sleep through the projecting part! Has anyone else had a similar experience of flying to the edge of the universe? Did you see nothing but white also? i'd love to hear about it!


8th December 2011, 12:41 PM
I know Robert writes in his books about that the universe has no end, its infinite according to him. And that he have'nt found the end of the universe. I wonder if there is an end actually. Perhaps you just thought of it as the end biut it was not? Anyway, congratulations to your experience and i hope to get there myself some day!


8th December 2011, 03:57 PM
I'm a long time visitor of these forums, but this is my first post as i just recently experienced an astral projection! I'm a scientist by day and must admit, i've been skeptical, but always hopeful, as to the nature of astral projection.
Welcome to the forums, Astral_Steve.
Just curious, what kind of a scientist are you?

8th December 2011, 09:09 PM
Hi and thanks for the welcome,

I'm a nano scientist. So I'm mainly a chemist who dabbles in a bit of physics! If you have any questions about it don't hesitate to ask.

Another question for you guys, How often can an experienced projector project? Is it reasonable to think that one could project every night? or is once a week more realistic? I'm just after a goal to work towards.

Thanks again!

8th December 2011, 10:19 PM
Very interesting. I'm sure I have some questions regarding many things, because I'm annoying that way. :mrgreen:

But anyway, I project around once a month and don't recommend to attempt it more than once a week. Practice daily yes, attempt no.
There's lots of reasons but the one that I am partial to the most is that when you start meditating to project you mess with your sleep cycle, and introduce conscious awareness (alpha) to other brainstates (theta and delta) and it takes some time to get used to these disruptions- exhaustion is not good and does happen at first.

8th December 2011, 11:10 PM
No doubt i'm going to be pestering you guys with heaps of questions, so you might as well do the same to me!

So you're saying that there is a risk of exhaustion? Could you slowly build yourself up to projecting more often? Also, i've noticed when i try to project, i begin by doing some energy raising then chakra stimulation, then as i try to rise up out of my body i can feel my heart rate escalating. I've read that this could be the heart chakra, but when i rouse myself and check my pulse, it's my actual heart rate that is going crazy. I guess its a nervousness thing, but it's extremely off putting. Are there any tips for over coming this? I'm guessing its just practise.

Thanks again.

8th December 2011, 11:21 PM
Could you slowly build yourself up to projecting more often? Idk, I used to project more when younger, but they were spontaneous.
I think the mental effort of trying is what wears you down, once you're used to the change in sleep patterns, and some people project more than others. So, :shrug:

As to the heart rate thing, it may be a case of 'being in the right position' to notice.
I had an echocardiogram for just this problem, and the tech told me that many people have this problem- once they get relaxed enough in a reclined position their heart rate gets faster, partly because of caffeine, (in my case) and the attention to the area that causes feedback from becoming aware of the palpitations.
So if the heartrate thing becomes a problem 'get thee to a doctor' and get an ekg. If no rhythmn weirdness, cut down on your caffeine.
And yes, when I went I had a murmur that went away after a month, and the echo was fine.

8th December 2011, 11:38 PM
I've been looking for an excuse to cut down on my caffiene intake.... looks like i've found it! Thanks so much for your help!

11th December 2011, 01:05 AM
Greetings Astral Steve and welcome
It's good to see that your patience and determination were finally rewarded with an OBE! Well done!
You probably had a case of sleep paralysis (SP) just prior to the OBE. SP is a common phenomena that usually prevents sleeping dreamers from getting up and physically acting out their dreams. And yes, the physical body Does interfere with astral consciousness so you did well by immediately getting out of the room.
In a way you were Already out of the universe even before the flight into space. Once getting out of body a person is already in a higher dimension --- a fourth dimensional extension of three dimensional space. It is being in that higher dimension that allows each OBEer to ♥♥♥♥♥ the laws of (3 D) physics and do all those amazing things (like flying and floating and space travel).

Thanx for sharing

11th December 2011, 06:57 AM
Another question for you guys, How often can an experienced projector project? Is it reasonable to think that one could project every night? or is once a week more realistic? I'm just after a goal to work towards.

I feel you'd probably be more satisfied having longer, better recalled experiences less frequently than nightly experiences that appear nonsensical or repetitive. Of course, you could find that you pull off great experiences nightly. Who am I to say what will work for you?:-) In any case, if you were already a lucid dreamer, you'll probably make fairly rapid progress with your particular goals.

11th December 2011, 10:44 PM
When I want to project I can usually do it multiple times in one week, usually not every day though. To help induce projections I usually take the supplements choline, galantamine alcea tincture and also do energy stimulation with the intention to project at some point when I go to sleep. If I do all that usually it gets good results, I was holdinf off on projecting until recently because I was trying to work out an issue that prevents me from traveling to different astral zones. I may have found a workaround to this though as I may have successfully jumped to where I was going in last nights projection I'm going to try again tonight to see what results I get tonight.

But anyway I'm inclined to think that the white space you went to most likely was not the end of the universe, it may have been in some other dimension or some astral realm that you went to. I went to a place that appeared to be an alien planet once, according to a spirit guide communicator I talked to this was a real alien jungle I visited, I'll need to try going back there as well in the near future.

11th December 2011, 11:59 PM
Thanks again for all the welcomes!

I like the thought that 'In a way you were Already out of the universe even before the flight into space.' Thanks for that one grey!

I've been thinking about my experience a lot lately and i'd like to pose another question! The only real difference i noticed with my projection and other attempts is that i somehow stimulated my chakras properly. The day before my projection, i had spent a lot of time in shops looking and handling chakra pendants (i assume thats what they're called). They were basically gemstones that had been set in some other kind of stone and each gem corresponded to a chakra. Does anyone have any experience with these sorts of things? Do they work, or is it pure coincidence that i happened to be handling them the day before a projection?



9th January 2012, 07:04 AM
I recently bought some Iolite stones. Have'nt got enough experience of them to comment yet, but will as soon as I have.