View Full Version : was this a brow centre strobe?

4th December 2011, 04:25 PM
Hi, For a while now I've been raising energy the Robert Bruce's way and listening to a binaural beats CD and meditating.
I have in the past had many OBE's but this early morning I got a big shock.
Having spent longer each time on the brow centre I woke up about 5am. Need to get back to sleep but decided to raise energy in the feet whilst going back to sleep.
I must of just got into that relaxed state and WHOW!
If you can imagine 2 live wires touching and the spark you would get from them,I got up in my brow area.There was no pain.. Previously I've posted experiences of fire works but this really frightened me and I felt I reacted with a big jump but I couldn't have because my hubby was still fast asleep.Thinking that this may be a negative energy I immediatly did some protective work and lay there deciding not to try anything tonight. I was still worried that this had been an attack.
Just in that relaxed state again when I heard a sound I hadn't heard since my cat was put down last year, It was the noise a cat's claws make when walking on a wood floor. It got closer but with my eyes closed I could sense something was flickering in the brow area . Wondering If there was enough energy there for me to try an OBE I waited a short while to see what might happen then the moment was spoilt. The cat jumped up on my chest. I knew it was her and could feel her paws walking over me.I wondered if I could feel her with my hands so I raised my astral hands and she felt solid and I could feel her hair.I could hear her purring.
By now she had moved to the middle of the bed so now I wondered if I could see her so I opened my astral eyes and there she was black and white (her colouring) What supprised me most was that she was lying on her back playing like a kitten with her paws in the air with a lovely ginger and white cat
Stupidly I opened my physical eyes and lost everything. I didn't get back to sleep thee rest of the night.
I suppose it would have been very rude of me to try to project when I had visitors.

However since looking up this brow centre scare in Robert's Energy book I don't think it was a negative energy . He writes in the book that some people think it is a negative attack.
Has anyone else experienced this?

4th December 2011, 09:15 PM
Hi Susan,

Nice to see your pets in the astral :)

In my opinion I would say it's not negative.

I find that all experiences alien to us (new) we get scared at first is a normal reaction of the unknown. I also have been working that area of late and a few other's which I normaly did'nt work before and had more random astral experiences.

Since working the body and also the brow allot prior to sleep for OBE / astral experiences I have found
not only are the experiences more vivid but I have more control on where I go and what I do depending on my
questions/ demands to myself prior to the experiences in what I want to learn about.

Perhaps the brow may also help with these experiences more than other area's of the body in unlocking other parts of the astral
by pure intent and other parts with other area's such as I find the chest area seems to help for protective shield I have used in the past and also the hands for defence ect which seemed to of worked for me.



4th December 2011, 11:18 PM
I agree, I don't know why you'd think it's a negative event. It seems more like a brow center strobe that opened your third eye, and you saw your beloved kitty playing with another one.