View Full Version : What is this??

4th December 2011, 04:37 AM
Hi Robert Bruce.
Can you tell me what this is....
I am sleeping and feel a man who is totally pure energy charging up me??
It is so hard to get so much like electrical energy so I have to try to stop him saying ...it is enough.
It is not only sexual.
It is very satisfying on all level´s.
I was in other places too and the same happened as it happened total awake in my own bed??
So I could say...it happened both in dream but also in awaked state.

After this kind of charging up episodes I become very sick....shrowing up as now also...the whole sunday
I was in bed...feeling real sick....threw up 4 time´s but only saliva and mucus and a terrible head-acke.


Robert Bruce
15th February 2012, 09:35 AM
I suggest you read my book 'The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook'

Perform a banishment the next time you experience something like this, and employ other countermeasures as necessary.


15th February 2012, 10:24 AM
Thank you Robert Bruce. I have read now your book of self-defense and I practis the banishment and it work´s. Big thank you for answering.
