View Full Version : How does the third eye feel?

27th November 2011, 11:14 AM

My third eye's sensations have changed and now it feels really cold (like a "line of coldness" starting in between my eyebrows and moving upwards).

Has somebody experienced the same? In the first stages it felt as Bruce says (tingling and so). What could that change mean?


Aunt Clair
19th December 2011, 02:45 AM
water energy feels cold
it is blue wet heavy dark passive female magnetic energy
and it fills the head called the MoonStone
the chakras in the head are blue, indigo and violet
all of these are water

But the treasure of the MoonStone also called the female tan tien is Shen
which is golden fire
it rises from the fire centres in the chest or SunStone at the will of the magician
and it spontaneously forms in the head as the reciprocal seed in the core of the water chakras

Any two vertical energy centres will cause a cloud of energy between them to form
this nebulous cloud attracts heavier elements like a star or an electron gathering shells
forming a new energy centre

any energy centre will form with use and flow of energy a core within it that is of a reciprocal nature so within the water centres there is fire

In order to have clairvoyance we must draw fire called golden Shen through the watery abyss of the MoonStone to the brow.

Until these centres manifest in the head of the magician there can be no clairvoyance but all humans are capable of developing clairvoyance and this is done through use in dim light
and flow of energy . All humans are capable at birth of a basal clairvoyance which is the ability to see within dreams and we build up from there enlightening the subtle body structures which afford siddhi powers.

As we develop the centres of the head sensations of cold or heat are not novel, this can be expected .

19th December 2011, 12:51 PM
You're the bee's knees, Aunt. Very didactic. I never thought about new energy vortexes created from energy work...

Just a question about the clairvoyance thing. I mainly use NEW to activate my energy estructures. So, according to what I have understood from your poetic phrases, if I ascend energy from my heart chakra to my third eye, should I develop clairvoyance?

Aunt Clair
8th January 2012, 04:48 PM
@ Iadnon I am sorry that I did not notice your question earlier. It wasn't intentional. Regrets.

Succinctly, YES.

In detail;
*although some are born able to see well, all humans can develop clairvoyant sight
*physical senses deteriorate with age, magickal senses improve with maturity

Clairvoyance is developed in the magician
*with use of this second sight
*with the controlled flow of fire energy

*Enter the Sacred Chamber in DIM LIGHT
*Sit in comfortable trance supporting asana i.e. Thoth or Throne pose
*Prime the channels to facilitate flow and maintain trance by drawing energy up & down spine;
from crown to toes and reverse flow toes to crown
*Attain & Maintain altered states of consciousness i.e. dreamstate lucidity or meditative trance

When clairvoyant sight is used, it becomes improved .So sit daily in meditative trance and look.
Seek lucidity in dreamstate. In dim light, view energy, auras and spirits. In meditative trance see visions .In mystic projection view Mahatma and realms.

Draw fresh pranic flow of energy into and through the MOONSTONE,When raising energy ensure that you draw up a bolus of fire energy from the heart to the brow to light the candle in the window of the soul with golden fire energy.Roll the honey through the centres of the brow before you exhale and then continuously draw energy with each inhalation into the third eye and out of it breathing the golden honey.

CONTINUUM of Clairvoyance Development ;
*basal; dreamstate only
*emergent; dreamstate and spontaneous OBE sight
*developing ; spontaneous sight near dreamtime , rare glimpses of spirit
*medium ; able to see most spirits at will , attaining trance to see realms
*clairvoyant; able to see some subtle energies, some spirits and some realms
*magician; able to see subtle energy angels, teachers, realms at will

Robert Bruce calls the network of energy centres in the forehead, the brow centre.It is useful to know something about the nature and pattern of development of the brow centre so that the magician can intentionally draw flow through emergent centres to foster and accelerate development. A greater number of engaged energy centres on the brow means greater clairvoyance. New centres manifest with use and flow in a predictable manner.

There are 3 main body parts; head, chest and belly .Robert Bruce calls these energy storage centres. Alchemists have called these stones. Taoists sometimes call these cauldrons. Within each is a subtle energy of a specific Hermetic nature.

Each cauldron contains a vertical pair of spinal column chakras. Between each of these pairs of chakras a cloud of reciprocal natured energy gathers like a vortex becoming heavier and more dense like a star forming. Eventually this vortex forms a spheroid energy centre smaller than the chakras but it continues to grow larger with use and flow. Smaller energy centres begin to satellite the core forming a 'wheel of life' structure horizontally. These occur in a predictable pattern ; front, rear, sides, bicardinals doubling ; 1, 2, 4, 8.

Knowing where the centres are, helps. Drawing energy specifically through the paths of emergent centres speeds up their growth and maturity.Like a diamond on a ring, an energy centre will form on the front of any wheel first.The Third Eye is that centre in the middle of the forehead.The 2nd satelliting centre manifests behind the first centre, on the rear of the head. Now a pair manifests concurrently on right and left.Then four centres form bicardinally completing the 8 satelliting centred 'wheel of life' around the core.

Three primary nadis or rivers of subtle energy flow irrigate the human energy body along and through the spine; Ida the female Moon, Pingala the male Sun, and Sushumna the male Earth finally the fourth nadi opens as the female princess Gandahari.There are innumerable nadis their location is predetermined . These are like valleys and riverbeds waiting for the rains to fall to become engorged with pranic flow.

Within each cauldron or stone there is a special channel called a tan tien or wick like the wick inside a candle. These occur on the base of each cauldron and rise up through the centre to the middle of the core. Each cultivates a reciprocal energy to the cauldron and that energy cultivated within them is called a treasure. The elixir of one cauldron flows upward with the tan tien into the cauldron above. In this manner, fire may be carried from the heart to the watery brow, for example.

Head Water MoonStone
blue & indigo chakras, magick mind ,female upper tan tien, Shen, Crown of Goddess

Chest Fire SunStone
green&yellow chakras ,magick heart, middle tan tien, Chi

Belly Earth EarthStone
orange&red chakras, magick womb, Lower Tan Tien, Throne of God

The magician needs to draw fire from the magick heart to the magick mind to light the candle in the window of the soul. Without that candle flame there is no light. Without that light there is no sight. Fire energy is the light needed for clairvoyance. Fire begins at a low orange vibration and becomes brighter yellow and then noble golden sun energy. This golden sun energy has been called Shen by Taoist Alchemists.

SHEN IS THE INNER SUNLIGHT, a noble fire of subtle energy
The muggly unaware has no Shen. Shen is the treasure of the Female tan tien where it is cultivated intentionally by the magician. Only after the channel is primed with prana can it carry fire with breath, visualisation, will and intention from the magick heart to the magick mind. The continued cultivation of this flow by priming this channel with energy allows the magician to eventually be able to draw up noble fire from the firey magick heart to the Third Eye at will . The tan tien must become wick to flow , it must be primed with pranic flow before it can draw fire energy up from the belly to the brow. With each inhalation the magician needs to draw in more fire energy to maintain sight .

8th January 2012, 07:28 PM
Amazing... thanks for the response!

That technique brings to my mind that maybe other effects could be achievable moving energy through other pairs (eg from muladara to sahasrara, etc). Working chakras in pairs there would be 20 combinations possible (root with navel, root with chest, etc). Is something documented about that?

Aunt Clair
11th January 2012, 06:45 AM
Yes, Kundalini Yoga has kriya for that purpose. Hatha Yoga is the beginner or general yoga. Kundalini is the Raj or king of the yogas. It is the practice of forms which draw energy up the channels to the brow to stimulate clairvoyance and up through the perineum to initiate Kundalini events. The Maha Bandha lock is a Yoga technique, for example , of clenching buttocks, pulling up pelvic floor and slamming the abdominal wall upwards and backwards towards the heart suddenly so that a bolus of energy is formed. This gathers the fire in the heart and is carried upward to the brow where trance is attained and clairvoyance is stimulated. There are links on AD to free K Yoga lessons. Or Google for Gurmukh on YouTube.