View Full Version : Question about the afterlife

25th November 2011, 06:32 AM
Thank you Robert, for just beeing who you are and helping the world in the way you do.

My question is what we do in the afterlife? What do we strive for when we have passed on? Is there any task we must carry on, like our jobs now in this life, or do we do what we want to do?
I'm asking because it feels like eternity is a long time doing nothing *smiles*.

Sorry if this has been asked before. Could'nt fint it anyware though.

Regards //Linus

Robert Bruce
14th February 2012, 12:29 AM
My observations of the afterlife include humans and animals. Both undergo a similar process, but for humans it is longer and more complex...

After physical death, deceased persons are bound to the real time zone for a few weeks. Then they can be said to fall asleep and dream - the real time astral body sleeps and dreams. The dream version can be said to be a mental projection, or a higher spiritual level of being, whatever one wants to call it.

The afterlife dreaming is much like normal dreaming, in that it is a very fluid state that feels totally real. Most do not realize they have died because it is so real.

The big difference between real life and afterlife (similarities here to normal dreaming and OBE states) is that there are constant anomalies. EG., your coffee cup keeps refilling itself, you catch fresh water fish in the ocean, you start a three mile walk and take a few steps and arrive, etc. These anomalies are designed, programmed, built into the fabric of this reality, I believe, to point out to people that they are no longer in physical reality.

Deceased people find themselves in a pocket reality of their own making. This is not consciously created, although it could be deliberately created if people are aware of their afterlife state. In this sense, some experience with lucid dreaming and OBE would be a great help.

This pocket reality will change and fluctuate according to the subconscious mind. In this way, every moment of life is relived and processed until people are comfortable enough to let it go. Baggage and trauma are more heavily processed until it can be let go.

Once persons start to 'realize' what they are and where they are, other programs activate to provide guidance. The more spiritually advanced a person is...the older the soul... the more guidance they will receive from masters and angels, etc.

In this way, people evolve to the point where they 'realize' what they are and how the great wheel of life works and relinquish physical identity.

Eventually, after an indeterminate length of time (the Tibetan Buddhists say the average time is several hundred years - but the passing of time is not noticed in this state so that is not a long time) the evolved spirit/soul returns to its real time astral shell with little to no memory of its past life on earth.

This essential shell is then attracted to merge with another human fetus, which is something like a sperm entering and fertilizing an egg...and life starts all over again from scratch.

The motivations for attaching to a particular type of fetus and family are unknown, but likely this involves the higher self, which is a part of the essential spirit/soul of a person.

If a human fetus escapes this (theoretically) they would be born with a more primitive soul, which may come from an evolved animal like a dog or cat, and other animals are possible, too.

I have much personal experience to support all the above, but it would take a book to share all that.

A clue to this process can be found by observing how some advanced people, like the Deli Lama, Yogi's, etc, are said to deliberately reincarnate in a child of their choosing. This child is often selected before physical death. Here, the master would project a copy of his/her consciousness (a type of OBE projection) and this merges with the fetus of the chosen child. After the physical death of the master, the rest of the master's consciousness would follow.

An evolved spirit, like the above, would impart some knowledge and memory to a baby. In this way, with deliberate reincarnation, a master evolves far more rapidly than anyone who is reincarnating with default instinctive attraction.

I do not doubt that masters and yogi's can do this, as I have been capable of doing the same thing since I raised Kundalini twenty something years ago. Astral Bob is the name I give to my astral double which separated from me when I first raised Kundalini (massive amount of energy involved with raising Kundalini). Astral Bob started then with all my memories and experience, but since then 'he' has grown into a quite different personality from my own. It is possible that if I reincarnate deliberately at some stage, that he would reintegrate with me. This last is an unknown factor.

take care, robert

14th February 2012, 02:53 AM

What new data made you change your mind on the whole reincarnation thing?

Robert Bruce
14th February 2012, 04:18 AM
I've had all the pieces of this puzzle for many years, but have only recently put enough pieces together to see the full picture.

This hypothesis is similar to the standard reincarnation theory, but my picture fills in a lot of holes and this makes it more logical and understandable. Well, it does for me....

I'm currently writing a feature article on this for a 'New Dawn Magazine' special edition



What new data made you change your mind on the whole reincarnation thing?

14th February 2012, 08:04 AM
This essential shell is then attracted to merge with another human fetus, which is something like a sperm entering and fertilizing an egg...and life starts all over again from scratch.
So the evolved soul does not get higher up in a evolutionary chain to be, for example, released from physical reality and live on in a different dimension and evolve there, but stays in the physical dimension forever?

14th February 2012, 08:49 AM
I have much personal experience to support all the above, but it would take a book to share all that.
Sounds like a good project to me. ;)

26th February 2012, 12:58 AM
This affirms thoughts I have recently entertained. Thank you.

Consciousness seems like a process of awakenings well into eternity, whether on the physical or astral planes, then. And to me that does not sound dull. The pattern in physicality is the minute we are content or complacent or satisfied, or think we have attained something, our whole reality, perception, can change in the blink of an eye. How could that ever be boring?

Thank you for mentioning animals. I would personally like to read that book. Recent experiences have taught me that the animals that inhabit or attach themselves to our life are precious souls, much simpler than human, but some infinitely sweeter ... and that does not come from external observation, but internal (clairvoyance). Each one, even in the same species, is unique. And I received the impression that they come to incarnate and experience the five senses which are heightened on the earth physical plane, as well as to experience the unique relationship or companionship with humans. Animals, tame or wild, are here to observe us, some to partner with us, some to protect or comfort us, some to sustain us, some to guide us, and some do await an opportunity to become human. It is a fascinating revelation, especially when you open to "see" and experience their reality and personality from the first hand, personal internal standpoint. Brought me to tears. Experiencing life, and the inter-dependence of beings on this planet is such a great honor. Especially since we usually take them for granted, dismiss, exploit and even abuse them in our ignorant or unawakened state.

27th February 2012, 12:07 PM
This essential shell is then attracted to merge with another human fetus, which is something like a sperm entering and fertilizing an egg...and life starts all over again from scratch.

"So the evolved soul does not get higher up in a evolutionary chain to be, for example, released from physical reality and live on in a different dimension and evolve there, but stays in the physical dimension forever?"

Sorry, but I am really keen to have this question answered :) If you can't I understand.

Best Regards

27th February 2012, 06:10 PM
I'm not Robert, but would like to put in my two cents- it is apparent that this physical universe had a beginning and will have an end- maybe not on a fundamental level but on a carbon-based threedimensional human one- therefore, regardless of how many times you reincarnate (or transmigrate, coincarnate or whatever else you want to call it) eventually evolution will have to happen towards some other state, which may be a mystery to us. Or maybe not.

27th February 2012, 07:56 PM
Good point. One I did'nt think about. Then, to me, it seems like physical life perhaps is a matter of choise in the non-physical life (at some point in ones evelotion, perhaps when some kind of requirements are fullfilled).

2nd March 2012, 01:36 AM
I do not doubt that masters and yogi's can do this, as I have been capable of doing the same thing since I raised Kundalini twenty something years ago.

take care, robert

Hi Robert,

Do you only get this power after raising Kundalini?

Robert Bruce
13th March 2012, 04:00 PM
I would not really call this a power, but a natural progression of ability that comes about through the development of ones consciousness and energy body. I think the ability to raise kundalini, even if one has not actually raised it, is necessary. I say this simply because of the large amount of energy required to do a real time OBE of enough strength to permit this feat to be carried out...meaning, enough time and energy with which to attach to another living being deliberately, as opposed to this happening naturally or accidentally.

Any mention of there being an end to spiritual evolution, of a point where people will leave the physical and continue in another dimension, is pure conjecture.

what I do see is that at some point in spiritual evolution the number of choices available increase beyond the automatic afterlife process.

Advanced Buddhist monks and other such masters have spent an enormous amount of time meditating. I think it is this more than anything that allows them to skip the automatic afterlife process. Because there is no need for an afterlife process. There is nothing to process. This makes sense.


14th March 2012, 06:20 PM
So in "advanced people" their real-time bodies will not fall asleep and dream up an afterlife in the mental planes?

Robert Bruce
19th March 2012, 12:26 AM
Evolution is a constant factor in life, even if we dip lower at times we cannot help but to evolve in time.

I do not know if there is an end to this process. I have heard many people claiming that they will not come back to physical life again, that they will evolve to a higher dimension. Such people do not get the point of life at all. They just want to get away to somewhere easier. A lot of children are like this when it comes to school. They just want it over so they can do something more interesting and fun.

It does not help that we cannot imagine a higher reality and what it would be like. Anything we could imagine would be an extension of physical life. One might imagine, for example, a world where everyone is nice and vegetarianism is the norm. Or one might imagine floating on a cloud playing a harp. Life is what one makes of it.

Again, I do not know if there is an end to physical existence. I do know that as we evolve we gain a lot more choices.


So the evolved soul does not get higher up in a evolutionary chain to be, for example, released from physical reality and live on in a different dimension and evolve there, but stays in the physical dimension forever?

19th March 2012, 02:30 AM
Dear Sir...

¿That after life illusory status can be avoided if individual follows a special discipline when he's alive?

Devotion to a daily meditation routine avoiding drugs, numbing eating, and unnecessary contact with people ¿can serve in order to reduce to its minimum expression such an after life illusory status?

If previous is not, ¿what is the life style compatible with such purpose?

My best regards,

19th March 2012, 02:51 AM
Dear Sir...

Evolution is a constant factor in life, even if we dip lower at times we cannot help but to evolve in time.
I do not know if there is an end to this process. I have heard many people claiming that they will not come back to physical life again, that they will evolve to a higher dimension. Such people do not get the point of life at all. They just want to get away to somewhere easier. A lot of children are like this when it comes to school. They just want it over so they can do something more interesting and fun.

Just a thought...

I agree with you. May be such people is not yet mature in order to understand that life on Earth serves to direct experience things cannot be experienced at astral (i.e.: death, disease, famine, anger, hate, sexual love, etc.) all that source of physical and spiritual pain.

Once an individual masters all of that sources of terrestrial pain, can evolve to more advanced worlds (may be, an ET's world source) and repeat evolution routine (birth, development, mastering of evolved world limitations, death, rebirth and so on).

By comparison, children starts at elementary school, where they must to learn and master things like reading, writing, mathematics, history, etc.. When they master all that elementary school imposes, they evolve to High School where they must to grow following programs more ambitious, learning and mastering signatures more deep than such learned at elementary school. Once mastered all that High School imposes, they follow their path in Universities --> Post Graduated Schools. Even reaching professional level, more and more they must to study, practice and evolve.

¿Is this right?

My best regards,

Robert Bruce
20th March 2012, 03:30 AM
Buddhist masters process their current life while they are still alive, and in this way have little to process after death.

Anyone can do the same, with a lifelong daily meditation regime.

And right living and right thinking and right action are a way of not creating any more baggage.

But for all that, do not forget to enjoy your life. The purpose and meaning of life are to 'live your life to the full'.


Dear Sir...

¿That after life illusory status can be avoided if individual follows a special discipline when he's alive?

Devotion to a daily meditation routine avoiding drugs, numbing eating, and unnecessary contact with people ¿can serve in order to reduce to its minimum expression such an after life illusory status?

If previous is not, ¿what is the life style compatible with such purpose?

My best regards,

20th March 2012, 01:08 PM
The problem with deliberate reincarnation is that these Buddhist tulkus lose memories of their previous life rather quickly, till nothing can be remembered.

The big advantage seems to be reborn in a Buddhist setting and thats all.

Robert Bruce
1st April 2012, 07:24 AM
Again, we know very little about these things and how they work. Most of what we think we know, and what we can find in books, is more tradition and mythology than fact. This, because it is rare to find anyone with actual personal experience in these matters.

The 14th Deli Lama (current) for example, had to demonstrate that he had some memory of his previous life in order to pass required tests.

He also claims to have no real memories of past lives.

But the phenomena relating to the reincarnation lineage of the Deli Lamas do demonstrate a type of reincarnation that is not typical for the vast majority of people...more deliberate.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalai_Lama

And http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phowa


The problem with deliberate reincarnation is that these Buddhist tulkus lose memories of their previous life rather quickly, till nothing can be remembered.

The big advantage seems to be reborn in a Buddhist setting and thats all.