View Full Version : Some effects brought about by Focus 10.

23rd November 2011, 07:24 AM
Yesterday when i listened to "Introduction to Focus 10" in the Gateway Series I got into a state where I almost could'nt feel my body. This was not sleep paralysis as I know I still could move my body. When I was in this state it felt as if I/my conciousness was in a liquid state, or in som ekind of wave form. There was ripples and waves going through me, or I was ripples and waves. "My head" bent from one side to another and parts of my "body" was dislocated or in anothe rplace of where my physical body normaly is.
It's as if I was floating inside a shell/my physical body.
I followed up the excercice with "Advanced Focus 10" on the same cd and this time the feeling was different. It was a feeling of my body beeing very large or swollen and very heavy. A feeling of that I was very small in a huge shell. Don't know what this is called but I have heard a name for this somewhere.

I am wondering if this is typical symptoms of a trancestate?
If so, how can I get into a deeper trancestate?
If not, what is this state if any?

Rwgards //Linus

23rd November 2011, 04:04 PM
This is what I call energy body expansion. It is a sign of deep trance or energy body 'loosening'. It's the stage right before the exit, or shift' or the beginning of a shift. When I'm in that state I start planning what to do next.

If you don't think you're ready to exit yet, to deepen the trance I listen to my earhiss. But if you're already listening to binaurals it seems moot to me. Then, 'proceed to the exit', or do some energy body loosening, depending on what your aim is.

23rd November 2011, 08:16 PM
Aha, actually the word "expansion" makes sence because that describes the sensations pretty well. Thank you CFT, always good help from you ^^!
So you start to induce an exit technique when you have those symptoms? And the hardest question, how do I know if I'm not ready to exit?

This all makes me very happy. To be able to induce these states is a big step for me in my quest.

Regards //Linus

23rd November 2011, 08:55 PM
If you have not read this (http://www.explorations-in-consciousness.com/focus10.html) previously, I strongly suggest you read it. It is an excellent article written for TMI by Fred/Ashes, (of the EIC site) who is very knowledgeable on the subject.
If you're not ready, simply go back to where you were and continue your meditation/practice, it's what I do. :-)

24th November 2011, 07:43 AM
Wow, that was some good reading. And I never expected that one could go so deep into Focus 10 or that the state of conciousness of Focus 10 could contain so many layers. Thank you for the link!

If you're not ready, simply go back to where you were and continue your meditation/practice, it's what I do.

What I meanth was how do I know exactly, or how do I feel when I'm ready to try an exit technique. I mean what is the feeling you have when knowing that you are ready?

24th November 2011, 04:04 PM
Well, for me, there is an awareness that kicks in- a 'knowing' that I've switched. I can usually see through my eyes (or something) and I just know.

25th November 2011, 06:25 AM
Alright, I suppose I had something like that. It was as if I suddently became more aware and alert of myself. Like the description in the article you linked. Very interesting. It was, however, confusing because I did'nt know what to make of it. I just thought, damn.. now that coasy feeling went away and I thought that I would slip out of focus 10.
But now that I know, I'll give it lots more tries. Thank you CFT!

Regards //Linus

28th November 2011, 05:12 PM
CFTraveler, as always your help is invaluable. Thanks for the link.

If you have not read this (http://www.explorations-in-consciousness.com/focus10.html) previously, I strongly suggest you read it. It is an excellent article written for TMI by Fred/Ashes, (of the EIC site) who is very knowledgeable on the subject.
If you're not ready, simply go back to where you were and continue your meditation/practice, it's what I do. :-)

28th November 2011, 06:43 PM
I'd like to tell that I've been some time practising the focus 10 thing. My problem was that in every session my body got to a relaxed state, but progressively it started to microtense. I ended up with my body semiparalyzed but tensed, and that was a very disgusting sensation.

In another post I read there's some sort of brain mechanism that makes your body feel bad to check if you are asleep or not. I don't know if that's my case.

I've been able to improve the relaxation state through a "floatation" suggestion. In each inspiration I tell myself "I'm floating", and that makes my body lighter. One time I got asleep and I woke up in the vibrational state (I felt like being inside a cilindrical container full of vibrations). Another time I woke up with my body floating in the air, but anchored to the physical through the head.

The main problem, without any doubt, is to fall asleep in the middle of the session. The waking time is horrible.

9th January 2012, 09:54 AM
I have also fallen asleep alot of times during my Focus 10 sessions. It's easier now to not fall asleep though. But the microtension thing you write about is interesting, as I often feel hem myself. And if I actually try and relax my legs, they relaxe more.. as they are tense, which is annoying. It comes slowly and builds upp. I'v even begun shaking due to these tensions.
What did you do to solve the problem (if you solved it)?