View Full Version : LD or Metaphoric OBE? (Full life within a dream)

17th November 2011, 12:16 AM
As i am new to OBE research i have been thinking about past (potentially spiritual) experiences and i recently recalled an intense experience while abroad. i spent about two weeks in a small village in the south of france with my family and one of those weeks was spent in a "special" house. The place was beautiful and every thing was handmade by one of the villagers who lent the house to us. While staying their, much to my delight, i experienced extremely vivid LD's every night and after the first one i began to write them down.

One night in particular had me wondering recently if it could have been a "LD to OBE" type of experience. During this dream, i was a young guy kind of like myself in appearance and i was partying at a hotel with friends. Somehow, i was immediately aware that the celebration was related to me and my fiance's upcoming wedding (even though i don't even have a girlfriend in real life). At some point we (my friend and i) decided to do some drugs in the bathroom (some type of pills). As i grabbed them from a ziplock bag, a girl walked in on us and i felt a sense of dread and terror and i immediately knew she was my fiance, and she didn't approve of this. She then walked out and i felt a sinking, terrible feeling, the likes of which i've never even felt emotionally while awake! In a seeming "flash of experiences", we broke up and the intense sad feeling persisted into the next part.

At that instant, I was in some sort of office building and i felt like i belonged there. Apparently i was with a group of researchers who had just developed some sort of advanced rail gun (basically a laser ray) and it was supposed to be the most destructive gun known to mankind. Then, that intense sadness from before came back a bit stronger as i felt terrible for mankind and the death that our invention would bring. As i was pondering that, i felt a flash as if i was experiencing another "experience flash of my life passing". To describe it better, it made me feel as if i knew my life was progressing but the memories were compacted into a shorter time? I then found myself in an attic at the top of the White House, and i saw myself for an instant and i was George Washington except my face was carved of stone with an extremely sad expression. The grief i felt from before seemed to now be amplified even more. I remember being there for a while watching myself write something on a piece of parchment with a quill. At the time i was fully lucid and everything seemed extremely detailed and lively. I was actually fully aware of what i was writing and a seemingly external voice was narrating, but under my controlled thought. The writing was of a semi-political nature and it was about the fall of mankind and how the world would eventually destroy itself with the mistakes of man. Then almost movie-like, my view began to zoom out very slowly as i documented my last words: "and there he sat pondering his misery, awaiting his death for the rest of eternity." Then i awoke. I felt peaceful but kind of sad and the feeling lasted all day. With that feeling i also felt really good in a way that i had had such an amazingly lucid and profound dream.

It was only now that i realize this could possibly have been an OBE from a LD without the exit sensations. Also the last part of the dream (with George Washington) was the most lucid i've ever felt asleep in my life. Never before or since have i been able to maintain that level of emotion or thought within a dream. The sensation while it was happening was that i was living a full life and i actually believed it was happening. Does anyone think its possible that the house or bed i was in had such an energy to it that my dreams would all be lucid for a week straight? The rest of the trip i didn't even dream until i slept in this one bed for a week and every night was as vivid as the last (ending with the above experience).

17th November 2011, 01:58 AM
I had a different thought when I was reading your account. Either a parallel life, or something in the place that sent you to a different (I'm trying to remember the word, like 'resonance', but different) with a pattern.
Or a visit to the Akashic Records.... are you familiar with the work of Anthony Peake (http://www.anthonypeake.co.uk/forum/index.php)? Your experience(s) sound very ITLADian.

17th November 2011, 06:31 AM
Thanks for the insight, the Akashic records are of great interest to me and i hope that i can experience them when i get the hang of my meditation.

17th November 2011, 07:29 AM
What does LD mean...or ITLAD??

Is there any dictionay for all this kind of word´s??

17th November 2011, 08:52 AM
LD is lucid dream.
ITLAD Is there life after death? Itladian is referencing Peake's theory.

17th November 2011, 02:37 PM
In my original answer, I linked Anthony's forum to the reference in blue. (http://www.anthonypeake.co.uk/forum/index.php), so you could go there if interested.