View Full Version : Objectification / Validation / Reality fluctuations

14th November 2011, 10:07 AM
Hi Robert,

Thank you very much for your latest reply. I do have another question and that concerns how to objectify/validate experiences from the Real-Time Zone.

My idea is to be blindfolded, roll a die in a closet on a table, exit, close the closet door so I cannot see the die outside of the closet, THEN remove the blindfold, astrally project into the Real-Time Zone, go into the closet, check the die reading, get back to body, first thing: WRITE the astrally perceived reading of the die, THEN open the closet and check if I got it right. And then repeat this with say 10 die rolls and a present witness.

The problem here, I guess, would be reality-fluctuations... since checking things in RTZ may be influenced by circumstances in the past or present I might get a future or past die reading which would then just destroy this whole concept... but is there a way to get this to work?, I mean is there a way to enable verification of that I am really getting something from the Real-Time Zone which is in valid at a particular specified projection? Could energy work (NEW) support this, or are reality fluctuations something we cannot pin down in any way? I read somewhere that you were able to astrally project and scout your local surroundings and verify afterwards, this is what I want to pursue to begin with.

(Basically this is about me wanting to, beyond any doubt, establish the possibility of consciousness independent of a physical body.)

Best regards

Robert Bruce
9th February 2012, 11:56 PM
Yes, you can do this. I know people who get a 70% success rate with this type of test.

Its a good idea to use 'large' dice and have the inside of the closet illuminated so it will be easy to see in a glance.

Reality fluctuations occur whenever you 'look' at an object for more than a few seconds.

Energy work, especially chakra stimulation done in an altered state, will definitely help the power and memorability of a real time OBE

The major arcana of the tarot are also good for this, as each card is distinctly different from any other card....as opposed to a normal deck of cards.

I suggest you set up multiple tests, using dice, cards, etc, so if one does not work out you'll have a plan B, so you get the most out of each OBE
