View Full Version : Dream about a OBE?

8th November 2011, 09:19 PM
I just had a dream about having a OBE. At least I think it was a dream. In my dream, I went through vibrations. I felt my body vibrating and then used the cord trick to get out. Once out, i looked at my hands and saw myself as a ghost (transparent). I could only see out of my right eye. I tried seeing better by asking to see clearly(I read about this trick on a forum) it didnt work. I tried teleporting. But that didnt work either. I then decided to walk to my kitchen. I got there and saw my mom cooking. After that, i woke up. I went to the kitchen to see i my mom was cooking and she was but it wasnt what i dreamt she was cooking.

What do you guys thnk? Was this a dream or a obe? Its the second time i think i dream about a obe. How can you be sure its one?

8th November 2011, 10:16 PM
You never 'dream' an OBE. Dreams is just a kind of OBE itself anyway, but with your subconscious mind at the steering wheel instead of your conscious/lucid mind. The difference between dreams and other non-physical experience is thus the degree of lucidity and nearness to your subconscious (or higher self).

You were lucid, you controlled the exit, and what you wanted to see and experience. So it was a classical Astral Projection / OBE for me.

Teleporting often does not work (I am myself working on it, but it rarely works, especially controlled jumps). You mother cooking at the same moment is already a kind of real-time validation; not a strong one, but it is one - congrats!.

Yes, OBEs/APs are "felt" in memory like dreams sometimes as you have to 'download' or 'synchronize' your memories into your awareness which is tuned (by the brain as a filter) to the physical plane. This happens for dreams and APs alike, there is no difference, that's why we might remember APs 'dreamlike'.

If some things were not as they "should" be in the physical they are probably reality fluctuations. Remember that even in an OBE you just retrieve data from different sources and filter it, so there can be fluctuations of what you perceive - caused e.g. by your own thought form creations, sometimes emotions, or the focus overlay of different reality planes, alternative (probablistic) realities or past/future realities or events.

The fact that your mother did not cook what you then later saw (on the physical plane) does not devaluate the verification, as it might have been - as stated above - a fluctuation with a thought form of yours (or maybe a wish as you would have liked her to cook your favourite dish? :wink:)

Here's two good explanations on reality fluctuations and why they might happen. One is by Robert Bruce (http://books.google.de/books?id=PId1UeRY_TYC&pg=PA225&lpg=PA225&dq=) himself and one by J. Ziewe (http://www.multidimensionalman.com/Multidimensional-Man/Mechanics_of_Out-of-body_travel.html), another experienced projector.

I quote from J.Z. the most important passage here:

"The greatest criticism Out-Of-Body travellers face from skeptics is the fact that they are unable to supply proof of their OBE excursions, for example by reading messages out of sight from physical view or information from remote locations. The reason for this becomes obvious if we look at the diagram 1 of the sea shell. The shell represents the physical body and the seabed the physical world. The air bubble represents the projected subtle energy body and the area above the sea the higher dimensional counter part. As the OBE body is composed of the energy of the higher dimension its natural attraction is towards it and it passes very quickly from one dimension to the next, like an air bubble would find the quickest way to the surface and into the air.
It is relatively rare for the energy body to remain for any length of time on the physical level. I can count on one hand the number of times I was able to look at my physical body from the outside. OBE travellers often report discomfort whilst still on the physical level or a strong pull either towards it or away from it. Sometimes this can be accompanied by confusion, blurriness, blacked-out vision or disorientation.
OBE excursion take mostly place on the first dimensional counterpart of the physical, which appears to be an exact copy, but isn’t. Travellers often report slight abnormalities which they find confusing, such as the layout of their bedroom having changed, furniture being added or removed, pictures having changed etc. When asked to find information placed at a different location in order to test the authenticity of their experience they will nearly always fail to give an accurate report."
- Juergen Ziewe

8th November 2011, 11:43 PM
Thanks for your helpful reply, Volgerie.

The thing that makes me wonder if it was really an OBE, is that when I went to take my nap, I knew my mom was in the kitchen so it could easily have been a dream of her cooking. Also, in my dream(or OBE), my sister was present as well. However, I do remember feeling my body vibrate and me using exit techniques. Perhaps I wasn't fully conscious, which is why I'm not entirely sure if it was an exit. I might have done it a bit automatically because I also tried to exit earlier in the day, in vain. I used the cord trick as well as a trick where I pretend that I'm looking one way while facing another.

Also, when I first got out of my body, I asked myself "Am I really projecting? Is this the level of consciousness I am supposed to experience during an OBE?". I asked myself those questions because I've wondered in the past if during an exit, your level of lucidity is the same as when I'm walking around in everyday life. It seems that it was not the same since I have a bit of trouble recalling everything. All I remember is that I opened the door, walked out of the room where I was sleeping, and walked to the kitchen. After that, I simply woke up and shared my experience here.

So just a few questions:

What kind of level of lucidity do you usually experience during an exit? Does your lucidity get better as you improve and rivals the lucidity you feel in everyday life?

When you look at your astral body, what do you see? I saw mine as a spectre, but all I managed to see was my hands. I also could not see out of my left eye for some odd reason.

Also, you were right, what I saw my mother cooking was one of my favorite dishes :thumbsup:.

9th November 2011, 11:25 AM
So just a few questions:What kind of level of lucidity do you usually experience during an exit?
Very different, from highly lucid (which I think of as being similar to the waking awareness in the physical) down through a range of certain levels of lucidity to 'almost' dream-state like experiences. Sometimes it even vacillates within the experience. Sometimes I experience what I termed 'agenda-focussed lucidity' which is even possible in dreams for me.
All of this 'vacillation' is why I do not differentiate between lucid dream, OBE/astral projection, phasing etc anymore. The most important thing for me is the degree of lucidity during the experience - which varies. I call this continuum of consciousness "lucidventures" (or lucadventures").

Does your lucidity get better as you improve and rivals the lucidity you feel in everyday life?
Good question, I think it is a curve that is not strait but goes up and down in bumps, but you may experience still the overall learning effect as a general rising tendency. I guess it is the same for you and many of us here.
So imagine it as a kind of plot graph (each dot one experience; X-axis = date / sequence of experiences listed in chronological order, Y-axis = estimated degree of lucidity) with a linear regression equation and that linear slope moving straight upwards showing the 'positive trend'. Take sth like these as loose examples to get the gist of what I mean (of course, the derivative linear regression gradient is displayed here too steep though, development is not THAT fast - I wish though it were... ;)):

When you look at your astral body, what do you see? I saw mine as a spectre, but all I managed to see was my hands. I also could not see out of my left eye for some odd reason.
You do not have real 'eyes' in your astral body, you just receive data streams and then interpret it as what we term 'visuals'. Maybe your belief of 'having eyes' creates the restriction, but I can only hypothesise on it. Sometimes we do not get 'the whole picture' even of our own astral body. I've seen it quite differently at different occasions, sometimes I am even another person.
Looking on your astral 'hands' (which aren't hands either but metaphors like you whole Astral 'body'), btw, is a very good method to keep up or deepen lucidity and/or prolonging the experience. Keep it up, it's a good custom. I do this regularly too. It is also helpful if you experience darkness / exit blindness. Hold your hands before you, concentrate and/or demand clarity and light. Then you will first see your hands and later your surroundings. Some authors on AP also mention to rub your hands against each other to deepen the lucid experience.

Also, you were right, what I saw my mother cooking was one of my favorite dishes :thumbsup:.
That's great. :). I think it beautifully proves how we also manifest our desires and wishes as thought forms on the astral/etheric/RTZ plane.