View Full Version : Nightmare of an alien presence.

8th November 2011, 10:11 AM
I feel like I am experiencing something large. Something so much bigger than me that my consciousness has a hard time even fathoming it's existence. It's being incoumpeses so much yet at the same time it is largely non existent as well. It's so alien to me and yet seemingly a part of me as it's awareness is focused on me. I get the feeling it is probing my mind for a way to explain its existence. It pulls from inside me my concepts of "alien" and "universe" and somehow places itself outside those concepts. So far things have been fine. We seem to be learning from each other and it even speaks to me saying "I do not know of you... This is interesting." it said it as if it were god looking upon something it did not create. But then I do something I know deep down is wrong. I attempt to define this prescience into words. And I do it forcefully I can't remember now how exactly I defined this entity but it was so wrong that I felt like that mire thought was in a way an attack on this entity and this caused such an extreme fear response in me that it woke me up. After that I was paralyzed with fear looking into the darkness of my room dreading the possibility of seeing something there. Something alien. It took me a while to build up the courage to move and type this up on my iPod. This was nothing like any nightmare I have ever had. Most are violent and play on the animal fear of being attacked or hunted. This was on a whole nother level.

What do you all think? This has shook me up pretty bad.

8th November 2011, 01:25 PM
Hello, ProbableReality.

Any contact with a consciousness greater than your own has the potential to feel scary or overwhelming. It will certainly at first feel alien. Misunderstandings are common, and in all likelihood what you understood the message to be might have been a "mis-translation."

The kind of fear you're experiencing is a fear of the unknown, the unusual, the not-understood. You are probably overwhelmed by your own inner sense impressions and cannot quite process the experience. This explains the fear. When we need to stretch our belief system too much in one go in order to be able to absorb an experience this triggers a fear response because we are usually very identified with our mindset and beliefs. As we identify with the belief system we mentally translate any strong change to it as change to what we are and this can seem threatening.

It could be helpful to keep in mind that the experience is for now beyond your comprehension and ability to process. I seriously doubt you did any harm nor that it would be perceived as such, nor that the experience as such is a negative one. It's more about your reaction to the experience than anything. It could be helpful to take a break from nonphysical exploration and ground yourself in your physical existence for a while till you feel you have stabilized again.

Take care,

8th November 2011, 08:29 PM
Interestingly, I dreamt a "documentary" about experiences such as yours last night.