View Full Version : Can I prepare for Astral Noise?

7th November 2011, 10:00 AM
Hi Robert, and everyone else reading this,

Greetings from up above to downunder, I believe Sweden and Australia is exactly opposite on the globe!

Thank you for your book Mastering Astral Projection. I am doing the program right now.

I looked ahead a bit and saw that there will be Astral Noise and that it could ruin exit attempts. Knowing that I am especially sensitive to sounds (I startle easily from them) I wonder is there is anything I could do to prepare for them? One spontaneous suggestion that comes to mind could be to learn to trance/meditate and stay solid in theta and then introduce noises that I create, like recording a loud clap of my hands, or a stack of books falling to the floor, shouting at myself, shouting my name etc. and train to remain focused/solid before starting to train the exit techniques?

I have a second question. At some point on the web you refer to "the six things you must never do in the real-time zone" and that you have learned this from experience. These things, whatever they may be, do not seem to be mentioned in Mastering Astral Projection, would it be possible for you to disclose those things so I (and others) wont have to repeat them?

Best regards

Robert Bruce
8th November 2011, 02:22 PM

Your plan to prepare for astral noise will work. You can also try meditating in noisy areas, eg, parks, train stations, city, etc.

I'll have to check my files for these '6 things' as that was a newsletter I wrote some time ago...so I'll pass on that for now.

The main thing you should not do in the astral is to allow yourself to be scared. There is certainly nothing that will cause you h
