View Full Version : Simultaneouly 3 thing´s happening....

6th November 2011, 04:00 PM
Hi Robert Bruce.

What is this for state?? I sit and read a book suddenly I hear like a story be told in my ear´s and with my
mind¨s eye I am looking at a cartoon??
When I was younger I was very afraid when this happened, but now I only went tired, so I took my book
with me and thought I lye me down in bed and read, and that might go away if I change possission like moving to bed, I did only feel dizzy but all went on simutaneouly, until I put the book away and I feel to sleep, all the dream´s I had was about me not fitting in anywhere??
So what do you call this state??


Robert Bruce
8th November 2011, 02:33 PM
I think this state would be called 'spontaneous lucid dreaming' which is a bit like daydreaming but more visual.

This is a good sign that you are talented in this area. The next step is to take control of the experience within the dream state.


9th November 2011, 09:15 AM
Thank you Robert for your answere, but how can I take more control of my experience within dream state??

I have noticed that I already use information you have chared in my dream´s....if I suspect it is a neg I in one dream asked my sister to bring water, I did catch what I thought was a neg but it was only one aspect of my self....then in another dream I did suspected a fuffy one floating in air to be a neg....and it went into my right arm...so first I spitted on my arm...as spit is wet....then I asked my grandchild to bring me salt....and all this is a prof of that I use information already in my dream´s....but how to take more control of my dream´s??...

Now when I got to know about you my health has improved dramatically....and people who know me does see it very clearly...so I say....it is Robert Bruce who must have the credit of me feeling better, Robert has told the truth about us as being´s...this is so big for me since I have battled with my energybody my whole life....and not to know what it was made me so fearful against my self....I have bean so afraid of my self my whole life.
Thank you for freeing me!!
I sure do love you!!


Robert Bruce
26th November 2011, 10:35 AM
G'day IA,

The way to do this is to increase your level of consciousness, and your connection with your higher self.

This is done through meditation, energy work, and belief system cleansing, and through living your life more consciously.

See my article 'the catch basket concept' for more on how to go about that and how it works.


(I tried to upload the .pdf but its a bit too big. But its probably on this site, too.)


28th November 2011, 03:21 PM
Hi Robert Bruce.
I have heard my higher self speak...I have a very deep almost male very stong voice...I was so surprised so I do not remember what it said...but very respectfully called me IA as my name is....It is not my birth name...and the dream caracter´s do not want to call me IA but by my birth name....one night one dream caracter said...So this all is the project to save Rauni....and I said...It is not my name...but it continued to call me R...and I said...it is not my name...I feel it dis-respect when not listen to me...I have registred IA and it is my real name....Period.
Thank you for your answere, I have some reading to do :wink:

I did for the first time in my dream be attacked by flyes (sorry my spelling is bad)...so I have to awake me from the dream...and
when I did go to sleep again...now I saw a whole floore covered with spiders and small bugg´s...I was thinking how to clean all this..but suddenly the whole room was coverd with snow....and I was thinking...well...that went easy...now I have to showel out the snow and all bugg´s are dead.....??

Usually I have people tormenting me in my dream´s...but this was hideous...Is the "hell" now coming to day light?? so to speak