View Full Version : URGENT - Is it wise to wear your q link when you have a flutter attached?

4th November 2011, 06:31 PM
I have sworn by mine, its made such a difference to me. The problem is that recently i had a very heavy attachment and i removed the qlink just in case it was feeding it. That attachment was removed but I now have a flutter attched. In fact its what lead me to roberts work. I have had a horrible week and i would not have even believed they existed until seven days ago. This think is making my heart out of rythm and undulating inder my skin. (yes i have seen the doctor and im undergoing tests, but im healthy and i dont smoke or drink)

Now to all of you who dont believe in qlink, dont post. I dont need an opinion on that. What i need to know if putting on the qlink will help me to get rid of the flutter, along with all the other work in roberts defence handbook that i have just bought.

PLease could you reply asap, this is very urgent.



5th November 2011, 10:47 AM

I had this problem for a few years. Here is the process I went through to help eliminate the problem.
1) Take liquid mineral supplements and spray on magnesium. Magnesium is best absorbed through the skin. This eliminates muscular spasm issues due to low mineral levels. (Doctors know little about mineral supplements).
2) Take salt baths with coffee grinds added but drink lots of water in advance. This will help drain and remove negative energy from your body and aura.
3) Do microbanishments on the main areas affected. I know these things move around but they do tend to hang out in certain spots. Draw the gnostic cross (circle with a cross inside) on these areas if you like.
4) Do cleansing meditations on these areas since they are likely areas of negative energy build up. Flood them with white light and burn with violet light etc.
5) If this still hangs on study Pranic healing and Chinese ritual magic. These are the most powerful healing practices that I know.

Note: Do not be overly worried about all this. These things were inside you before you put on the qlink and even before you felt them move around. Everyone is starting to feel things like this as the energies of the world increase. The higher energies flooding our world have disturbed a lot of things. The qlink eases the transition to these higher energies so would recommend you continue wearing it. Better to be aware of these flutters then before when they were there but you were unaware of them and their affects on you. Being aware you are now able to work on clearing them out.


Robert Bruce
6th November 2011, 05:15 PM

Wearing a q link can only help. It will certainly not make a flutter any worse.

There are a couple of things you can do that will help.

1. micro banishments. Perform a banishment pentagram over the site where the flutter is felt being active (fluttering). This must be signed by hand and the words spoken aloud...the Tetragrammagon (primary godname) is best.

2. Find a pranic healer with experience removing attachments and repairing the energy body.

This site has some good information on pentagrams, and the LBRP http://asiya.org/article.php/InvokingandBanishingPentagrams

3. Learn and practice the LBRP (lesser banishment ritual of the pentagram)

4. Other countermeasures are in my book 'The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook' (first or second edition...but the 2nd edition is way better)


6th November 2011, 07:45 PM
Thankyou so much Robert. I have bought your book this week and its been the most amazing tool so far. I will explain:

I have been meditating or about 25 years and i am very aware of my energy. I have never had a discernable attack before. Recently i was looking for a new house to rent and when returning home from visiting one, i had a disturbing 'attack'. In short, it was the classic sexual dream and body sensations. In the dream, a man was in my bed, and i instinctively put my hands around his throat an told him to leave as he is not welcome. For the next week, as i was falling asleep i could feel something attaching to my body and draining my energy. I would wake up more tired than before. Eventually it was happening all day and whats more my dog could see what it was and was freaking out. I found the q-link was making it worse, and any energergetic chanting seemed to feed it. Eventualy i had my chakras cleansed by a freind and this thing lifted off me like ash floating away. it was frightening and surreal. I had no idea on how to deal with this.

Then i moved into a new house. It was a lovely house but after living in it for a day our so, i noticed a very strong energy trying to get 'into' me from my back. After what had happened before, i was now aware of how it felt. Then something half knocked me over and seemed to enter my body through my kidney, go under my buttock and down into my leg. Now, bear in mind as this is happening im terrified and i dont scare easily. Then ever since for about 4 days i have been feeling my skin undulate when im trying to sleep and my heart pounding and echoing around my body. It got so bad that i went to the emergency room and they did an ecg. They said i had a low sinus rythm and an artrial delay. I felt something was inside me and it was absolutly terrifiying me. A medium i called could not get anything other than a young girl hanging around me. This takes us to last wednesday. Then i found your book after a google search.

I am a veteran listener to coast to coast am and had heard of you. So i bought it and read it straight away. I was totally floored to read that you described it all exactly. So i have been doing the core affirmation and the body energy work. This has lessened the flutter and i can now sleep. Its very slowly going and has improved since my first post. Im still aware of energies trying to get in to me and im rebuffing them well, but its hard work. Im trying to fix what it is that is attracting them to me. Im a balanced person with lots of energy and am fairly happy. But im realising that i still hold some fears and i think thats their way in.

Anyway, to finish. I could not have believed this 2 weeks ago but now after all these years my eyes have been opened. Thank you so much for your work. Im not the usual sycophantic flatterer, but i sincerely could not have even begun to fight this without your book. I would not have known where to start.

Im continuing to clear myself and will soon win. Thankyou robert. Any other advice you have would be gratefully received.

Best wishes,


6th November 2011, 10:23 PM
Thankyou Violet, Im going to follow your advice. This stuff is really opening my eyes.
After an entire adult lifetime of meditating, chanting and teaching meditation im truly amazed at all of this.

Anna :) x

Robert Bruce
7th November 2011, 11:50 AM

I am pleased to be of service, and that my book has helped.

Please do not forget to do micro banishments...these really help.
