View Full Version : White-Out

Neil Templar
4th November 2011, 01:34 PM
I'm floating above Edinburgh. The city is covered in snow. Really covered. I see mounds that look like glaciers in the streets.
Then i'm seeing what is like a news broadcast, talking about the snowfalls. The entire country has come to a standstill. I see a town hall, on the Orkney Islands. The town hall is almost unrecognisable, except for the ornate carvings on the corner of the walls, up by the roof. It's almost entirely covered by snow.
Then i'm down on the ground, in my body. I want to get out of town, go to my Mum's place, to wait out this situation. It's a long way, about 10 miles or so. I see some taxis, i wonder if they can get me there.
Some other people are there at the taxi stand. They seem to be fighting over who is gonna get in the taxis.
I decide to leave the taxis. They probably can't get around anyway.
I decide to walk. It's gonna be a long walk....

I wake up with a strong feeling...it's gonna be a harsh Winter...