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3rd November 2011, 09:21 PM
Hey everybody!
Yortyort here. I have missed this forum! I hate to say it but I have quite embarrassing news:shrug: I still have not consciously induced and OBE... I have been attempting it, a bit less frequently as of late though, for nearly 2 years. I have gained amazing control over my energy bdy and chakras but still have not experienced an OBE. Any tips?:?

3rd November 2011, 09:40 PM
Hi Troy, nice to see you back!
No need to be embarrassed, it's been quite a year! Anyway, tell me what you're doing and maybe we'll have some ideas.

3rd November 2011, 11:23 PM
It has been quite a year! I was just reminded of how much help you shared and wanted to touch base... see if I could get any more of your graceful help. I have kept a constant activity of activating chakras and running energy at least once a day. I get the inspiration maybe once a week to give a good half hour to trying to exit, but have had no luck. Like before, I almost always experience vibes and occasionally hear astral noises. I have been experimenting with LOA in my life and have been amazed. I read an article about a man using LOA to find something simple like balloons. I prayed and wished to find green balloons specifically and in the week or so long period that I really tried hard I saw/found 3 green balloons! I was thinking maybe throughout a few days should I practice using LOA to inform my higher self that I really want to get OB to increase my chances? I should also search around for some new exit techniques... I hope to OBE by December!

3rd November 2011, 11:35 PM
I was just stumbling around on the internet and found an article on breathing. I think that is my problem. I need to be more presently conscious and take more time to breathe deeply, in a different sense than meditation.

3rd November 2011, 11:45 PM
I was thinking maybe throughout a few days should I practice using LOA to inform my higher self that I really want to get OB to increase my chances? To use the LOA you need to realize that you are already successful and go with that. I like the affirmation "I remember my projections"- in the present tense, because it is a given.

4th November 2011, 12:10 AM
I'm sorry, but what do you mean by "you need to realize that you are already successful and go with that?"

4th November 2011, 11:50 AM
You need to be more relaxed deeply in your body, you are too tense.

4th November 2011, 02:18 PM
I'm sorry, but what do you mean by "you need to realize that you are already successful and go with that?" Remember that the LOA is about programming your subconscious, and your subconscious has had years of programming telling you that your focus of consciousness is in your body, because that's how it functions in daily life.
Now, we know that you project every time you sleep, therefore, the affirmation "I remember my projection" makes the assumption (a necessary one, because the subconscious does not know 'if's) that you are already projecting, you just have to experience it fully. So it keeps you in the present (the future doesn't exist, there is only the now) and it tells your subconscious that it's ok to experience it while aware.

14th November 2011, 03:15 AM
Ok, thank you so much, that makes sense! Thank you IA56 also. I felt as though I was very loose and meditative, but after reading your message I realized how tense I actually was! Haha! I'm making a promise that my next post will be about my remembered projection. CF, I can't describe my love for you as you have helped me so deeply and been so patient with me. God bless!

14th November 2011, 03:27 PM

16th November 2011, 01:54 PM
Ok, thank you so much, that makes sense! Thank you IA56 also. I felt as though I was very loose and meditative, but after reading your message I realized how tense I actually was! Haha! I'm making a promise that my next post will be about my remembered projection. CF, I can't describe my love for you as you have helped me so deeply and been so patient with me. God bless!

I second your sentiments on CFTraveler. She should be granted sainthood now.

Anyhow, I'm curious if you've turned your attention to your dreams yet, looking there for reasons why your projection attempts are failing?

I have only been at this for a few months, but have had little success despite some very early and promising activity (partial exits). What's interesting is that my higher-self is faithful to guide me to the answer on the source of the failures via dreams. Failures is a poor word here, there are no failures, only evolution.

All one has to do is set their intention to the self and ask for guidance through dreams. I've been blown away with how detailed the dreams have been, and yes, the answers are clear each time. So I've been working through them.

And on that point, have you experimented or given much attention to Lucid Dreaming? This is an excellent way to start gaining a foothold in conscious exploration. I think it's a bit simpler, the same principles apply, and as far as I can tell, it's simply the flip side of the same coin as Astral Projection: the conscious-controlled movement inward where the mind is responsible for creating and controlling the environment to some degree. It takes some of the pressure off since it doesn't require a lot of energy work, trance states, etc. Yet, there's still a core element of awareness one must develop through meditation, which is all pure goodness anyhow.

Just my two cents.
