View Full Version : How do you visit people through astral projection?

23rd October 2011, 08:46 PM
How do you visit people through astral projection?

23rd October 2011, 10:15 PM
You usually can visit people during an OBE, but when it's a projection to the astral, who you will see will be an energetic expression of them.
The way I've been able to do it is to ask my guides to take me to them, any other way I just get lost.

Aunt Clair
12th November 2011, 01:59 AM
I link to the target. The linking is made stronger with the "fuel"or source of the thread to trace back to them.In a hierarchy text is the least efficient of these to link to, a group photo is better,a personal photo is much better,a voice or a personal object is easier, with permission in person is the best. I open in protection, deep cleanse, raise energy and begin. I visualise, will and intend to locate that person or place and then send energy to it.

If they are giving permission , than this is much easier.By opening in protection and raising energy at the same time the links is strenghthened. I send them energy and invite them to swing this like a pendalum back to me. I follow that like a rope back to them.

18th November 2011, 02:23 PM
I borrow a sweater or an article of clothing from then that has a scent and use the scent while drifting off. I have had 9 successful joint OBE's with this method. Not a whole lot I know but I am only counting the Joint OBE's where the other person had similar experiences.

19th December 2011, 02:15 AM
One of my main reasons to practice conscious OBE was to meet with the Higher Self of other individuals, Higher Self to Higher Self ... to aid in healing relationships. Is that even feasible? Much of what I see recorded here seems either recreational or experimental, not a spiritual journey.

I know that despite my lack of memory, I do travel the astral planes. This morning I woke up with the feeling like my major chakras - abdomen and crown - had taken quite a surge of energy. Ever since reading and applying energy exercises, I have been able to recognize the difference between the physical nerve complaint and actual chakra energy movements.

19th December 2011, 04:03 PM
You can meet your HS, but it may not be what you expect. My most 'satisfying' experiences with HS have been in trance, but not projected.

19th December 2011, 10:16 PM
I have already met my Higher Self in altered mind States - *lol* I am more concerned with being able to converse with the higher selves of others to try to resolve problems or heal things. Traditionally, in my heritage, we used the astral realms to meet with higher beings, to gain wisdom or perspective and for deep healing on soul level.

I have read halfway through your dream journal, Traveler. It is interesting to see your progression and adventures on the astral planes.

20th December 2011, 03:56 AM
Lol- I hope your eyes are ok. I started keeping a journal when I learned to project consciously, but I'd done it spontaneously all my life, without knowing what I was doing. Those early ones were more fun, let me tell you.

20th December 2011, 09:14 PM
It's not really the eyes, but the brain overload. *lol* Everywhere I turn on this forum there is something intense to process against my own raw experiences.

I have lots of memories of EARLIER astral events, and have a kind of vision state I spontaneously access now. If I remember my current dreams, they are epic and multi-layered, some are lucid, but I do not discern astral qualities in them so much, maybe some RTZ activity involving houses I have lived in. I have spent time in dreams with people who are dead in this world, but I do not recall WHERE that took place. I am aware that just because I do not remember stuff vividly, it does not mean it is not happening. Too many intuitive triggers and vague memories (familiarities) available and access to info not normally humanly accepted as possible to know. I figure I am blocked from total awareness of it all for a good reason, and can trust Higher Self / Source to sort it out, or maybe they are waiting for me to build up courage and energy for the next level. I have experienced some pretty overwhelming "downloads" in the recent past, and I guess my physical brain has created limitations that protect me from the confusion of it all.

But I have received "energetic vibrations" just from reading RB's instructions and experiences that are toggling memories even more. I remember visiting or being in the Rainbow Realm when I was a child. And I remember when I was new to this world I always heard everything in creation singing, resonating with beautiful music. Later I wondered why the music stopped, and why no one else in my family could hear it. I can hear it now again, but have to listen so closely. And I have met others who can hear it as well.

Aunt Clair
10th January 2012, 10:23 AM
One of my main reasons to practice conscious OBE was to meet with the Higher Self of other individuals, Higher Self to Higher Self ... to aid in healing relationships. Is that even feasible?
One can learn to project as their HS while in trance bi location and to evoke the HS of another and in this way communicate with own HS and the HS of another.
Here are some methods;