View Full Version : Can you help me with entities?

23rd October 2011, 06:23 PM
Hi Robert Bruce,
There are evil human entities that mess with me all day long. They spiritually put words on me and my things and they spiritually say negative things to me. Can you astral project to my house and get rid of them for me (or at least find someone else to)?

Robert Bruce
9th February 2012, 11:42 PM
First, read my book on this, the new 'The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook' and apply the countermeasures and advice it gives. Then post your experiences using the countermeasures and I will advise.

Alternatively, seek out an experienced Pranic Healer, as a big part of what they do is removing spirit attachments. The higher levels of pranic healing included Pranic Psychotherapy, which deals with spirit problems and negative attacks.
